
The Mansion {Maders Mansion}

The cold breeze in my face, clinging tightly to my bare arms. My arms wrapped around my torso in an attempt to keep me warm. Tears streaming down my face as memories of Harry's cruel betrayal flood my mind. Of all days, he chose my birthday to hurt me. My red pumps creating a gentle click sound with every contact it made with the tarred road. Creating the only sound the night breeze brings to my ears. Asides my sobs and the distant barks of the neighborhood dogs. My third sense is sudden activated as I sense I'm being followed. I smell danger. Walking alone on such desolate streets doesn't seem like the best idea I could have come up with. I wasn't thinking straight when I made that choice. I should have called my driver to come get me!. This creepy feeling becomes more intense and I decide to do the one thing I know I'm good at; run!. I throw my purse and phone away as I begin to run in frenzy I feel something hot on my trail, when I look back, all I see is dark fog. The more reason to run faster. The road fairly lit by moonlight, my heart in my mouth and prayers of help and mercy escaping my lips. Finally, I hear music playing from loud speakers. I'm close to civilization!. I keep running frantically. One of my pumps gone. Soon I see a club in sight with a few people outside. I begin to scream for help when a figure suddenly appears before me. In fear, I make to run in the opposite direction but another figure is right behind me. Next thing I know; i'm surrounded by darkness. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Imagine waking up in an abandoned Gothic castle in the middle of no where. With an immortal creap as your new 'mother' and over a hundred strangers as your new siblings. Where love is a crime, hope is a dream and rebelion is a death contract. A dark tunnel with no light whatsoever, would you survive?? Let's follow our protagonist into this breath taking journey and find out what could possibly be worst than this.

Aider Kwin · Horror
Zu wenig Bewertungen
103 Chs


I keep my gaze fixed on this creature for fear of my life. I look up and I see the creature looking straight ahead I want to turn to see who the creature is staring at but fear has other plans so I don't move a muscle.

The creature suddenly let's go of my hair and stands up growling. It then begins to walk away ~ I really have made alot of creature enemies between last night and this morning.

I get up and use my palms to brush off bust from my body. I look behind me to see who saved my life or at least even say thank you. But all I see is almost everyone's heads staring towards the bottom of the stairs.

Whoever it was had apperantly began to walk down the stairs and the look of admiration seemed to be plastered on everyone's face. I can't see through the crowd so I have no idea who it was. But the British accent makes me think it's gaze boy (the white witches 'most important child') ~i gave him the name gaze boy cause that's all he was doing the first time we met (Last night).

The crowd before me soon regains order and everything goes back to how it was a few seconds ago. With us walking on separate ends of the stairs.

The long tiering journey begins to worry me on how huge his place really is. And where we are going. I want to ask someone but the silence around somehow tells me that only our feets are entitled to make noise. And I'm also not one to open up to strangers so quickly.

The tiering journey does not seem to come to an end and to avoid thinking about my family and normal life, I begin taking in the hideous sight of this horrid mansion. The cobwebs, broken stairs, stained walls, creepy paintings, spiral long stairs, dry leaves.. E. T. C.

The sight isn't at all pleasant. I often feel chills run along my back. I take a beep breath and continue this walk. Soon enough, the creatures open a door and we are then ushered out of the building.

Once out of the mansion, my skin is kissed by the suns beautiful morning ray. I look before me and there lays a sick garden. There are a few healthy trees and crops scattered around but most of the garden is dead. I look further into the garden and I see the woods. Right behind this garden are the woods. Why isn't anyone trying to escape? Am I the only one seeing this or are they under some sort of spell!?.

The creatures then hand us each woven baskets. I watch as other kids walk into the garden and beging to harvest whatever looks good and consumable. But there is too much on my mind now. I need fresh air and some minutes to come to a conclusion.

I sit on a bench with my gaze fixed on the woods trying to bring my mind to a conclusion on what's going on and what to do.

"You know, you give yourself away if you make your thoughts so obvious."

I look to my side and find gaze boy~ you know.. The one from last night Standing beside me with his hands in his pockets and did I mention his British accent is something to die for?.

I didn't know he was social.

