

A story about a child with the mark that will bring about the destruction of worlds, such a great power lies in the hands of a child. what is the fate of the world?

Asiazobor_Daniel · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Chapter 15: Elfin's emotion

Elfin POV: "Jordan! Jordan, wake up," I called out softly, gently tapping him to rouse him from his slumber. He slowly opened his eyes and whispered, "Elfin! Let's go, it's already midnight." I nodded, my heart heavy with the knowledge that we couldn't escape the ropes binding us. "I wished I could help you, Jordan, but these ropes are the strongest thing in the world," I explained. He looked at me, confusion etched on his face. "Wait, what do you mean by the strongest thing in the world?" he asked. I took a deep breath before responding, my voice filled with sorrow. "Only the elder's blade can cut through it," I revealed. His eyebrows furrowed as he questioned me further. "Huh! How many times have you been tied up?" he asked. I paused for a moment, knowing the weight of my answer. "You don't want to know, trust me," I assured him, my voice tinged with sadness. And then, the words spilled out, filled with sorrow and blame. "It's all your fault, Jordan. We shouldn't have been here, but you're so obsessed with that Amma girl," I said, my voice filled with sadness. He took a moment before responding, his voice filled with honesty. "Well, the truth is, Amma is my first love. I fell in love with her the very first day I saw her, and I can't change that," he confessed. My heart sank as I pleaded with him, my voice filled with desperation. "But in your world, there are a lot of boys, and Amma can pick any boy from there. But here in DOOM, we don't have any boys. We're all girls, which means our generation is slowly fading away. Jordan, please, just love me. Please," I begged, my voice cracking as tears streamed down my face. I fell to my knees, overcome with emotion.

Jordan's pov: I approached her gently, offering comfort. "Hey, Elfin, it's alright. Please don't cry. Everything will be okay," I reassured her, even though I didn't know how. She remained silent and then unexpectedly hugged me. "I hope things get better soon, Jordan," she whispered before kissing me. We shared a brief moment, but I quickly pulled away, feeling guilty. "Elfin, we don't have to do this," I pleaded. However, she persisted, wanting to continue kissing. Determined to escape the cell, I searched for a way out, but suddenly, I felt dizzy. I couldn't comprehend what had happened or what she had done to me. The next morning, I woke up to find myself half-naked, and Elfin was in the same state, still asleep. I shook her awake, saying, "Hey! Wake up!" Confused, she noticed me and asked, "Why are you naked, Jordan?" I retorted, "Hey, shouldn't I be asking you that, Miss Elfin?" She glanced at herself and questioned, "What did you do to me, Jordan?" Astonished, I turned to her with a bewildered expression and continued, "All I remember is you kissing me. Why did you do that? Why did you kiss me?" Anger filled my voice as I sought answers.

"I know I kissed you and that was because my emotions took over me, but I didn't do anything to you I swear" Elfin said emotionally

"I understand that your emotions got the best of you, but I swear I didn't do anything wrong to you either," I reassured Elfin, hoping to alleviate her concerns. However, before we could delve deeper into our conversation, the silence was shattered by the creaking sound of the heavy metal door swinging open. Two formidable female guards, dressed in crisp uniforms, marched into the room with an air of authority. The first guard, her voice laced with authority, pointed an accusatory finger directly at me and commanded, "Hey, you, follow me." My heart skipped a beat as I nodded in compliance, my mind racing with questions about where I was being taken and what awaited me. Elfin's voice quivered with sadness as she pleaded, "Where are you taking him?" The second guard's response was curt and dismissive, "It's none of your business." The tension in the room thickened, leaving both of us on edge, uncertain of what the future held.

As I stood in the center of the grand Hall, the elder made her way towards me, her presence commanding respect. The first guard, bowing her head in deference, announced, "Here he is, ma'am," before stepping back and leaving us alone. The elder called her back, instructing her to untie the rope that bound my hands. With a swift motion, the guard released me from my restraints and quietly exited the Hall. The elder turned her attention to me, her eyes filled with curiosity. "How have you been preparing for the battle with Zargo in two days, Jordan?" she inquired. Caught off guard, I replied honestly, "Well, to be honest, I haven't specifically prepared for a battle. I rely on my instincts and use whatever resources I have in the moment." The elder's expression turned grave as she exclaimed, "Then you must be a fool, Jordan. Zargo is the most powerful monster in this world, the very cause of this great chaos." A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I absorbed the weight of her words, realizing the magnitude of the challenge that lay ahead.

"Oh, for all I've heard, you've accomplished great feats," the elder acknowledged, her tone tinged with admiration. "Legends say you've destroyed monsters with your bare hands, so I'll see if those tales hold true in the battlefield in two days' time." Intrigued by the prospect, I couldn't help but ask, "And what will happen if I defeat the monster?" The elder's response was straightforward, "Then you shall have your freedom." Determined to ensure Elfin's safety, I pressed further, "And what about my friend, Elfin?" The elder paused, sizing up the situation. "Ah, you mean the little one?" she mused. "Yes, of course," I affirmed, my concern evident. "Well, I suppose that's not part of the deal. Your victory over Zargo won't guarantee her freedom and also, you've bigger problems to worry about," she replied, a deceptive smirk playing on her lips. Confusion and worry filled my voice as I questioned her, "Wait, what do you mean by bigger problems?"

"Wow, Jordan, it sounds like defeating Zargo won't be an easy task for you because he's so strong. But don't worry, I've made plenty of plans to ensure your victory," the elder responded, her tone filled with confidence. Intrigued by her mention of Zargo being a 'He' simply means he's a man, I couldn't help but ask, "Wait... is he a man?" However, she ignored my question and continued speaking. "Alright, we've got a deal then. If you manage to defeat Zargo, I'll free Elfin and keep the rest. But if Zargo defeats you, well, I'll have to take care of them all," she said, an evil smirk playing on her lips. Feeling utterly confused, I exclaimed, "I seriously don't understand anything you're saying right now, I swear. Where are the rest?" In response, she snapped her fingers, and to my astonishment, the door on my left opened, revealing Gina and Logan. Overwhelmed with joy and shock, I called out Gina's name and rushed to hug her, but the two female guards who brought them out blocked my path, preventing me from embracing them.

As the elder snapped her fingers once more, the sound echoed through the chamber, and the heavy door swung open, revealing Amma's gentle figure emerging, flanked by two guards. "Jordan!" she called out, relief and hope evident in her voice. Overwhelmed with emotion, I reassured them, "Amma, Gina, Logan, I promise with all my heart that I will find a way to liberate you from this predicament." However, the elder interjected, her tone filled with a mix of cunning and challenge. "Now, Jordan, you must face the reality that escape is not an option. You must make a choice: will you free your sister and your friends, or the one you consider your girlfriend in the cell?" Amma's expression shifted, a hint of sadness washing over her face. Determined, I asserted, "She's not my girlfriend, and I refuse to abandon any of my friends." Firmly, the elder concluded, "Then, my dear, you must defeat Zargo." Summoning my courage, I declared, "Alright, I will face him head-on. But first, I implore you to share everything you know about him." My words resonated with bravery and determination. The elder, acknowledging my resolve, nodded in agreement and motioned for me to come closer as she settled herself down.