
Coincidence Part II

After she had finished her work. She went to a hill to get some air. Then she sat under a tree on the top of the hill, to see children were happily playing while she was drawing the pool behind them on her booklet. it was like a piece of mirror. Sunlight reflected to create a rainbow curve of light. The place was peaceful and calm for her, so she couldn't sene anything surrounded her.

- Wah! since when this pool became that beautiful!

Nawras got shooked and looked around. She didn't use to meet someone at this time, however, she became more scared when she noticed that the sound belongs to a young man.

But he seemed didn't notice her reaction, so he added:

- A lot of things changed since I had come back.

Then he pointed towards the kids and continued:

- I remember they were three kids!

His face drew a slight smile, while she stood still without any move. until she heard a noise coming from grass, to notice that he was sitting near to her. Then asked:

- And you young lady, what may a beautiful young lady do here?

She got confused. She opened her mouth to answer, but then she remembered that she was unable to speak. so she moved her head away with discontent.

he spoke indifference:

- Oh! You are drawing!

He took the booklet gently, without taking his eyes away on it.

- Your drawing is good!

Her face turned to red. She couldn't turn her eyes up. He looked at her with a little suspicion and said:

- Excuse me my lady, but ...

But he withdrew his words. He tightened his lips with worried. after a few seconds of silence, he took his booklet out from his pocket. Then he drew something and showed her. Her eyes blew with surprised. But she hid her embarrassed face between her legs and tightened them to her chest. But the sound of grass wake her up to look at him and wondering. But he was laying down on the grass, closing his eyes with a joyful smile. then sigh with satisfaction:

- That sounds better. I won't hear your complaint when I look to your pretty face.

She couldn't hide her shy laugh. Although it came out without a sound, he couldn't help but smile.

- I want to see your drawings.

He pointed out to her booklet:

- I guess it would be more enjoyable to talk through it, don't you think so?

She couldn't help but look at him with her fully open eyes. Her round eyes made her looked like an innocent baby lamb. Well, he didn't need an answer because all was written in her eyes. But then he stood up, shook his clothes and wondered:

- Are you going to be here tomorrow?

She couldn't answer, but he felt her uneasiness. So he smiled and said:

- So that means Yes!

She flickered several times before he left and said:

- Let your booklet be with you too.


Nawras put her booklet on a small woody table. Then she mused until a weak voice calling woke her up. She looked at the next room, her mother has just woked up. Her face was pale and small black circles under her eyes.

- Nawras, bring me medicine.

She moved her hand towards the table. many kinds of herbs and medical tools were messy. Maybe her mother was trying to do a new experiment. She took one of the phials and go to her mother's annexe room. Then she helped her to drink it. Her mother's face changed. Even she drink this medicine regularly, she can't be used to its bitterness.

- Ah dear!

She sighed:

- You don't know how much your father will be proud of you now!

Nawras tried to show a slight smile on her face. Her smile disappeared when her mother said:

- Remember to drink yours too.

Her face changed to resentment. But she quickly hid it. She nodded her head and left. Her mother's eyes followed her until she closes the door. Then she sadly sighed, her eyes were full of secrets.

Nawras went to their storehouse. There were too many kinds of herbs. they were inside a liquid in different sizes of phials. Bubbles were floating, quickly inflated and disappear. A phial was on a table next to a small window. The soft light came from outside made a lot of colours floated on its glass. She took some from the liquid, put it in a small bottle and close it carefully. She went out cautiously, looking around for several times. Then she went to the greenhouse.

Marwa was the person who faced her when she entered. She took the small bottle and whispered:

- Did you make certain that nobody saw you?

Nawras nodded to confirm. Marwa kindly smiled with satisfaction. Then she went with her to their lab. The greenhouse was busy as a beehive. There were some people to figure out the temperature, some people to care about herbs growth. everyone was wearing a white dress and white gloves. Nawras wear her white apron and start to help Marwa with preparing herbs.
