

A story about a child with the mark that will bring about the destruction of worlds, such a great power lies in the hands of a child. what is the fate of the world?

Asiazobor_Daniel · Fantasie
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27 Chs

chapter 19: darkness and redemption

Alice was trembling with fear and apprehension as she faced the formidable figure of the elder, who was none other than their revered queen. Despite her overwhelming trepidation, the queen persisted, urging Alice to respond to her pressing inquiry. Summoning every ounce of courage and resilience within her, Alice rose to her feet, determined to provide an answer. With measured steps, she approached the queen, extending her trembling finger towards me, and uttered the words, "Jordan is responsible."

The shock and disbelief that coursed through me were palpable, causing me to exclaim, "What?! How? When?" Suddenly, the memories of what had transpired between me and Elfin in our cell came flooding back. It dawned on me that it was not Elfin who had committed the act, but rather Alice. She had orchestrated the deed and employed Elfin as a scapegoat to conceal her own wrongdoing.

In a mix of astonishment and anguish, I couldn't help but confront Alice, questioning her motives. The crowd around us gazed at me in utter surprise as she responded, her voice filled with sorrow, "I'm sorry, Jordan, but I had no choice. I couldn't bear to meet the same fate as the others. If I am to perish, I must ensure that there is a future, a child who can carry on where I left off." Tears streamed down her face incessantly as she wept, weighed down by the weight of her decision.

Upon hearing Alice's defiant words, the queen slowly awoke from her stupor, her face contorted in disgust. With a swift and forceful motion, she delivered a resounding slap across Alice's cheek, the sound echoing through the air. Her voice dripped with disdain as she uttered, "You are a disgrace to our society. Do you comprehend the magnitude of your actions? Engaging in a physical relationship without a man's consent? How utterly debased."

To our astonishment, Alice retorted angrily, challenging the queen's authority in a way we had never witnessed before. Even as tears continued to cascade down her face, she declared, "I care not for your labels, my queen. All I know is that I did what was necessary. I longed to experience the profound love of motherhood, to understand the depths of that connection. I cannot bear the thought of passing away without leaving a legacy behind. Jordan, I apologize for involving you without your consent, but I saw this as my only chance. Please find it in your heart to forgive me. I do not seek your responsibility for this child; I merely desire the opportunity to care for and raise it."

Overwhelmed with sadness and seething with anger, I found myself at a loss for what to do. I glanced at Amma, whose eyes remained fixed upon me, silently pleading for guidance. Consumed by shame, anger, and sorrow, I slowly approached Gina, calculating each step with precision. Extending my hand, I reached for the time portal pendant that dangled from her grasp. With the pendant firmly in my possession, I turned away from the bewildered crowd, overwhelmed by the weight of a crime I did not commit.

I sprinted through the dense woods, the deafening chorus of night crickets and haunting hoots of owls echoing in my ears. Fear gripped me, causing me to stumble and crash to the ground. Hastily getting back on my feet, I continued my frenzied run, fueled by the illusion of an impending pursuit.

Finally, I reached a clearing within the woods, where the moon cast an ethereal glow, illuminating the surroundings. The once cacophonous symphony of the night creatures had ceased, leaving behind an eerie silence. Sensing an opportunity for solace, I decided to seek refuge in meditation, hoping it would provide clarity amidst the chaos.

Seating myself gently on the ground, I crossed my feet and closed my eyes, attempting to delve into the depths of meditation. However, Alice's haunting voice persisted, reverberating in my mind, disrupting any chance of inner peace.

Suddenly, a peculiar and whimsical voice whispered in my head, suggesting an audacious solution. "Hey silly, you possess the time portal pendant. Why not use it to return?" The words resonated within me, prompting a realization that escaping this realm of guilt for a crime I did not commit was within my reach.

Carefully, I placed the time portal pendant on the ground and uttered the words, "Time portal, take me to the floating temple of Ersatz City." Time seemed to stand still as I anxiously awaited the portal's activation. Minutes ticked by, and nothing happened. Undeterred, I made another attempt, questioning if the floating temple of Ersatz City still existed. Despite numerous tries, the time portal remained inert, leaving me frustrated and disheartened.

