

A story about a child with the mark that will bring about the destruction of worlds, such a great power lies in the hands of a child. what is the fate of the world?

Asiazobor_Daniel · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Chapter 16: unveiling the unknown

Then she began speaking, her voice filled with sorrow. "Once, we led a joyous and idyllic existence in our enchanting realm known as Labatas. Our valiant men, the greatest blessing bestowed upon us, would bravely defend us from harm. Their sole purpose was to father our children. However, amidst the virtuous, there always lurks an evil presence, and that was Dairo. Consumed by envy and jealousy, Dairo, devoid of a wife, child, or siblings, believed he had nothing to lose. Thus, he embarked on a quest for power in the realm of the unknown. He sought the ability to impregnate a woman, but little did he know what awaited him in the abyss.

On a radiant morning, Dairo ventured deep into the forest, accompanied by my beloved husband, Ruka, whom I yearned for dearly. They delved into the heart of the woods, ostensibly in search of a remedy for Dairo's plight. Yet, unbeknownst to Ruka, Dairo's true purpose was to uncover 'inora'—the power to achieve the impossible."

My husband, a mere mortal accompanying his friend in search of a remedy, found themselves standing before a mountain of immense significance. This was no ordinary mountain; it was known as 'the great cursed mountain.' Our people had forbidden its exploration for countless generations, relegating it to the depths of the forest in the vast expanse of the 'never-ending lands.' As my husband laid eyes upon this forbidden peak, he abruptly halted, his curiosity piqued. "Dairo, why have we ventured to this place?" he inquired. Dairo turned to him, a deceptive smirk playing upon his lips. "For the cure, of course, Ruka. What else did you think brought us here?" he responded, his tone laced with cunning. My husband, his face betraying his nervousness, replied, "Well, I must admit, I've heard tales aplenty about this mountain." Dairo, intrigued, questioned further, "Truly? You've heard much about this mountain? Pray, enlighten me with the knowledge you possess." And so, at this juncture, they stood at the very precipice of the mountain, their destinies intertwined with its secrets.

My husband, his voice trembling with nervousness, cautiously revealed the whispered legends surrounding the mountain. "They say this mountain holds the secrets of dark powers, granting those who seek 'inora' the ability to shape the world according to their desires. However, I've never heard of it bestowing abilities for benevolent purposes." Dairo, with an air of honesty, responded, "You're correct, Ruka. I am not here in search of a cure for my circumstances. I seek 'inora' to wield the power to reshape the world as I see fit. Imagine the immense power we could possess together, Ruka. Let us venture into the heart of the mountain and seek 'inora'." His words accompanied by an evil smirk. Overwhelmed with confusion and fear, my husband implored, "Why, Dairo? Why have you brought me to this forbidden place?" Dairo, his voice dripping with persuasion, pressed on, "You still fail to comprehend, don't you? Picture this, Ruka: the ability to obtain anything you desire with a mere blink of an eye. What would it be?" My husband responded resolutely, "Nothing. I have everything I've ever yearned for—a loving wife, a child, a home. I desire nothing more. And what I truly want now is to prevent you from entering that mountain. Our ancestors forbade it for a reason." This reminder of his own desolate situation angered Dairo, leading him to forcefully push my husband aside.

As my husband stumbled and fell upon a mysterious mark resembling an activation button, the ground beneath us trembled violently, as if an earthquake had been unleashed. A colossal rock descended from the mountain's peak, poised to crush my husband, but Dairo swiftly intervened, pushing him out of harm's way. The rock crashed down upon a statue standing at the mountainside, causing the mountain itself to fracture, unveiling a peculiar key in the shape of a horse. This enigmatic key held the power to unlock the mountain's entrance.

Dairo advanced towards the peculiar key, picking it up with purpose. He turned to my husband, his gaze filled with both sorrow and determination, and posed the question, "Are you with me, Ruka?" With a mixture of sadness and concern, my husband replied, "Yes, Dairo. You saved my life, and I am willing to do anything for you. However, I hope that this path we embark upon will not lead us astray." Dairo assured him, "Trust me, Ruka. Everything will be alright. Thank you for considering joining me on this journey into the heart of the mountain." With their resolve strengthened, they approached the mountain's entrance.

There, they beheld a majestic figure resembling a horse, positioned at the gateway of the mountain. Dairo approached it with gentle reverence, carefully placing the strange key upon its form.

The resounding echoes of the earthquake once again filled the air, but this time, it was the colossal, weighty metal gates that guarded the entrance to the mountain that began to swing open. As the gates parted, a dense cloud of smoke billowed out, shrouding everything in its ethereal embrace.

As the smoke gradually dissipated, the hidden interior of the mountain was unveiled before their eyes. "By the spirits, is this the clandestine secret our ancestors kept from us?" Dairo exclaimed in awe. My husband, however, harbored a sense of suspicion. "No, Dairo. There's something peculiar about this place. Why would anyone choose to conceal countless treasures of gold within these depths? It defies logic, unless..." Before my husband could finish his thought, Dairo interjected, "Unless what, Ruka?" My husband continued, "Unless this is all an illusion."

Dairo's response was filled with conviction, "Wow, really? This cannot be an illusion, Ruka. I can feel the solidity of everything around me. Illusions cannot be touched, right? Regardless, I am not concerned with what it may be. I am solely here for Inora." In that moment, a chilling voice emerged from the depths of the golden heap upon the floor, declaring, "Finally, a man of wisdom stands before me. Just imagine the heights of power and wealth you could attain with my abilities!" My husband turned in shock, searching for the source of the voice, only to find emptiness. Dairo confidently replied, "Mighty one, we have come seeking Inora, please grant me the power to rule"

The chilling voice responded, "Grant you the power to rule, you shall have." Dairo's mouth was forcefully pried open, and a dense, ominous smoke emerged from the mound of gold on the floor, slithering its way into Dairo's being. Overwhelmed, Dairo collapsed to the ground, convulsing and gasping for air, while the sinister voice echoed once more, this time addressing my husband. "And what power do you desire?" Gripped by fear, my husband found himself unable to utter a single word, trembling as he stood there, paralyzed by uncertainty.