
The Magicians: Quest of The Moon Goddess

*The works that are The Magicians, Supernatural and Shadowhunters etc. do not belong to me* *This is my first fanfiction I've written in years and I know there are and will be some grammar mistakes I promise I'll correct those soon. Please be patient with me.* Dahlia was powerful more powerful than anything anyone encountered in awhile, but what happens when after hundreds of years she forgets how old and how very powerful she truly is? She goes to Brakebills University hoping Dean Fogg and The Library will help her remember. In the meantime she will befriend Quentin and his friends and teach them all kind of different magic from the all the different realms and realities shes been too since losing her memories. Is she destined to remained lost? Or is she destined to find her way and become someone great?

LaraeLeach1018 · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Chapter Two

Dahlia opened the door to her room and stepped inside. As looked around it was a decent sized room plenty of room for her vast collections of spell books and other oddities shes collected over the years.

Once fully inside she grabs her bag and starts to get her stuff out of it to decorate and unpack. Smiling to herself she pulls out some spells books and chuckles knowing she looks like some gothic hippie Mary Poppins pulling a vast amount of shit out of her small beat up leather bag.

Once her room was almost all decorated she pulled out a black antique framed mirror and hung it up and took a good look at herself. Sighing at the reflection looking back at her she wondered how she got herself into such a mess. She wanted answers the passed 80 years have just been her running around in a fog.

She knew her name and she was a powerful witch that apparently doesnt age but that's about all she knew. She took off her big black rimmed hat and slowly took off her sunglasses that hide the most insane eyes. She looked into the mirror her eyes had no iris or pupil they just looked like a full moon that glows down at the earth what should be the whites of her eyes black with small white dots that look like a clear night sky.

She always wondered why her eyes were like this. Were they always this way? They had to be because every glamour spell shes ever used to try and get rid of them never took them away and even stranger never covered them up. With a huff she falls into her bed and looks at her schedule and shakes her head.

Dean Fogg even put introducing her to the class on her schedule. She put the wrinkled paper down and slowly closed her eyes and passed out all the while hoping this sleep will not be invaded by nightmares.