
The Magical Academy

1865, the 23rd of the 11th month. This is it. I have to get this deer before the bell's ring. If I don't, I don't eat and I don't get inside the village. My little brother doesn't get better and he doesn't get food. I align an arrow up with the deer's deer's neck. I pull it back and breath out slowly and quietly. I let go of the string just as the first bell rings. The arrow land's deep into the deer's neck. The deer fall's to the ground with a thud. This is how my day ended. In the small village of Engwood. The day I got in a fight with the Lord's son. The day I found out that I, of all people, are related to the two greatest witch and wizard colonies of all time. Its also the day, I tried to run away from my problems. Violence. PG rating.

_GrainsOfTime_ · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Chapter two

The Invitation

Jack lead us to the main sheriffs office, brought us to a room and told us to sit down. The room was dim and outside it started to rain. Harper was slightly shaking and bouncing his knee. He had few secrets no one can know about. I grab his hand a slowly rub it. He can get nervous and start to shake if he doesn't calm down.

Jack looks at me. "Ok. I shall be blunt here." He looks over to Harper "Harper, Gabriel, do you know the WhiteWizard's?" I nod. "They are almost the most powerful wizard's out there." Harper only slightly nods. His face is a deathly white color. Jack raises his eyebrow. "Is he ok?" I slowly nod and look at Harper and squeeze his hand. "Umm, Yeah he should be. He get's like this when he's scared." Jack look's down at our hand's and sneer's. Harper look's down and removes his hand.

Jack continues. "Hmph. Whatever. Anyway. A white Wizard he fell in love with a beautiful River Of the Wood's witch. They stayed in secret. No one knew. Until one day, The River Of the Wood's Witch got pregnant. Everyone wanted to know who the father was, If he left, if he was dead. She told no one who it was. One night through, she left. She left to find the White Wizard. She traveled far; Until she could travel no more. She need up stuck in a village, the baby was soon to come. The night the baby came, she got sick from the wicked wind's outside." Squirming in my seat I start to guess where the story is about to go. "She died in child birth. There was nothing the mid-wife could've done. She was gone the minute she got sick." Jack is now staring at me, not blinking. "The village claimed the baby as an orphan and left him with the bartender at the Smoky Red. If you are smart you know what I am getting at." I shake my head and start to stand up. "No. What you're saying, it isn't true! I'm not related to those arrogant White Wizards!" Jack start's to stand up and walk to me. Harper look's at me. I squint my eye's and slightly shake my head.

"Gabriel. You are the son of the Witch and the Wizard! Look, we think someone from inside is planning a war with the orges. You can stop them. You can end this world. If you have the power of a Water Witch and a White Wizard, you could dominate the world." Jack walks towards me again; I back up and grab for the doorknob.

I swing open he door and run out, Harper following me. "Gabriel! Where are we going?" I shake my head and just garb his hand, pulling him along. "We just need to get out of here!" We round a corner and the mage is infant of us out of no where. "You can't run from me boy. YOu barely know these walls." I look around and take the hallway on the left.

"Do you want to be slain by the sheriffs guards?" I yell and quickly turn around when he appears infant of us again. "Gabriel? Maybe we should just. . ." I shake my head harshly. "No. We aren't listening to him! W e are leaving!" We run towards the door thats ahead of us. I slam into it, pushing it open. The mage yell's and starts to run after us.

I pull Harper into an aisle way and slow down, catching our breath. "Gab-riel. We. . Can't. . . Keep. . Running!" Harper manages tot somehow get out a short sentence. I start to pull him along why shaking my head. "I am not. . . going the . . .academy. Especially. . . without you. . . or Dakota. " Haroer pull's himself and out of my grasp, breathing normally again.. "I can't come with you. If you leave someone need's to watch Dakota. I know he's only 2 year's younger than us, but he's sick. Someone need's to take care of him." Looking around I realize he's right. If we leave no one will be able to take care of Dakota.

The mage's shouts are getting louder and you can hear the barks of dog's. I look back at Harper. "I-i can't go to the academy. You know that. I have to go. Please take care of Dakota." Turning around, I tell Harper to take the back ally's to my house and to stay out of sight. Harper quickly turn's around and straits down the side ally road to my house.

Looking down the corner, the mage and his dog's suddenly round it. I run towards the dark ally streets away from him, thinking about what he said. He can't be serious. I won't do it. I can't. He call's after me. I turn the corner running from the village. I go over the bridge, run into the forest, and hide behind a tree. That's when I am grabbed and a bag is thrown over my head. I kick and yell. The kidnappers hit me over the head. My vision goes black.