
The maid in the red suit

The story is about Zhou quan the girl whose parents were killed by the elder group, the elder group was leaded by Mr. Han, who was too eager in becoming the chairperson of the Tianzhuo company and he was the close friend of Mr. Zhou. After killing the parent of Zhou quan, Mr. Han decided to kill the child who is going to be the heiress of the company who is Zhou quan. His mission is going to be a success and Zhou quan is going to be dead and her body is going to be thrown in the big ocean. Zhou quan is going to be resurrected by the heavenly powers causing her to be a half demon and leading her to be back in order to destroy every individual who play a role in killing her parents. On her revenge journey she decided to make herself a maid and enters Mr. Han mansion, but she suddenly found herself in love with the son of her parents' killer. Will they fall in love??

incrediblescarlet · Urban
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5 Chs

chapter 2: please give me some space

''Finally am back, now everyone who took part in the death of my parents will pay ,they will pay the price that they have never heard on this earth they will suffer the hardship and sorrow , they will never forget about the pain that they are going to face, I will make sure that they are suffering more than the hardship that I have got'' said the girl in the cold voice surrounded with anger.

Suddenly she started to feel dizzy and she found out she can't withstand walking anymore..

''What Is happening, why am I becoming too weak'' she said that in the weak voice and finally she fainted beside the shores of the lake…..


''Mr. du hash company are willing to sign the contract but they are having one condition, they want your son boxu to take part in this project because he is familiar with it and they believe that he is going to lead success to both companies'' it was the voice that was heard clearly after he received the phone.

''Keep in touch with them, tell them we will sign the contract on this week'' replied Mr. du with the serious tone but his face was showing that something was not right. After hanging up the phone he then makes another call, he was more serious this time..

''Boxu, how many times do I tell you to return in Shanghai, but you won't listen'' said Mr. du showing the tone of insisting.

''Dad am just fine in US I don't want to return there anymore, actually I don't want to involve myself in that company of yours'' said boxu to complain..

''If you are not coming back am not your father anymore, you are having just one week I need to see you here'' said Mr. du with a harsh voice and suddenly hang up the phone.

''Miss chen arrange me the ticket am flying back to shanghai tomorrow'' said boxu after making a call to his assistant.


''Where am I'' said the girl while looking to the place, it was really strange to her while she was trying to wake up from that bed, she realized that she was in the hospital..

''you are awake, let me go and call a doctor'' said a young man aged around 27 while rushing outside the room for the purpose of calling a doctor.

After a few seconds the doctor arrived and he started to do check up on the body of the girl..

''She had just caught cold, it is not the serious matter you need to take care of your girlfriend boy'' said the doctor in the serious tone to show insisting..

''Ok doctor I will take care of her'' replied the boy and the doctor went out after he finish with the check up..

''My name is He Qiosheng,I was the one who helped you and send you to the hospital , can I know your name'' said He Qiosheng while providing the wide smile on his face..

Actually he was too handsome, he has such a good body figure and he looked like the one who have success and richness..

''Actually my name is Zhou Quan, but I need to pretend that I don't remember anything for now'' said Zhou Quan in her soul..

'' Girl are you okay, or should I call a doctor'' said Qiosheng while standing up..

''No am just fine no need of calling a doctor, I just cant recall anything that have happened'' said Zhou Quan while in fear..

''Let me send you to the brain specialist my be you can be able to recover'' said Qiosheng while trying to call the specialist..

''No! , I just want to get out of this hospital, I cant endure sitting here anymore'' said zhou zuan while trying to get up from the patient bed.

''But your health condition, don't you care about yourself'' said He Qiosheng.

''Please can you do me a favor, sitting here can make me become more sick'' said Zhou quan while showing the tone of insisting..

''Okay, just sit here and wait for me am going to handle your discharge'' said Qiosheng while leaving the patient room..

'' I need to get out of here before he came back, this was not part of my plan'' said Zhou Quan while getting off the bed and she started running to find the exit from that hospital..

After few minutes Qiosheng returned from that room but unfortunately there wasn't any body in that bed.

''Oh no she can't remember anything, what if she is going to be in trouble'' he said that while rushing in hurry for the purpose of finding her..

