
The Magical Academy

1865, the 23rd of the 11th month. This is it. I have to get this deer before the bell's ring. If I don't, I don't eat and I don't get inside the village. My little brother doesn't get better and he doesn't get food. I align an arrow up with the deer's deer's neck. I pull it back and breath out slowly and quietly. I let go of the string just as the first bell rings. The arrow land's deep into the deer's neck. The deer fall's to the ground with a thud. This is how my day ended. In the small village of Engwood. The day I got in a fight with the Lord's son. The day I found out that I, of all people, are related to the two greatest witch and wizard colonies of all time. Its also the day, I tried to run away from my problems. Violence. PG rating.

_GrainsOfTime_ · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

Get me out of here

I wake up and slowly lift up my head that was laying on my chest. I open my eye's but all I see is black. Trying to remove the blindfold; I scream and yell, The gag preventing me. I try to get someones attention. Someone grunts and walk's up to me, kicking me in the side and ripping off the blindfold.

"Shut up boy. You're lucky I can't beat you. Boss would kill me." I groan and hold my head as it starts to throb. "Try to hit me. I'll find a way out of these birds soon enough." The man growls and sits down, sharpening a knife.

I squirm uncomfortably as he sharpens his giant knife. He look's over to me and smiles a gap-toothed smile. "You like this-" The door is slammed open before he can finish the sentence. A tall man walk's in, yelling orders at the guards next to him. The guards walk towards me why the man talks to the guy that was watching me.

I kick and try to scream before the put the gag back on me. I let out hoarse screams through the gag. The tall man turns to face me and the guards that are holding me. "Will someone hit this kid over the head with the biggest club we have! I can't hear myself think!' I yell at the man through the gag; it comes out as a jumbled up mess. "Someone shut him up now!" The guards stand up straight why one of them goes to draw their sword.

The man comes down to hut me in the head with the butt of his sword. I twist my body, forcing the guards to let go. I grab the guards sword and run to a corner so they can only come to me from one way. The tall man growls and yell's at the guard Adam to get me under restraint again. The guard quickly take's a sword from his fellow guardsman and uses it against me.

He try's to get to my shirt collar to stab it into the wall; He instead nick's my neck. The taller man, Who I am guessing is the gang's leader, Pushes the man out of the way and points his sword at me. "You are not getting away you little pest. You aren't I will get your ransom and live in a wonderfu-" The door to the room slams open and a blue flash heads to the Tall man.

The blue string surrounds the man and pull's him into the air. The man pushes at the bubble around him but only successfully get's burned by the weird blue substance. The other guards are petrified on the floor not moving; Two of them without a sword.

The floor creaks as five people walk in. I groan as I realize it's the mage from before and this time he brought some people. The mage walks forward to the blue bubble and gently sticks his hand in and grabs my kidnapper by his shirt collar. "I've been looking for you, LineBirch. I didn't get the leader, but, I got you."

The LineBirch is a powerful clan. They go for vulnerable children and then pressure them into joining their clan. But what they wanted with me, I don't know. That question was answered the next time the LineBirch member talked. "You will never catch him. We will catch this little bastard again and again until we have him secure." I sink farther into the corner looking for a way out.

As I start to slowly walk to a side door, I am grabbed in a bubble like the LineBirch guy is in. "Ahh yes. I almost forgot about you." The mage look's behind him at a guy with flint and stone. The mage nods his head. "Go ahead." He look's back at us and starts to drag our bubbles along. "We need to go. Everyone get as many of these guys as you can. You hear me?" The soldiers stand up straighter. "Sir, Yes, Sir." The soldiers quickly get to work at producing a blue or red strung and turning it to a bubble around the captives.

I try to scream but I can't. It's like the bubble is preventing me form speaking. I can hear, I can feel, I can see, But, I cant talk? The mage look's at us and see's our confused expressions. "It's a trapezius bulla. It prevents anyone from getting out or making noise. It's a new spell." The mage, Jack, Starts to quickly walk out of the building as a loud ticking begins. The other mage's speed up as well, Grabbing anyone they can.

"The shows about to begin. . ." When we get out of the building we are in the middle of a wide open field. There are flowers everywhere. A few deer's here and there. The sun is low in the sky.

The mage starts to bend down, letting our bubbles pop. He takes my sword and the other guys, throwing them both into a saddlebag on the horse next to him. I watch the mage. He can't be that older then me. He's young that's for sure.

Jack mumbles, "The show's about to begin." And then continues to intently watch the building we were in. As the last mage came out there was a click and a giant boom. My eyes were ringing and I was getting dizzy. I groan and fall against the mage. He catches me and sits me upright. "Amazing right?" I slowly nod and strait to stand up, getting straight to the point.

"I am not going to the academy. You can't force me to go. You're only a guard." Jack shakes his head. "Only a guard? I am offended…" He pouts for second before moving on, not giving me a chance to talk. "You are going. We need you. We can win this war with you. Go to the Academy." I shake my head and start to walk away. "I am not going, it's final.

Jack runs up to me and grabs my arm pulling me back. "I was told you are going to go tp the Academy. I will not fail my master. I serve him. You don't have to receive the punishment of failing. So, You're going to the academy.