
Shattered Illusions: Struggles and Revelations

The school bullying had finally ended, but school life was far from being perfect, even though the bullying had stopped, his social life and daily house life never stopped being miserable.

How could he make any friends, he had such a shameful private life, with a drunk and abusive father and there was also his mother, it turns out she was a prostitute, he only go to know this by a coincidence, it all happened in the day of his birth day.

Mark had finally allowed himself to relax and bask in the glory of his personal achievements on his birthday.

As a reward for the changes he had made, he decided to use the money he had taken from his past bullies. Under the cover of darkness, just an hour or two after the sunset, he made his way out of the house to savor the sweet taste of revenge and the freedom that came with it.

It was at that moment he saw it.

In the dim light of the night, at that very moment, he couldn't believe his eyes when he saw his mother's figure entwined with that of another man. Though there was some distance between them, but it was enough for him to recognize the truth he had been avoiding for so long. The answers he had been searching for had always been there, right in front of him.

Feeling defeated and disillusioned, it seemed as though the world was conspiring against him. But in truth, he should have expected nothing less.

His father had been jobless and wasting away.

Every night, his mother would dress in a stunning gown that hugged her curves, accentuating her beauty. Before stepping out, she applied makeup with meticulous care. It was a nightly ritual, one that her son had observed with curiosity and wonder.

The pain he felt was excruciating, and in those moments, he longed for someone to share his suffering with. But he was alone, with nothing but his misery for company. It felt as though the world was conspiring against him, reminding him that happiness and success were just a myth, forever out of his reach.

Mark had learned how to conceal the physical bruises inflicted upon him by his abusive father, covering them up with long-sleeved clothes and excuses. But this wound was different. It was internal, gnawing away at his sanity with each passing moment.

That day, he lost something precious, something he wouldn't fully comprehend until later.

Tormented by cruel thoughts, Mark often found himself questioning the heavens. Why was it that what others took for granted seemed to be an impossible, fleeting dream for him? The weight of his struggles seemed too heavy to bear, and he yearned for a way to break free from his torment.

Mark had reached that age where his hormones were raging, and he found himself drawn to girls in his school. These feelings were natural, impossible to suppress, and Mark felt utterly helpless. His yearning for companionship only added to his feelings of loneliness and isolation.

He couldn't bring a friend to his home, let alone a girl he liked.

He knew he was unlike others, yet his flaw was not one that could be cured by a doctor. Neither shy nor ugly, his struggles lay in the weight of emotional garbage that threatened to drive him to the brink of despair. His father, Jeffrey Henry, and mother, Myra Henry, were complicit in this burden, a pile of refuse that seemed insurmountable at times.

Despite initially entertaining suicidal thoughts, which Mark had since deemed as foolish, he began to contemplate ways of eradicating the very source of his troubles.

Day by day, those fleeting thoughts grew stronger, fueled by raw emotion until they evolved into a devious and meticulous plan - a plan designed to exact vengeance upon those who had wronged him. It was a plan that held within its folds the promise of a future free from the shackles of erstwhile obstacles.

But when each morning came, he would always realize that they were but a mere wishful thinking born out of an angry teenager.

He knew planning in the head and acting according to them were two totally different things.

Mark was caught in a conflict, aware that he could execute his plan with utmost dedication. Yet, the thought of living his entire life as a fugitive constantly looking over his shoulder to avoid arrest, left him in a state of perpetual anguish. After all, he pondered, how would he survive without the means to support himself?

So, every morning Mark would swallow his plan along with the tasteless cold porridge and move on.

He still had other cards up his sleeve tho, and that is to endure this hell and cram up like mad man, get a scholarship and get out of that hell as soon as possible.

Time flew by and Mark hit his growth spurt. That combined with his martial arts and regular muscle training made him look mean.

Jeffry being Jeffry, he decided to avoid beating him and only used words as his weapon.

His mother remained indifferent - consumed with her own problems and oblivious to his needs. As a result, he too became aloof and distant.

One morning, Jeffrey received a letter that immediately brought a smile to his face- a sense of excitement clearly visible from his reaction. He eagerly tore it open, his eyes scanning the words with excitement.

He smiled from ear to ear, As he read on, his anticipation grew and grew until he couldn't help but let out a giggle until he finally burst out into a bout of hearty laughter.

Jeffery was in a frantic rush, darting back and forth with purpose.

He darted to his room in a frenzy, emerging moments later donning his finest suit. His briefcase was clutched tightly in one hand as he hurriedly checked his appearance in the mirror and adjusted his tie. Though he was in a rush, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation building inside him.

He knew that today was going to be an important day, and he was determined to make the most of it.

Jeffery scurried out of the dilapidated condominium, his mind consumed with the events of the day ahead.

Meanwhile, Mark observed his father's departure with little thought, preoccupied with his own concerns.

Suddenly, Mark's phone rang, and he excitedly answered it to receive the news that he had been awarded a scholarship.

Mark's heart swelled with joy as he realized he would finally be able to take control of his life on his own terms.

More importantly, he knew that he would no longer have to endure the miserable conditions of the rundown building they called home. With a renewed sense of purpose, Mark set his sights on a brighter future, one free of the struggles he had known for far too long.

Mark's heart overflowed with joyous anticipation, as this day signified the end of his suffering.

No longer would he have to endure the pain of physical abuse, verbal insults, and social neglect. This was the start of a new chapter in his life, and he eagerly awaited the opportunity to celebrate this transformative moment.

