
The Greenhouse

Miss Marwa helped Nawras to sit on her bed while she was trembling as her hands were cold. Then She went to prepare hot water from the stove. She calmly spoke:

- Forget it dear! Things like this happen.

Nawras turned her head down grievously. Few minutes passed silently until she gave her a cup of warm tea. She added:

- Here your cup, drink! it will warm you.

Nawras nodded her head and held the cup with her two small hands, gulped it slowly.

- You don't need to worry, dear! Be in ease. I will solve this matter.

Nawras only nodded her head again, when Miss Marwa took her way to leave as she was catching a glance at her from time to time. It was like she didn't want to leave. But she had to. Once she left, Nawras put the cup down on the small table was next to her bed, leaned her head on the pillow, and wrapped her tumble body with her fleecy quilt.


The greenhouse pervaded with a tense atmosphere and a big mess when this handsome man enter. He seemed like he was looking for someone, but girls run for him as if they saw a man for the first time. Some girls were content with only looking from afar, until Mrs Isabel, was the responsibility for the greenhouse, came. Mrs Isabel's face features were showing that she was angry. She started screaming and shouting at the workers harshly until when she faces the man. He looked away and carelessly hissed like he didn't do anything wrong.

- What brings a royal knight here?

She asked with a strict, so he hesitated and rubbed his head. But a girl's voice got out of blue:

- I am sure it is serious.

- You must shut up!

The girl had two embarrassing steps backwards. Slight sounds of laughter were able to hear.

- Pardon me, Mrs!

He respectfully commentated to protect the situation:

- I am looking for someone. We planned to meet today.

She astonishedly looked at him. She looked around her and anxiously tightened her lips. Then replied with a firm:

- Well! Follow me!

Clamours came out. Rohan followed her to lead him in a glazed room outside the greenhouse. The greenhouse was decorated with several shapes of planted pots. She sat down in front of her woody disk was busy with different types of equipment, adjust her glasses, held her arms on the disk, looked at him, and said:

- And now! How could I help you?

Rahan was busy looking around with a surprise when her voice awoke him. He straightened up, thinking of a good excuse and said:

- Hmm! I don't know. We planned to take something from a Mrs But, it looks like

She mindfully recalled:

- Ah! You mean medicine.

His face drew a stupid smile and replied:

- Exactly!

She looked suspicious. Then she searched between her equipment and said:

- But it is a strange thing from His Highness to send a royal knight directly.

He noticed his badge, so he quickly took it off and hid it behind his back. Mrs Isabel looked at him under her glasses, so he kept smiling and wondered:

- Who knows what His Highness is thinking!

She tightened her lips and shook her head:

- Maybe you are right>

She stood up and continued:

- Anyway, as you are here for the medicine by order of His Highness. I can't help but call, Ah!

She slapped her forehead softly with regret and added:

- Oh, God! Both of them are sick.

His facial expression changed, and spontaneously asked:

- Both are sick?

She answered without noticing:

- Yes, both of them. This morning the daughter got stuck in the icy room who is for freezing the medicine. Ah! What trouble! Only two of them who has the key to the warehouse.

His worried increased, but still, he has to control himself. So He took a deep breath and asked:

- And where I could find her, please?

- Don't worry! I will go to her by myself.

- Ah! Please.

His voice changed to look like begging. Mrs Isabel astonishingly looked at Rohan when he started hemming and said:

- I mean, you have a lot of work as I thought, so why not going by myself!

She smiled and happily said:

- You are right, Mr Yes! Why doesn't this idea come to my mind!

He smiled. Mrs Isabel tried to explain to him the way to her room and wrote a paper with her signature so he will have the approval to get the medicine, and he went outside. He tried to make his steps as natural as he could, so she would not suspect him. When he arrived at the room, he felt a little uneasy. "What if the girl whom the responsible Mrs was talking about wasn't the person who is looking for?". He looked through a small window which was on the door. He saw a messy table with equipment and an open door behind it where he could see a shadow for a body that was lying down. "God! This was true". He knocked on the door and bit his lips with regret. "Maybe I shouldn't have knocked on the door with this speed."

After a few minutes, The door opened. Rohan's heart pounded when Nawra's appearance finally showed. But she froze when she saw him. She was almost going to close the door when he used his body to obstruct her and screamed:

- Wait! Wait!

They kept in this position for a while, when a voice came from outside. So Nawras pulled Rohan inside and quickly closed the door. She leaned on the door and sighed with relief. Her eyes turned toward him. He was smiling at her with a paper that is fluttering in his hand. Her circular eyes expanded. She looked like an elk, which made him came closer toward her. He surrounded her with his hands leaning on the door, so she shamefacedly lowed her head. His susurration flowed in her ear smoothly:

- The Peachtree said that it missed you, so I come by myself.

Her body shrunk when he approached closer with touching her forehead with his. Her temperature was cold as snow. He added:

- I also heard you were sick, so I come to treat you.

When he felt her forehead started to be hot, he couldn't help but smiled. She pushed him away and shrunk with her wool quilt. Her cheeks turned red like two big apples. She moved next to the door and opened it with her tremulous hand, so he said with a playful voice:

- I will! I will!

He walked toward the door and left when she let her tremulous hand slipped it.


I am sorry for this disappearing while I had just started the novel. I went through a lot of things this year that's why I couldn't check my social accounts including Webnovel. I will do by best to update it regularly.

Bayan_Zcreators' thoughts