''please I need to look for a girl she was the patient in room 4'' said Qiosheng after arriving in the security room.

They started to look for the different videos until Zhou Quan was seen in the footage that was captured by the CCVT camera.

''Stop that video, there she is ''said Qiosheng while breathing heavily and looking carefully to that footage.

'' It seems she used the stairs and just now she is in floor number four let me inform the guards to stop her'' said the guard while taking the phone and inform the guards..

In the great hurry Qiosheng rushed to the lift for the purpose of going to floor number four, after he arrived he started running in the stairs until he found Zhou Quan..

'' Stop right there'' said Qiosheng while grabbing her hand.

''What do you want from me, please leave me alone'' said Zhou Quan while trying to pull out her hand ..

'' Why don't you care about yourself, what if you get lost, who will be responsible?'' said Qiosheng while taking the girl to the lift..

'' you are going home with me, since you say that you don't want to sit in the hospital, then I will call the specialist at home'' said Qiosheng while looking to Zhou Quan.

Zhou Quan had nothing to say at the same time she was not able to escape, after a few seconds they arrived down stairs and he took Zhou Quan in the fancy car and start driving..

''Where are we going'' asked Zhou Quan

'' Am taking you to my house, you can just rest there for days'' said Qiosheng while concentrating on the road..

After twenty minutes Qiosheng stopped the car..

'' we have arrived, just feel welcomed and feel comfortable'' said Qiosheng while opening the doors, he then directs Zhou Quan the rooms and different places in his house..

'' This Is your room just go and take a bath and you can just use the clothes in the closet, but tomorrow I will send you to buy clothes'' said Qiosheng while leaving a big smile on his handsome face..

''Thank you, actually I don't know how I can repay your kindness'' said Zhou Quan with slow tone..

''Don't worry, just feel comfortable'' replied Qioesheng while leaving the room..


'' Dad am back'' shouted boxu after interring in the doors of the big mansion.

''My great son is back, what so good in US that stop you from returning home'' replied Mr. du with great happiness of seeing his son back.

'' Dad why don't you come in US we can live together with mom there, you really like this place I don't know why'' replied boxu while showing the sense of disappointment..

''My child this house is where u have born, this is your home I cant just go there and become a stranger'' replied Mr. du while trying to give explanation..

''Okay dad, tell me why have you call me all for sudden'' replied boxu

''I need you to be in charge of Hash project, that's their condition'' replied Mr. du while he was so eager of seeing what his son will reply

''Dad am telling you this is the last time, I wont come here again if you won't talk with my mom'' replied boxu with angry face..

''Don't worry me and your mother will mend our things to be good again, don't be sad'' replied Mr. du while providing a wide smile..

'' Am going to my room'' said boxu while standing up and start walking to his room..

''Mr. shi, tell Hash company that the contract will be signed tomorrow'' said Mr. du after calling someone on the phone, then he breathed heavily like he have finished the big task...


It was Saturday night where Zhou Quan was sitting on her bed just wondering what to do next, she has a lot of plans to fulfill but she needs a spare time to investigate.

''I need to find each and everything about my parents death, even for those who just played a small role will suffer '' she said it in anger while her eyes were glowing red.

She then remembered the red spiral bead that she was given with master chen tian, she took it out immediately and press it on her palm.

''Remember to say your name three times so that you can posses this spiral bead'' it was the worlds of master chen when he was giving her the bead.

''Zhou Quan'',''Zhou Quan'',Zhou Quan'' said the girl as she was instructed by master Chen, after saying out her name three times the red spiral bed turned into the beautiful necklace with the glowing part of red..

''Zhou Quan now you can posses that spiral bead, it contains the demon power, once you wear it you will be more and more powerful'' it was the heavy tone sound that came from no where..

''Master Chen, thank you for this spiral bead I hope it will help me'' replied Zhou quan while looking around hoping that she can see master chen..

''Girl keep that bead safe, and once you are having trouble just look at it'' replied master Chen to provide more information about the spiral bead..

Then the room returned to its silence again and Zhou Quan tried to wear that necklace, suddenly the red glowing light appeared and covered the whole room and at the same time Qioesheng was knocking the door…..


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