
Chapter 2

Two weeks passed since then.


Name: Seo Yujin (20 years old, Male)

Title: Indomitable (百折不撓)

Stats: Strength [3.53], Agility [3.11], Intelligence [3.12], Luck [8.42], Magic [3.80]

Unique Talents: Complete Hypnosis (Lv. Max), [???] (Lv.???)


Traits: Unyielding

Current Status: Hypnosis, ???


The stat window, visible only to the awakened individual, appeared before me, neatly organized.

There were many incomprehensible things like question marks, but setting those aside, the trait was what caught my attention.

The reward earned through relentless effort, just like the idiom

"breaking bones and crushing the body."

Unyielding (S Rank) – Immunity to negative physical status effects. Reduces physical attack damage by 90%.

'I wouldn't die even if I got shot barehanded.'

Unyielding was one of the hidden pieces found in the game, and it was an exceptional trait.

Most troublesome monsters were of the physical type. Even the monsters appearing 15 years from now would mostly rely on physical attacks.

But with this trait? Damage that should be 100 would only be 10.

It was the best trait among the hidden pieces obtainable before academy admission.

While it was limited to physical types and not invincible...

Complete Hypnosis (EX Rank) – Dominates the soul.

'For mages, just hypnotize and attack.'

This was complemented by my unique talent, Complete Hypnosis, which I, Seo Yujin, had awakened.

For mages, simply hypnotizing them was sufficient. They wouldn't fall into hypnosis easily, but they'd hesitate in resisting, giving me an opening.

It was a perfect start, and I couldn't help but smile.

'It was worth the effort.'

"What are you smiling about, Yujin? It should hurt since you're undergoing treatment."


…Maybe it was weird to be smiling during treatment.I shut my mouth, feeling a bit embarrassed, and glanced around.

"Thanks again, nuna. Because of you…."

"I told you not to call me nuna, right?"

The person I was being wary of was Ryu Suyeon, an A-rank awakened who retired from the front lines and opened a personal clinic, known as the 'Angel in White.'

She was currently glaring at me intensely.

"I don't have a death wish for a younger brother."


'If I hadn't saved your daughter, I might have been slapped by now.'

Well, I could understand why. A grown man coming in all beaten up each time could be annoying. She must have regretted promising to treat me for free forever in return for saving her daughter.

'But still, I got millions of won worth of treatment for free with one hypnosis. It's a gain.'

But that was her concern. As a patient, I was simply happy.

Her daughter had become a recluse due to PTSD caused by her father? One click of hypnosis, and she was healed. Resulting in millions of won worth of recovery for free.

It's a win-win for everyone... Why the frown?Feeling slightly disappointed, I muttered.

"Haven't we become close? Ha-young also asked me to get along well with you."

"There's a 15-year age difference, so stop with the creepy talk."


'I was the same age as you before regression.'

But her cold demeanor remained unchanged. Then, she smacked me on the back.


"Stop pretending it hurts. If you come back injured again, I really won't treat you."


'I've squeezed out all I could.'Though a bit regretful, it seemed our relationship had hit its limit.

Standing up with a bit of reluctance, I smiled at her.

"Don't worry too much. I won't self-harm anymore."


"I told you, it was to toughen up before academy admission."


"Since the admission is tomorrow, we won't see each other for a while. Nuna."

For some reason, Suyeon's expression turned a bit odd.

"Still, visit sometimes. I have a feeling you'll get hurt often."


"Yes. As long as it's not self-inflicted, I'll treat you anytime."

'Great, a freebie.'

I thought her reluctant look was due to some lingering debt of gratitude for healing her daughter.

Feeling a sense of satisfaction at the promise of free treatment, I said,

"Thank you, nuna."

"Stop calling me nuna…."

"How can I call such a pretty nuna an aunt?"

"...!!!? Yes, yes~!?"

'Lip service works well.'

A lesson from a 35-year-old man: It never hurts to compliment a woman.

"See you again, Suyeon nuna."

"Th-that's… Yes…."

I turned my back, hoping that my awful likability score had slightly improved.

"…I was watching, so? How was it? Want to remarry?"

"What are you talking about? The age difference is huge, and marriage is…."

"Your eyes were dripping honey."

'To think she'd chat with her daughter like that right after I leave. Guess I'm really disliked.'

Well, it's tough.Some time passed, and the day of academy admission arrived.

'Everyone's excited. Youth, huh.'

While I wasn't particularly moved, the freshmen around me were all giddy with excitement... Well, considering what the academy represented.

Forty years ago, anomalies began appearing all over the country.

Monsters started emerging from dimensional gates named 'Gates' by humanity.

Simultaneously, people began awakening special abilities, akin to fantasy.The academy I was headed to was an institution that gathered and trained these 'awakened.'

'Everyone's dreaming of a golden future?'

Awakened individuals were treated exceptionally well in society.

They were the only ones capable of fighting the monsters invulnerable to firearms.Awakened were essential to maintaining society.

Moreover, the energy sources called 'cores' obtained by defeating monsters were immensely valuable.

Even a C-rank awakened could average a 300 million won annual salary.

With high income and fame, it was no wonder new awakeners were so thrilled.

'…Though it's a bit unfortunate that most of them are women.'

Regrettably, becoming an awakener was rare, especially for men.

The gender ratio was about 1 to 9.

While there were no significant ability differences between genders once awakened, and there was no drastic societal shift, being surrounded by so many women was a bit uncomfortable.

'Most will be in their early twenties, right? Just looking at them feels like I'd get arrested.'

While my body was 20, my mind was 35.

Being among young people was more a burden than an excitement now.

Unlike my first life, where I was thrilled by the presence of women, now it felt like a chore.

I naturally sought a quieter place away from the crowd.

'Until the entrance exam, I'll kill time with a walk...'

Walking towards a less crowded area gradually calmed my mind. While Suyeon nuna was fine since she was a mental peer, being with much younger girls was uncomfortable.

'They'd still be young… except my master.'

Thinking about women naturally led to thoughts of my wives.

They'd likely lost all memories of me, now in their early twenties...I had to approach them again.

The thought of a 35-year-old hitting on young girls was unappealing.

'Still, I'll do it. I can't stand seeing them with other men.'

This was something I had to endure to reconnect with them. Slapping my cheeks, I steeled my resolve.

I wanted to show a good side when I met them again.

'…Noisy. Who's here on the admission day in such a remote spot?'

While killing time, I heard a commotion.It was strange. This place was far from the entrance hall and the exam area.Why someone would cause a ruckus here on the admission day was beyond me.I quickly moved towards the noise.


"No, it's not… It's just…."

"Dreaming of being a plumber instead of an awakener, friend?"

"That's not it…."

As I approached, the voices grew clearer. Two low voices and one distinctly smaller, higher one.

My pace quickened.

'This voice…?'

As I got closer, the trembling voice became clearer.

A timid tone, dragging words. Above all, a slightly awkward accent.

——Alice. Alice Littenwood. One of my wives' voices for sure.

I started running.

'Which woman dares to threaten our Alice…!!!'

My beloved wife, who was still likely struggling with shyness. Who dares to intimidate her?

With a heated head, I ran without thinking.

Arriving near a storage area, an especially secluded spot in the academy, next to a lone vending machine.

"Hey, who's scaring a frightened girl?"

The two women surrounding Alice slowly turned around.

"What the... Who are you?"

"What a hottie."

Ignoring their reactions, I focused on Alice.Our eyes met, and it was our first encounter in the second life.

"You, are…?"

Her outfit was unbelievably terrible.

'…What's with those clothes?'

They were in terrible state