
Chapter 3 ( I'm not done rewriting)


I don't know why but the way he said it made me more aroused, 'stop Latifia your parents are watching' I think to myself "my name is Latifia what's yours ?" I ask nervously trying to start a conversation 'shit I feel stupid now, everyone knows his name he's the strongest wolf in the world' * nervous chuckle* ' I wouldn't mind having sex with him in front of him.'

" yo Leo can I take her to your house ?" he asked my alpha 'his voice was arousing'

" sure' just don't break my walls or any of my beds" he pleads

"geez aren't you guys moving a bit too fast, sigh, go along now, I'll tell the pack about the meeting"


and that's how I ended up in the pack house with my mate the alpha of the third strongest pack in the world.

" are you just gonna sit there and stare at me or are you gonna ask the question you wanna ask I can smell your curiosity "

" what are you?" I ask

" I am the only being that can put a lycan to shame, I am darkness, I am despair, I am Thanatos " He looks me in the eye and says with a smirk.

The way he said that made me wet my underwear with fluids, and before I could blink I was against a wall his face mere centimetres away his lips brushing against mine making me cum again.


" did you cum again?, do you wanna go too a room or wanna stay here?" I asked

" s-s-stay " with that I captured her lips and slipped my tongue into her mouth, she had no resistance I couldn't wait so I ripped her clothes off, all of it and now she is standing in front of me in all her naked glory * looks up and thanks the Moon Goddess, looks down and sees she is blushing * I braced her to the wall one hand between her legs one finger in side her "mmm~" that's when I lost it

TIME SKIP ( I'm not gonna continue this one but there will be more ) FIVE MINUTES TILL MEETING * IN THE PACK HOUSE*

I look over and see Brianna asleep we ended up doing nothing because she fainted when she saw my 'friend' so I ended up taking her to a bed to sleep, alright its time to wake up so I put my hand under the bed and start shaking it

* jumps up frantically looks around and sees me * " I'M AWAKE " she shouted and before she realized it she asked if I would actually kill my own brothers

" those two are not related to me in any way, they are the reason I am what I am, do you think I wanted to be this?" I ask calmly

" I though you were a lycan, how can they be the reason, were you not a born lycan?"

" yes I am but I'm more than that I'm a monster a abomination and it's all because they killed our- scratch that my parents, tell me what person can for absolutely no reason kill their own parents ?" I shouted and looked at her my eyes turning red

" I-i-i didn't know " then she hugs me " come on we have a meeting to get to" she says reminding me.

and that's all that's happened until now;

And this meeting is officially boring, it was just me and Leo drinking, well him drinking, me trying not to kill anyone because although his lack has the best warriors the rest of them are pretty nosy they keep walking past the door and listening in.

"Are you listening to me "


"Why you little-"

"Please finish"

"Son of an angel"

"Thought so"

*knock knock*

"Come in "

And in walks his beta a person I didn't want to meet just yet especially when I'm struggling to hold back my intent to kill ' fer do not react I repeat do not under any circumstance attack that wolf do you understand '

' What i-' 'no what if's'' ' why do you keep arguing do you want me to handle this '' shut it luci '

I look up at ' her 'father as he stared at me with cold eyes I would've done the same if I didn't notice the sweat on his face the poor old sap was probably going to give me the ' if you only hurt my daughter I'll kill you myself I don't care if your stronger than my alpha I will kill you ' speech but got scared silent .


"I'll be using my real name not some God giving title from now on Leo"

"C'mon your real name isn't scary enough "

[Death stare activated ]

"Alright fiiinnee"

[Death stare Deactivated ]

"Peter meet Adrian"

"pfft HA-"

"something funny"

" no no just didn't expect you to have such an ordinary name"

"has any of the other alphas arrived?"

" no they rescheduled for tomorrow "

after hearing that I looked Leo in the eye, we both nodded and I left to go look for Latifia