
The Maiden and Five Brothers

**********Trigger Warning********* This novel is for adults only it has more than one partner, abuse, sexual violence and lots and lots and lots of sexy steamy scenes. ********************************* Sucking more deeply her back arches first from pain. So much burning pain. It was agony. And then pleasure. The bite had pleasure. Suck more she begged inside. Suck more please. "Please" she moans. And the brothers moan in response. Riley rips off her pantys and she whimpers. Trying to close her legs, but they won't let her. Each man pulling apart one leg. They takes turns touching her pussy. At first lightly just around the lips. Riley and Oliver look each other in the eye and nod. Riley lets go with a smack of his lips he moves down her body.

Devonany · Fantasie
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44 Chs

you torture me

"Please no. I'm so sorry. I don't know what I did to make you guys hate me so much." Violet says turning over. Only catching a glimpse of that soft orange hair.


"Shut up and don't move. Just stay there. I'm not gonna hurt you." Asher says "I'm staying in here tonight so just back to sleep"

Moving closer to her he presses against her back. She winces at the touch.

"Don't do that I said I wasn't gonna hurt you." Growling at her.

"I'm sorry" she said quietly

"I can't sleep just let me lay here, I'll leave in the morning." He demanded.

"Yes" Violet replies with just a whisper.

Laying there for another 30 minutes she can feel his breathing slow. His cold against her warmth. "I guess he isn't going to hurt me like his brothers" she thought to herself. And finding comfort in not being alone she drifts off to sleep herself. When she awakes everyone is still asleep. Including Asher behind her. Fear to wake him and feel whatever his wrath is like she just lay there, his arms wrapped around her tightly, as if she would disappear if he let go.

Before long there was a knock at the door. Violets heart dropped into her stomach as fear rose to her surface. The smell of her fear woke him before he noticed the sound.

"Is Ash in there? Gabriel is looking for him and no one has seen him since you got here last night" Jeremy the youngest asked through the door. His voice always mono tone. Void of all emotion.

"I was fucking sleeping before your knock scared her and by default waking me. What do you want?" Asher growled back.

"Gabriel says you have 30 minutes to get to his office" Jeremy said. His footsteps retreating and then stopping. "I'd like to have lunch with you in the garden Ms. Violet after Ash leaves" he said

"Um okay" she said barely above normal a normal volume.

"Scram ya rat" Asher yelled back. Footsteps receding down the hall. Violet beginning to feel the hardness of him behind her. Asher smells her pulling her tightly into his body.

"I hate you, I hate you so much because when I think of them touching you and sucking your blood from you" he grumbles with something fierce and primal deep within him "and I don't like them touching things that are mine" he says licking her neck "it makes me want to fucking kill them"

Goosebumps running up and down her spine. The touch and feel of his tongue on her neck made her arch her back and moan. Why does her body react this way to his touch?

And then he bites her softly drinking in the smell and taste of her. Cherries and chocolate. Shes fucking divine he thinks to himself. Pulling in deeper as he drinks from her she grips his arm digging in her nails at the pleasure of his bite she moans. The pain exciting him making him moan.

"You fucking torture me, ya know, having you here is driving my senses and body insane" he says licking his bite cleaning up her blood leaving not a drop to be seen.

"I have to go, I'll come back for you later, don't let the others touch you, because you belong to me" he growled with a threat so terrifying it shook her to her core.

She just whimpers knowing she can't stop them. Knowing if they want her they will take her. The knowledge she no longer belonged to herself but to this family of vampires was finally settling in.

But she would change their minds. She would make them see she's more than a body to fuck and blood to drink.

But how was she do that?

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