
The Magic Of My Universe

Nickalous Mason Brown is most definitely not normal. His living conditions are not so great, and school reputation is a nada. Until one day he wanders upon the mysterious Adelina Gill and her world along with it. But of course he’s the key to saving it, as well the magical adventure along the way.

SYTBD_555 · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 3: school day

It's about 6:30 when I'm finished and my brother has already left by then, leaving me to clean up later in the day. I normally finish it right then and there, but I don't exactly have the energy to do it right now, especially considering that I'll have to clean the house up when I return. "At least he kept his word". I mumble as I slip my worn-out sneakers on, grab my satchel like a backpack, and head out the door locking the door behind me. I'm roasting in my sweater, every step the hotter it becomes. The weather is quite odd considering its fall, and about 75 degrees I'd say. As I approach a stoplight I press the button and reach into my satchel making sure I didn't take out the first aid kit. I feel a wave of relief as my fingers graze across the familiar disguised extra pencil case. The light goes from the red hand to the walking man, and I slowly cross the street. But halfway through someone, I believe to know to shout my name as loud and obnoxiously as possible. I finish crossing and the light turns red. But My friend refuses to look at the light. She just barely makes it as a car zooms past her right as she reaches the curb. In a quite agitated manner, she scorns me for not waiting for her. "NICK! YESTERDAY YOU TOLD ME YOU WOULD MEET ME BY THE OAK TREE IN MY FRONT YARD! BUT AS SOON AS I GOT OUT THERE I SAW YOU PASSING LINTWOOD!" I immediately realize that I had forgotten her this morning as I had been cut and bruised. "I-I'm sorry Liddy! I completely forgot…" She catches me rubbing my bandage nervously and her flustered expression turns into a frown. "He hurt you again didn't he." I immediately object and lie so she won't escalate the situation. "NO! NOT AT ALL! I... Ummm… CUT MYSELF CHOPPING THE ONIONS! THAT'S ALL!" She looks at me searching me for signs of a lie. She has a quirk that lets her know whether somebody's lying, or telling the truth. She deems me truthful because I technically didn't lie since it was whilst chopping onions. As long as something truthful factors into the lie, Your technically innocent. "Phew, that's a relief. OH YEAH! It's officially been two weeks since he last hurt you then! YES, HIGH SCORE!" Liddy and I have been friends since kindergarten, and her parents understand my situation, due to that fact, they're ok with it if I need to stay over, or are there to take care of me if sick. (Her parents are doctors). Although I normally don't involve them, they only think I'm being hurt mentally and liddy has only seen bruises. And they tell no one because they know I'll be left with nothing if My mother and brother are sentenced. My mother and brother deal with lots of bad people who would die to kill me. From there on we continue on our way to the school talking about classes and projects that Liddy probably has overdue. In my spare time while I'm over I help Liddy as a tutor and sometimes let her copy notes. But I don't mind as long as it helps her! We reach the front gate to the school and I am greeted with sneers and whispering as per usual. Liddy, on the other hand, is student council president so is greeted with the opposite(Good mornings and warm smiles). I sigh as we enter the building and part ways.(As president she needs to check her mailbox for club requests or Activities, someday they plan on having her plan a field trip.) As I walk through the crowds of people gathering by there lockers, I find mine with liddy's right next door. I get the feeling she won't have time to go to her locker so I decided to go through the trouble of grabbing her books and binders as well as mine. But as I am opening her locker, I am gifted with one Of her admirers catching me opening her locker, and he looks pissed.