
The Mage with an Existential Crisis (Hololive Fanfic)[Under Rewrite]

A story of old, wherein demons, magic, and all sorts of supernatural exists. A story that told about the truth of the world, uncovering its myths and mysteries. A story of an all powerful mage searching for his purpose in the vast world, searching, for a place to call home. A story where Hololive Idols are more than just idols. +----------------+ A/N: Yahallo! I have decided to post this here as well, since its what I'm currently writing upon. As for those who have read my previous books, whichever it is. I still haven't found a single ounce of motivation or ideas in my bones to continue them for now. I'll occassionally write on the drafts, but for now. I present you my latest work, I haven't seen much Hololive fanfics around, so I decided to make one. I don't own Hololive, the idols, or anything that may came along them. I only own my OC, and probably the plot(?). For those who are wondering if this is a harem or not. Big no. I can't write harems, as simple as that. Some Idols, or hololive girls might be a bit OOC/out of character since I'm not that good to perfectly imitate how they act. Hope you guys enjoy.

Fumuyoshi · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs


"Hey idiot, yeah you, fuck you!!" = Conversations

'Idiot?! Me?! I hate this guy...!' = Thoughts

"Begone Thot!" = Spells, Attacks, Rage moments, demonic forms, yada yada yada. You get the point.


Enma's POV

"You know Amelia, you really didn't have to tag along right?" I questioned as glance at Amelia from the corner of my eyes. I saw her shrug her shoulders at my question.

"Yeah, but then again, where's the fun in that?" Giving me a cheeky grin, I groaned helplessly.

"You don't even know Gura as much as I do? How are you supposed to know who she is?" She hummed and then bumped her fist into her open palm.

"You did call her shorty a while ago right? Then that means that anyone short we come across will bound to be her!" I opened my mouth to argue but found no words coming out.

"Okay you got me there, but still." Helplessly shrugging my shoulders, I said.

"Ehh, count this as me going out of my way to find my new friend!" She cackled at me.

"You don't even know if she will agree to be your friend or not." I pointed out as she grumbled at me and my pessimistic attitude.

"Oh please! I can feel that we will get along just fineeee~!" My brows creased at her.

'THAT'S WHAT I'M AFRAID OF!' I thought mentally and shivered at the upcoming chaos that is bound to befall on my poor soul.

"Anyway, you think Pekora is going to be okay with Hoshimachi-san?" Changing the topic, Amelia bumped my shoulders as I stare at the long mountain road ahead.

I shook my head and stared at her in amusement.

"You should be more worried about Hoshimachi-san. If you know your history well, then you should know by now that Pekora is the princess of Pekoland." Wriggling my eyebrows, she turns her head away in disgust.

"You might be handsome, but you are not my type." She replied, not bothering to hide the disgust in her voice.

"Oh you wound me fair Amelia." Acting as if my heart was in great pain, I clenched my fist at my chest.

"Shaddap! Anyway, yeah I really should be more worried about Hoshimachi-san." With that, I smirked in agreement.

"The Usada Royal Family, known for their knack of doing warcrimes in their lifetime. Heh, I'm glad I stopped Pekora before it got too gruesome. Still, her criminal side still tends to come out. In the face of pranks of course." I sighed helplessly as I said that before stopping and gazing at the hazardous mountain path.

"It'll take us a long time before we can even start finding Gura at this rate." Amelia nodded as she stopped beside me.

"What do you think we should do? This whole Rufubin Mountain Range is bigger than most mountain ranges I know. It'll be like finding a needle in a haystack." I smirked when an all too amusing thought crossed my mind.

"Hey Amelia, you got any problem dealing with huge creatures and riding them?" I asked her while I summoned out my Grimoire.

"Not really, Bubba can transform to a bigger form if he ever wants to. Why?" Amelia gazed at me curiously.

"Well then! Be ready to meet my cute and wonderful Thunder Doggo, Zinogre!" Slamming my hand down the ground, a huge magicka circle appeared beneath our feet. It slowly converged behind me as it constructed a violet portal.

A distant roar resounded as heavy footsteps gets closer. Amelia gazed at it in worry and amazement.

"Rank 9th summoning spell, Thunder Beast Category." She muttered as a all too familiar head, poked its way out of the portal. Slowly but surely, Zinogre took form behind me, I can even feel its thunderous breaths. I smiled slightly at that and clapped my hands, dissipating the violet portal and the spell at the same time.

"Heya big buddy, how are you?" Approaching his huge frame that stood about as tall as a two storey house, he is surprisingly gentle.

'What did Artemis call him as again? Ah! A big softie!' Zinogre lowered his head brushed it against my hand.

"You call that a dog?! That's a Thunder Beast Enma!" Amelia shrieked and hid behind a boulder.

"Eh? Zinogre is a doggo, nothing can change that." I firmly replied with a stoic face, before getting smacked by Zinogre, who growled at me when I called him as a doggo.

"See?!" Amelia glared at me in accusation and I just chuckled

"Anyway, hop on. We'll find Gura faster this way. Plus Zinogre has a sensitive smell, and he knows Gura's scent by now. As such, finding her won't be as problematic." I explained while getting on top of Zinogre. Amelia thought deeply and nodded her head.

