

The man looked around in amazement at the world he had been transported to. It was a world unlike any he had ever seen, full of advanced technology and strange, futuristic devices. There were towering skyscrapers and sleek, silver vehicles that seemed to fly through the air.

But as he explored this strange new world, the man couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness and loneliness. There were no other humans in sight, only robots and machines tending to the needs of the city.

After a long while, it dawned on him. He was alone and lost in this vast sprawling city.

He sighed and found himself sitting on a bench at one of the parks on this vast empty metropolis.

He couldn't help but thought back on his life and found himself not at all lost. He wondered why and realises that his life back on earth was dull and lonely. Thinking more, he found himself presented with an amazing opportunity, an opportunity to follow his childhood dream. A dream trampled back on Earth. A dream he left behind due to impracticality. A dream of being an inventor!

He stood up from where he was sitting and smiled.

"This is going to be so much fun" He gushed.


He spent many days exploring the advanced empty city, marvelling at the technology and architecture that he saw. He spent his days studying the various buildings and structures, trying to understand how they were built and how they functioned.

As he delved deeper into his research, he began to uncover more and more secrets about the city and its people. He learned about their daily lives, their customs and traditions, and best of all, their understanding of science.

He had learned that the people who built this world were technologically advanced, so advanced that they may have been able to rival or even surpass a certain ancient race in the fictional universe of Halo.

It made him giddier, especially when he learned that he was able to operate their devices without restriction.

He spent hours poring over the research and data stored in the city's libraries, trying to understand their complex technologies and scientific theories, His biological needs attended by a robot he repurposed. He spent months on end holed up in the city's largest laboratory and then one day, as he was studying a particularly advanced piece of technology, he had an epiphany.

He realised that, with the knowledge he had gained from studying the city, he might just be able to unlock the secret of biological immortality! Excited by this possibility, He doubled his effort, spending years experimenting and conducting research through various simulations, trying to map out his biology and just maybe, just maybe, he might be able to extend his life indefinitely!


Finally, after many long and arduous years, he succeeded! Using the advanced technologies and scientific principles he had learned in the empty city, he was able to make himself biologically immortal! Death through ageing has no hold on him anymore! It also has the bonus of transforming his body to its absolute peak!

So overjoyed by this that he spent a day running around the place, pushing his new body to the absolute limit! It took him a while to calmed down but when the high was over, he became melancholy again and couldn't help thinking of "What if".

"This could have saved my sister." He muttered sadly. Anna, his dearly beloved sister and the only person that kept him from killing himself. She was his silver lining, always the optimist, very kind! Unfortunately, as all thing beautiful, she died of cancer. He would've give up then and there but his sister, the always prepared one had written him a letter, forbidding him from giving up and making him promise to not yet follow them. Ever since then he had live a bitter life though he never giving in to dark whispers.

Feeling a small bump on his leg, he found one of the first machines he had ever created, a robot dog with a virtual intelligence onboard capable of mimicking a dog's personality though often times, he felt the dog acted too intelligent sometimes, as it has often been shown to respond to my emotion, just like now, an actual dog trying to comfort its master.

Scratching its bio-tech skin, he smiled at it and said. "You're right Adam, it's all in the past."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.



Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

CenturionGuardcreators' thoughts