
Chapter 5- Pentagon Academy's Entrance Exam

Pentagon Academy's Entrance Exam.

A significant event where new Awakeners showcase their abilities to the world for the first time.

Most freshmen were excited at the thought of demonstrating their powers, some even dressing up nicely, hoping to appear on the news.


- Rustle, rustle.

"Up to level 4 so far… Level 5 is still a hurdle, huh?"

In the shadows among the group of freshmen, a woman was observing the students, blending into the darkness.

She was Yusia, the third daughter of the leader of Korea's top clan, 'Cheonhwa'.

The reason she was doing this was to find talent suitable for her clan.

Strong Awakeners often show their potential early on.

Just like a sharp needle poking through a pocket, extraordinary individuals stand out even during entrance exams.

Yusia intended to focus on building friendships with such individuals for future recruitment into the Cheonhwa clan.


-Murmur, murmur.

"Katana… a Japanese sword? Seriously?"

Not only was there a lack of talent, but now someone even chose to use a katana.

Without even looking properly, Yusia turned away, thinking there was no point in watching such a person.

That was a mistake.

- Swoosh.

Thinking the person was already done, she looked at the next candidate… but paused.

Returning from her errand, she noticed something unusual.

The atmosphere in the once-bustling clearing was now silent.

Everyone seemed to be holding their breath in concentration.

"What's this? I just stepped out for a moment…"

She gasped at the sight in the middle of the clearing

—a young man wielding a katana, fighting an ogre.

"The ogre appears at level 5… Did he pass all the previous levels that quickly!?"

The appearance of the ogre marked level 5, the threshold she considered for identifying talent.

But this student wielding a mere katana had reached it so swiftly?

Curiosity piqued, she looked to a nearby instructor for an explanation.

"…Based on his katana skills, he's almost on par with that Aika."

"Aika!? The number one S-rank!?"

"Moreover, his pattern recognition is perfect. You'd think he's a veteran with 20 years of experience."

"What… really!"

Yusia began observing the fight with her full attention, recognizing the young man's exceptional abilities in just three seconds.


The enraged ogre swung its massive arms wildly, the air whistling like a whip with each blow, moving so fast that it left green trails.

Such ferocity would pulverize any average Awakener.


-Swish, swish.

Light, agile steps moved across the ground, like leaves fluttering in the wind.

Just by maneuvering, he avoided the ogre's devastating punches.

"Time to wrap this up."


As he closed the distance, a violet flash gleamed at the ogre's nape.

A critical point notoriously difficult to hit when the ogre was in berserk mode, given its wild flailing attacks.

Usually, one would either finish it off before berserk mode or gradually wear it down with long-range attacks…

"Gr… waaa...."


He really defeated it… an ogre in berserk mode, with just a katana.

The scene unfolding before her defied all conventional wisdom.

A perfectly executed solo play, worthy of recording and using as training material.

Onlookers finally exhaled, breaking the silence.

-Murmur, murmur.

"Whoa… is that really a freshman?"

"Not even A-ranks can do that!!"

The amazed whispers highlighted the incredible feat they had just witnessed.

Yusia herself was deeply impressed.

"His physicality may be lacking… but we can work on that. We must recruit him for Cheonhwa."

Not just a mere novice wielding a katana, but a gem of talent she had been waiting for.

Her eyes burned with the desire to recruit.

"Cadet Seo Yujin. Will you continue?"

"Yes, please."

'Well, level 6 might be too much, though.'

But she and the instructor, everyone thought the same

—that he would never clear level 6.

The reason was simple: cadets typically couldn't surpass level 5.

From level 6 onwards…

Graduates, essentially professionals, were required.

"Then, let's begin level 6. Three, two, one. Start."

- Swoosh.

"Succubi at level 6 are tough for close-combatants to solo…"

This time, the opponent was a succubus, known overseas as a succubus

—a monster specializing in mental attacks.…An opponent a freshman had no business facing.