As Mark looked back on that day, it seemed to have passed by in the blink of an eye. He couldn't help but think to himself,

'Time really does fly when you're happy, and drag on endlessly when you're miserable.'

But in that moment, he was grateful to have experienced such a fleeting moment of joy that he would carry with him into the future.

The next day on a tranquil Saturday morning, Jeffrey arrived in front of his dilapidated condo, driving a battered and bruised secondhand car.

The vehicle's surface was a weathered shade of cyan, adorned with a multitude of scratches that spoke to its tumultuous past and from the looks of it was barely in functional state.

As Mark was preparing to head off to school, his phone rang, interrupting his morning routine.

It was the principal's office, urgently requesting that he come in and meet with them along with a legal guardian. With nobody else at home to accompany him, Mark's mother had to come along for the meeting. As they made their way to the school, Mark couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in his stomach. Still other than that Mark was feeling that things were finally about to go his way, that is until he met Jeffery right in front of the exit of the dilapidated condo.

"Where are you off to?" Jeffrey questioned, his tone a curious mix of happiness and grumpiness that left Mark feeling unsettled. "School," Mark responded in a hurried and clipped manner, avoiding eye contact with Jeffrey.

He was already irritated by the fact that he had to bring Myra with him, but there was no way around it - the principal hadn't given him much information about why he had to involve his parents.

Nonetheless, Mark remained determined to make the best of the situation and focus on his studies, come what may.

"And why is she with you?" asked Jeffery in the same conflicted tone.

Mark tried his best not to waste any time with Jeffrey and hastily explained, "I need to go to the school regarding my scholarship. The principal asked me to come and discuss some important matters, and requested that I bring along a legal guardian."

It was clear that Mark was feeling a bit flustered and pressed for time, but his determination to secure his scholarship was unwavering.

"Why didn't you just say so earlier?" exclaimed Jeffrey, his tone now filled with a mix of annoyance and disappointment.

"Kids these days have no manners, always beating around the bush," he added, clicking his tongue in disapproval.

Mark couldn't help but feel a twinge of anger and annoyance, but he knew he had to stay focused on his goal and not let Jeffrey's words sway him.

Instead, he took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

"What are you spacing out for? both of you get in the car." said Jeffery in a commanding tone.

Despite his reluctance, Mark let out a heavy sigh and resigned himself to the back seat of the car. He knew that if he refused, the persistent nagging from his father would last the entire day. Myra, on the other hand, slipped effortlessly into the front seat next to Jeffery.

Mark cautiously approached the car, taking in every detail with a critical eye. As he opened the door, a musty odor filled his nostrils, making him wrinkle his nose in disgust.

The once-vibrant upholstery was now ripped and faded, and the dashboard was covered in a layer of dust and grime.

Even the air vents were clogged with dirt and debris. It was clear that the car had seen better days, and Mark couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment wash over him.

As Jeffery buckled his seat belt, he ignited the engine and deftly maneuvered the gear stick into first gear. With his left hand, he lifted the clutch pedal while pressing down gently on the accelerator, gradually increasing the engine's revs.

Removing his hand from the handbrake, he smoothly moved the car forward, expertly controlling the vehicle's speed with only the accelerator pedal,he then lifted the clutch pedal with his left hand until it vibrated, released the handbrake, and began to increase the revs while using only the accelerator pedal to move.

Then, he accelerated abruptly.

Mark blurted out, "What the hell!" as he held onto the backseat for dear life. His father, Jeffrey, was driving recklessly, making sudden lane changes and ignoring speed limits.

"This is how men drive, watch and learn, kid," Jeffrey said with a confident tone, as Mark tried to catch his breath.

Mark knew that his father had always been reckless, but he never thought it would get this dangerous.

He couldn't help but worry that his father might ruin the happiest day of his life.

While Jeffrey was lost in his own thoughts, Mark focused on the road, trying to keep himself calm.

He desperately wanted to enjoy this road trip, but the constant swerving and sudden braking made it impossible.

As As their journey pressed on, Mark's mind grappled with the impending confrontation he would have with his father regarding his reckless driving.

A gas station materialized before them, seemingly in response to Mark's mounting concerns. Acting swiftly, Jeffrey decelerated and made a right turn to avert a collision, finding a momentary respite at the adjacent intersection.

Ignoring the 40 mph speed limit, Jeffrey pushed the car to double that, causing the tires to lose traction while navigating a sharp curve, resulting in a terrifying cascade of tumbles and a devastating collision with the gas station.

In those fleeting moments, Mark's life flashed before his eyes, his heart racing with a frenzied beat.

A fraction of a second contained an entire lifetime's worth of memories, slipping away as Mark's heart sank with the realization that all he had strived for was now in jeopardy.

"No! Not like this," he cried out, aware that his dreams had been within grasp mere moments ago.

Abruptly, a deafening BOOOOOM!!! reverberated as the car crashed and the gas station erupted into a violent conflagration of flames and debris.

The explosive sound generated an immense shockwave, knocking Mark off balance and leaving him disoriented. The resounding BANG marked the end of an era, as Mark's life was irrevocably transformed in that fateful instant.

After enduring a lifetime of torment and anguish, Mark found himself enveloped in a brilliant luminosity, beckoning him towards it. As he drew closer, all of his apprehensions, remorse, and fury dissipated into the ether.

In its place, he was bathed in a soothing warmth, nestled in the comforting embrace of the light.

And so, the long-awaited journey finally begins!

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