"Now come on up, we have a short and drunk princess to catch." I took her hand and pulled her up as I patted Zinogre.

"Giddy up boyo!"

~ POV change brought to you by Chibi Zinogre sleeping at the side with a snot bubble on his nose~

Pekora's POV

"Why am I stuck with you peko?" I sulked and asked the walking wall, err, royal knight/guard.

She only looked at me by the corner of her eyes and shrugged.

"I don't know Usada-sama, this is after all Fumuyoshi-san's plan. Not mine." I knew that and couldn't help but pout.

"Stupid radish head, why did he even propose to peko-split up anyways. I'm sure he has a spell in that grimoire of his that can scan the whole mountain range-- peko..." I stopped and facepalmed, while the walking wall, I mean, Hoshimachi stopped dead in her tracks.

"So let me get this straight Usada-sama. All this time walking to who knows where, is just a waste of time?" I chuckled weakly and looked away.

"I-its not my peko-fault that Enma-kun has a problem with his memory peko." Hoshimachi just groaned and did something out of character. She stomped her feet in annoyance and pouted.

I stared at her in confusion as she mutters something under he breath. All I heard was "Fumuyoshi-san", "More Time", and "Know him".

I suddenly felt something wrong with Hoshimachi as I felt threatened, as for why. I have no clue whatsoever.

"Let's just go back to Yagoo's place and wait for those two to come back peko. Enma-kun will eventually peko-find Same-chan soon."

"Same-chan? Do you know Princess Gura personally Usada-sama?" Hoshimachi asked.

"Yep! Used to be peko-playmates with her when we were kids peko." I puffed my chest up and lead the way back.

Hoshimachi nodded beside me and followed. I gazed up at the clear blue skies, and sighed.

"I only hope Same-chan takes it well. She will be very devastated once she peko-knows what happened back at her home peko."

~Change of POV brought to you by Chibi Suisei chasing Chibi Pekora with her golden axe when she slipped and called her a walking wall~

Gura's POV

"A." I stared speechlessly as countless bandits fall unconscious in front of me. I have been captured a while ago and was going to be handed over to slave traders. I wasn't afraid since I can fight back if ever, however, just as those thoughts surfaced in my mind. I was greeted by a recurring problem. I'm not anywhere near a water source to use my Atlantean water manipulation magicka and spells.

I'm still far away from being able to draw water from air through the moture? Moiture? Or was it moisture?

'Stoopid words.' I grumbled but just stared at the downed bandits.

"Heh? Well would you look at that, already in trouble shorty?" I flinched and then deadpanned as I immediately knew whose voice was that. Turning my head to the side with great difficulty, I stared at none other than Enma Fumuyoshi. He is still the same as he used to be. Sarcastic, like to tease people, and well, handsome. No one can deny that fact.

"Shattap will ya? Why are ya always like this? First time meeting me again and you are already bullying me, you big meany." Pouting in grievance, I half glared at him.

"Ehhh, do you really need my answer to that dumb question, that I already answered a long time ago?" Enma snickered while undoing the ropes tying me down.

"I was being sarcastic." Enma stopped and then looked at me in amusement. I cursed silently in my mind at that very moment.

"Looks like height isn't the only thing you came up short eh? Gura?" I knew it! I glared at him heatedly as he laughed at his own joke.

"Pfft! Not gonna lie, that was funny for me." Turning my glare towards the girl beside Enma, I was immediately confused.

"Uhh, who are you? Oi Enma-nii! Don't tell me you ditched Pekora-nee for this blonde bimbo." I was immediately smacked by Enma and said girl glared at me.

"My name is Amelia Watson, not blonde bimbo." I only stuck out my tongue at her.

"And no, I didn't replace Pekora for anyone. I'd rather eat Haato's food than replace her." I shuddered immediately at the mention of 'Haato's Food' and nod my head in agreement to Enma's statement.

"Good! Now all you need to do is propose to her." Enma did a spit take, while Amelia laughed in a manner that is rather peculiar. As peculiar as Pekora-nee's laugh.

"G-gura! Propose my ass! You are still too young to talk about relationships young lady." Enma repeatedly poked my forehead.

"I get it, I get it. Tch, cheapskate." I muttered and jumped on top of Zinogre. Who only growled in worry, confusing me a lot.

"Oi, why is Z worried about me?" I flinched all of a sudden when Enma's bright smirk fade away. A heavy frown settled on his face, and I noticed the hidden grief and sadness inside his eyes. Amelia as well, became silent and wiped a few tears.

"We'll explain when we get back, okay Gura?" Enma patted my head ans I couldn't help but lean in on his touch. His head pats are always warm and comfy.

"W-what's wrong Enma-nii?" I couldn't help but ask, because a heavy feeling had suddenly griped my heart and made me feel very nervous.

"Something... Something terrible happened to Atlantis Gura. Right now, I need to make sure that you'll be safe from now on. As such, I need you to stay beside me for a while okay?"

'T-terrible? W-what about mom? Dad? Artemis and Sky?' As if he can read my mind, Enma opened his mouth and my world nearly collapsed with the next words he said.

"Artemis is fine Gura, but... Auntie, Uncle, and Sky. I'm sorry, but it's too late for me to react after I got the news."