Once again, the enigmatic voice whispered in my ear, addressing me as "silly Jordan," and offered a solution. With a mix of anger and desperation, I bellowed into the night, alone in the depths of the woods, "How? How am I supposed to do it? I've exhausted every conceivable approach, but nothing works!"

The voice responded, revealing the key to activating the time portal pendant. "All you need to do is envision the desired place, channel your unwavering desire to be there, and command the time portal with the power of your mind, not your voice." As the voice faded away, a spark of determination ignited within me, ready to embark on a new approach to unlock the portal's potential.

I gingerly lifted the time portal pendant from the ground, securing it around my neck. Closing my eyes, I immersed myself in thoughts of yearning for the familiarity of home, desperate to embrace my mother once more. With heartfelt determination, I commanded the time portal pendant to transport me back to my real world, where I could hold my mother and find solace in her presence.

As my eyes remained shut, a vivid image formed in my mind. The time portal pendant was forcefully tugged from my neck, descending to the ground with a resounding thud. In its place, a colossal portal materialized, its swirling energy captivating my senses. Opening my eyes, I beheld the reality of the portal before me. Through its mystical gateway, I caught a glimpse of the dying woman from my dreams, the one who sought my help. She parked her car in front of a magnificent house, stepping out with an air of familiarity. It was my real mother, beckoning me to come inside.

Yet, as I prepared to step forward, a surge of conflicting emotions flooded my mind. The thought of abandoning Gina, Amma, and Logan, knowing the potential risks they faced, gnawed at my conscience. Faced with this dilemma, I made the difficult decision to return to them and picked up the time portal pendant. However, to my astonishment, the darkness of the night grew even more profound, obscuring my surroundings. The moon's light only extended to the small space where I stood. Resigned to spending the night in this haunting darkness, I settled down, crossing my feet and gazing up at the celestial canvas adorned with shooting stars.

Lost in my reverie, I suddenly felt a cold and gentle touch upon my shoulder, causing me to jump in surprise. My gaze darted behind me, and to my astonishment, it was Alice standing there. "Why did you follow me here after everything you've done?" I questioned, anger seeping into my voice. Her reply lingered in the air, suspended in the silence.

"I understand that you're angry with me, Jordan, but I implore you to find it in your heart to forgive me and try to comprehend my motivations. What I did was never intended to harm you. Consider this, if you were to fight Zargo in two days and lose, you would need someone to carry on your legacy, wouldn't you? That's why I did what I did."

Her words hung in the air, and I stared at her in disbelief, the weight of her actions still fresh in my mind. "Regardless of your intentions, it doesn't change the fact that you did what you did, and I'm furious with you. I would really appreciate it if you would leave now before my anger consumes me," I insisted, my voice filled with intensity. But she remained defiant, refusing to back down. "It's alright for you to be angry at me. I understand. It's natural to fret over what Gina and Amma might think of you, isn't it?" she asked, a smug smirk playing on her lips. And she was right, though I hated to admit it.

"You're right, but my greatest concern is Amma. What will she think of me now?" I replied, a tinge of sadness coloring my voice.

"It's alright, Jordan. Amma isn't angry with you," she reassured me, her tone filled with sincerity.

"Really? How do you know?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"Yes, she spoke to me when you ran away, and she advised me to come and talk to you," she explained.

"She did?" I questioned, my confusion evident.

"Yes, and she wants you to come home," she replied, starting to make her way back into the woods, attempting to return home.

The night enveloped us in its darkness, and I couldn't bear to let her go just like that. A wave of pity washed over me, and I called out to her, "I don't want to go now. Let's wait until morning. How about we watch the shooting stars together throughout the night?" I extended an invitation for her to join me, and she didn't refuse. Taking a seat close to me, this time, I had nothing to fear, for she was now technically my wife.

We sat there, gazing at the shooting stars for a while. I decided to lie down on the ground, resting my back to get a better view. And that's when something inexplicable occurred. She, too, stretched out, facing the night sky, and as she turned to look at me, her eyes turned a haunting white. Her hand gently rested on the center of my head, and before I knew it, I fell into a deep slumber.

When I awoke the next morning, I was overcome with shock at what lay before my eyes.