
Chapter 5: The Conclusion

Now let's just take a small break for second.

Some of you may want to get right into the action right away, I'm cool with that, you can skip this part here. But I know that there are some of you guys who are like 'WTF?! How are you doing that!? What is your power!?'.

Well, I'm glad you asked! Because I have—

All. Powers.

Yep, that's right, I have all of them, Strength, Flame, Air, Liquid, Metal, Sound and Light. ('None' doesn't really count for obvious reasons.)

John is also like me. We both have all the Powers in the basic spectrum. People like is are REALLY rare though, but we have a special name to classify ourselves: The Master Combinator.

Though being a Master Combinator doesn't really mean that I have an equal amount of control and talent on all of my powers.

That's the problem with people born with multiple Powers. Say that you have two Powers: Air and Light. You may be able to create a category five tornado with just your mind, but that doesn't necessarily mean that your Light Power can achieve something to the same effect. You may be lucky enough to be born with a talent to be able to, but chances are, all your talent has been dedicated to your Air Power, and at most you can absorb two to three percent of the photons produced from a candle, or something. You may honestly even forget that you have two Powers at all. That's completely normal.

It's the exact same for me. If you were paying close attention earlier, you could probably see that the main Powers I use during fights would be Strength, Metal and Flame, because they are my strongest and most effective Powers that I was born with. First runner-up would be Air, Sound and Liquid. Unfortunately, I'm not too great with Light, and I barely use it at all. (I sometimes use it to permanently blind my opponents, but that's the most I can do.)

Now, after all this, you're probably wondering: 'Hey, what's your PoweMeasure?'

Well, it's simple. It's—


Peaceful silence. A sweet atmosphere. Graceful—


The shockwave from the blows we dealt to each other was felt all the way across the world.

It wasn't even two seconds before we felt the shockwave we created ourselves travel the entire circumference of the Earth and hit us again in the opposite direction.

But that force was nothing.

We were MUCH stronger.


At least half of the State should have been blown to smithereens by now.

I stood my ground as I summoned a giant ball of bedrock from within the Earth's crust to surround me, but John shattered it with ease.

A wave of fire and shrapnel penetrated through the holes of my temporary shield, searing and tearing into my face and arms.

I growled and countered it with a wave of wind. It shielded it back, but it wouldn't hold for long. I didn't expect it to.

I disappeared.

It's time I started my counterattack.

I reappeared on the devastated landscape that was the aftermath of our careless brawl.

I sensed John searching for me after I had disappeared.

Now's my chance

I extended my arms towards the cracked ground. Summoning, concentrating.

"ERUPTION!!!!!" I yelled with all my strength.

And with that, the ground started to tremble. Desolatingly.

And from the cracks in the surface, a tower of magma and semi-melted rock erupted out in Brobdingnagian proportions, blocking out the sun and showering the world with its own light and heat.

I stood within this great tower. Feeling the temperature of the lava massage my body.

I could feel John watch my tower of death with awe and shock. He started raising his arms, and I prepared to unleash a wave of lava upon him.

But then...

He vanished.


He completely went off my radar. I couldn't sense where John was, where he went.

Which was unusual.

I should be able to feel his presence no matter where he went.

It's almost like he had been erased from existence.

My eyes widened in realization.

Or he had became existence.

All of a sudden, I felt the scorching liquid around me change temperature, dramatically. I felt relaxed in it before, but now, it became unbearable for no reason in particular.

I tried to adapt to the heat as much as I could, but before that happened, I let out a scream of pain for the first time in a long time.

The air that escaped my mouth floated upwards in a form of a bubble. And I watched with amazement as the bubble of air suddenly burst, the particles inside melting into a thick goo and spread further apart from one another.

The gas bubble has just turned into plasma, the fourth state of matter.

And not just air too.

I looked up and saw the lava I had summoned evaporate into a mess of elements, and even they started melting, and became plasma too.

That plasma was sucked into a spherical ball, high in the sky.

John was somehow boiling lava, and then heating the gas up further into the main substance that makes up the sun itself.

And with that realization, I could see what he was doing.

He was trying to literally create a new sun.

Clever, Master. I thought, Using my own tactics against me.

But two can play it that way.

I spread my hands apart like John did earlier, and concentrated until I was sure that the veins in my brain had burst.