To resist her seduction, one needed a 'mental barrier', a skill usually developed by talented Awakeners in their second year or average ones in their third year.

Fighting a succubus without such defenses?They'd fall for her in a second and have their heart pierced with a blissful smile.

The battle was doomed from the start.

If there was a slight chance for a freshman to win…

It would be to bombard from a distance where her charm couldn't reach or to overpower her with sheer strength.

Both options seemed impossible for Yujin.

Everyone confidently predicted his defeat.

Amidst the negative atmosphere, the succubus shot pink beams from her eyes.

"Hey, handsome, wanna have a good time with me?♡"

**[Skill 'Devil's Seduction' activates, inflicting 'Charmed' status…]


****[A similar skill detected. Checking rank…]**

[Overwhelming rank difference! The skill 'Perfect Hypnosis' scoffs.]**

[As a result, the succubus is charmed instead, falling into 'complete' hypnosis.]


Nothing happened.

Yujin, who should have walked over to surrender, remained still, as did the succubus.

Observers blinked in confusion.

Only Yujin found it unsurprising.

'Even those monsters 15 years later couldn't inflict status ailments on me.'

His unique talent was ranked Ex, shared only with his master in the world.

Even the strongest monsters couldn't touch his mind.

For Yujin, a mere succubus attempting mental domination was bound to backfire.

Hubris led to her downfall.

"Hey, you."

"Yes, master?♡"

"———Give me your core."


- Stab!

The succubus brutally pierced her own chest, searching for the core.

And then,


"Here, master♡"

The core, the equivalent of a heart for monsters, appeared.


-Thud. Crumble.

The succubus, without her core, collapsed and turned to ash.

Yujin simply looked down, unfazed.The audience was plunged into chaos.

'What is this!!?'

They thought he was a melee-type Awakener.

Reflecting mental attacks? Making the opponent self-destruct?

Unbelievable for a close-combat type.

But the earlier battle…Questions piled up, leading to one pressing inquiry:

What is his ability?

"Cadet Seo Yujin, what on earth…"

"I'd like to proceed to the next stage, instructor."

'Alice doesn't like gore. Let's move on quickly.'

But Yujin only thought of his wife.

His indifferent golden eyes fixed on the instructor, who hurriedly activated the device, feeling a chill.

"Th-then, starting level 7. Three, two…"


All eyes refocused as Yujin's katana glowed violet again.

"Exhausted from flying around? Come down and rest a bit."

[Mental barrier check… partial success. Target is under 'mild' hypnosis.]

"Gruk? Gruruk…"

"That's right. Good boy."


Level 7: Hisk, a creature that spewed acidic venom from the air.

During the moment its wings paused under hypnosis, it was swiftly cut down.



'Thought golems would resist hypnosis, but…'

"Core malfunction. Activating emergency maintenance protocol."

**[Mental barrier check… partial success. Target is under…]


'Guess not.'

Level 8: A stationary golem with a barrier, attacking with magical projectiles.In the moment its barrier dropped, it was swiftly sliced through.

"Die… you…"

**[Skill 'Perfect Hypnosis (Replica)' activates, inflicting 'Hypnosis' status…]


****[Skill 'Perfect Hypnosis' rages at the counterfeit's audacity!]

[Target is under 'complete' hypnosis.]

'Nice, got an easy pattern.'

Level 9: A doppelganger copying all of Yujin's abilities and skills.

Under hypnosis, it crouched, self-destructed its core, and died.

The time taken to clear levels 6 to 9? Only 3 minutes.

The power of hypnosis was overwhelming.

'I didn't think I could clear level 9 either, but…'


"…He's on a different level."

Watching as if it were a movie, Yusia murmured, speaking for everyone.

And then,

"I'd like to attempt level 10."

"Are you sure? If you want, you can take a one-hour break as per the graduation exam rules."

"I wouldn't want to delay the schedule for my classmates. I'll decline."

"Well, then. Three, two, one…"

Not just an entrance exam, but the final hurdle of the graduation task.

Level 10.