"What do you mean? " I ask as i look up at him squinting my eyes from the sun's ray as I did not understand his earlier remark.

He looks over to the door of the mansion from which we just exited. I follow his gaze and my eyes fall on two creatures who apperantly had been watching us ~ or rather me!. Once they see we are both starring at them, they make a conjoined turn and move into the building. ~creepy!

"What was that all about? " I ask the brown haired British boy beside me and he looks down at me.

"You were starring into the woods. You made it so obvious you were scheming an escape through that path. I'd advise you against it. Even those who have spent the most years in here have all failed at their various attempts to escape. " he replies with no emotions on his face and then he makes to leave.

"Wait" I call out to him. He stops and looks down at me.

"How did I get here? " I ask. I don't honestly expect him to know but in all sincerity, in a time Like this, I have no idea what to and what not to expect.

"Madre wanted you here so she got the fratellos to bring you" he replied and I look up at him with raised brows as he just sky rocketed my confusion.

"Hun? " I question.

He sits beside me and draws out his hands from his pockets ~Hell look at those nails! . I have lady nails but his are off the charts. Perfection is an understatement for these well trimmed and shaped beauties! ~ wait!

back to business.

"Madre is our mother and the fartellos are our brothers.". He informs.

What in the name cosmos!? ... "Wait. So Madre is the white witch? "I ask with uncertainty in my voice.

"Yeah. " he replies with a little chuckle and a slight nod of the head still looking at me.

"And the fartellos are?... " I ask as I can't come up with anything.

"The hooded freaks" he responds. His reply causes a small smirk to crawl up on my face. Turns out I'm not the only one who dislikes those scum bags.

"Hold up. The fartellos are our brothers!? " I ask in alarm as his words just replay in my head.

"I believe that's what I said. "He replies bluntly and I look up at him in bewilderment.

"Madre and Fartello are both Italian words." He informs.

"And they mean? " I question.

"You'd find out soon enough" he replies. Causing me to eye him from head to toe.

I look away as I have no idea what to say next. I fix my gaze on a tree that's not too far.

"I saw what you did to a fartello back there" he says as he looks towards the building with squinted eyes.

"About that, you were the one who saved me right? " I ask as I turn to face him.

"That's not important. What really matters is you staying out of harms way till your fully used to this place" he replies as he slowly turns his head in my direction. My eyes accidentally catch his gaze. I hold his stare for a few seconds till a lump forms in my throat and I look away giving a little cough to clear my troath. ~ wait a second!. Till I'm fully used to this place!? How long does he think I'm planing on spending here!?.

"Till I'm fully used to this place!?. I'm not planning on spending a long time in this nightmare you know? " I question and inform him.

He chuckles. "You really are quite naive. You're not the only one in here with brains you know, there have been others before you. If everyone isn't daring to leave, you should know there is a reason" he replies as he places his elbows on his knees as he looks at me.

I stare blankly at him. His words strike hard and I feel my chest suddenly becomes heavy and my eyes begin to sting. I quickly look away as I battle with my tears.

"How long have you been here? " I mange to ask. My gaze still away from him.

"Long enough" he replies plainly. I'm not looking at him, but I know he said that with a shurg.

I wait for some seconds before the words slip from my lips and tears escape my eyes.

" I don't want to stay here long enough"

"Noone wanted to. " he replies in a low tone. I close my eyes as I inhale deeply in an attempt to stop my tears.

"You have alot to learn. Just stay alive till you learn all you need" he replies. I turn to look at him and find him starring at the mansion. He suddenly turns to me and I catch his gaze again.

"My name's Sonia by the way" I inform as I look away blinking rapidly as this gaze catching thing isn't something I really fancy.

I look up at him and find him starring at me. "I find Deborah more fitting. " he replies. His gaze still on me. My eyes widen in shock.

"How did you know my name? " I question in bewilderment and he simply smirks.

"See you soon Miss. Smith" he says as he stands to his feets and begins to walk away.

"Wait! " I call out to him and he stops but still has his back turned to me.

"What's your name? " I question.

"It's Desmond" he replies as he stuffs his hands back into his pockets. My gaze remains glued to him till he walks into the mansion and is totally out of view.

Now that's one pricy character!