If you are gonna to create a literal sun to defeat me... I thought with pleasure, Then all I have to do is create a bigger sun that will consume yours!!

I slammed my hands together, and I felt the temperature around me grow a thousandfold.

My body heat began evaporating the lava, and melted the gas into plasma at a rapid pace.

I collected the incandescent substance into my own ball of flame. And in less than a minute, it grew nearly a kilometer in diameter, it was becoming nearly as large as John's sun.

Gotcha'. I thought

I readied my sun, and prepared to launch it towards his sun, and it should completely engulf his—


I felt an earth-shaking punch land on my chest.

I felt something crack.

And before I knew it, I flew out of my tower of death, and towards outer space.


"You created an actual, radiating, sun..." My voice was laced with surprise, "As a distraction?!!?"

John chuckled menacingly. He stood over me, not even winded, not even a single scratch on his tuxedo.

"You strive in skill and technique when it comes to a fight..." John replied, "But when it comes to creativity... I'm afraid you lack a pretty substantial amount of it."

He raised his fist. His eyes glowed.

I looked up, and saw a tiny, insignificant dot.

That was Earth. A small, and microscopic dot, suspended in the vastness of space.

From my calculations, we should currently be stranded on Mars.

Or maybe a faraway astroid, I couldn't tell. I didn't know what Mars was like.

This was the best fight I have ever been in.

"You've improved so much since we last fought, I'll admit, I've never seen or heard of anyone who had improved that much in such a short amount of time." John complimented, "But you still should have gave up a long time ago."

I smirked and let out a sound that was a mixture of a laugh, cough and gag, "I'll give up when I'm not able to understand the meaning of those words anymore."

John returned my smirk, "That's one of the things that I like and hate about you."

He raised his right fist and charged at me.

I summoned a shield of rock to block his punch.


I was suddenly overwhelmed with a feeling of great dread. It wasn't coming from John though.

But a presence I've never felt before.

It scared me.

All my strength drained from my body. The rock shield I set up broke into dust.

I cringed and prepared myself for John's punch.

...but it never came.

I slowly opened my eyes.

John had a look of great horror printed on his face. He stayed in an attacking position, one knee in the air, fist extended outwards. But he just stayed like that, staring at the ground with a presence of terror in his eyes.

He felt the presence too.

But it seemed to affect him more then me. Because not long after, I snapped out of my trance.

I regained my strength and tackled John.

The force that was produced when I leapt towards him completely shattered the planet we stood on.


The world around us suddenly broke down as what we thought was reality became a frightening illusion confined within the limits of a screen.

The ground we stood on evaporated as it was revealed that it was a just a physical hologram that also disappeared and we fell with a thud to the floor.

We were back in The Simulation Room.

I stood triumphant over John, who laid spread-eagled on the ground beneath me.

He raised a hand and patted my thigh, "Congratulations, Daniel. You finally beat me."




"What?!" I couldn't believe it. I spread my arms in protest, "That was it?"

"Yep." John stated blankly, adjusting his tie and dusted off his tuxedo.

"That's pure BS!" I complained, "If you actually punched me earlier, you would have won for sure!"

I couldn't believe that John was only that powerful. This had to be a sick joke.

If he really was weaker than I expected, then who would I strive to be now? Who would I strive to become more powerful than now?

"Whatever, think whatever you want." John combed his hair with his fingers, "But either way, training for today ends now. You are free to do whatever you want. I have to go attend to some business."

"Hey wa—"

John disappeared before my eyes.

So I was just left standing there, not having a slightest clue of what just happened.


John stepped through the silent hallways, searching, looking.

He felt him earlier while he was fighting Daniel. He had to be here.

"Where are you?" He shouted loudly.


John turned back, maybe he was looking at the wrong pla—

"That was kinda rude wasn't it." A voice suddenly appeared behind him.

John immediately paused and looked behind him.

A very tall man who wore and dark hoodie stood behind him, hands in his pockets. He was at least seven feet tall, or about two hundred and twenty centimeters. A mountain of a man.

But he didn't look very muscular. In contrast, he looked lanky and weak, like a narrow twig that would snap if it was stepped on.

But John knew that he wasn't lanky, nor weak.

"Y-You're really here..." He took a step back, "After so many years..."

An unnerving and awkward silence filled the room.

"...master." The soft word escaped John's lips.