
The Mage's Cheat System

Psyx a 13 year old boy from a bustling merchant town, Eridu located in the Sedax empire, in the world Edarn. He claimed to have a cheat system, and a shadow mage on the hunt for it met up with Psyx and tried helping psyx with the cheat system as an undercover in his attempt to steal it from Psyx. The mage was shocked to find out that it was a farce created by psyx to gain attention and ended up killig him. Psyx died and he met with the god of reincarnation, Refid-sama. He was given a chance to reincarnate into the world of Elkia, which was also a magical world as his previous one, with a real cheat system, the best of them all. He was reincarnated into the body of a 17 year old boy, Gerd who was the fifth and last son of a powerful noble. Gerd was hated by his brothers for his inability to use magic and was stamped a disgrace to the family. Psyx now Gerd uses the cheat system to get stronger and fight evil and those who opposes him as he claims territories all over the world .

VictoriousMage · Anime und Comics
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The summer sun descended below the horizon as Psyx trudged down the dirt path towards the small village of Eridu. It had been a long journey, and he was exhausted. Psyx's stomach growled, reminding him that he had not eaten all day, but he kept his attention focused on his goal - the Mage's Tower. The Mage's Tower was the most prestigious magical institution in the kingdom, and only the most talented and skilled mages were admitted to study there. It was the ultimate goal for any young mage, and Psyx was no exception.

He had dreamt of the Mage's Tower for as long as he could remember, but unfortunately, he was not gifted with natural magical abilities like other mages. He had to work harder than most just to keep up. Despite his efforts, he had always felt like he was falling behind the others. But this time, Psyx had a secret weapon. He had discovered a cheat system that had the potential to revolutionize the world of magic. It was a powerful tool that would give him an edge over his competition. He had spent months studying and mastering it in secret, and he was finally ready to put it to the test. As he entered the village, Psyx could feel his heart racing with anticipation. He made his way down the cobbled streets towards the Mage's Tower, his eyes locked onto the towering spire at the center of the village.

As he approached the Tower, he stopped to take a deep breath, feeling his nerves begin to settle. Psyx stepped through the door, greeted by the familiar scent of parchment and incense. The sound of murmuring voices and the scratching of quills filled the room. Quickly scanning the room, Psyx saw that the Mage's Council was in session, huddled together at a large, ornate desk. As he approached, one of the council members, a tall, thin man with a long beard, looked up and took notice of Psyx. "Ah, Psyx, you've finally joined us." "Yes, sir," Psyx replied, trying to hide his excitement. "And what brings you here today?" the councilman asked. "I've come to apply for admission to the Mage's Tower," Psyx said confidently, hoping his secret weapon would give him the edge he needed. The council members exchanged glances, and the long-bearded one spoke up. "We have had our eye on you for some time, Psyx. We know you have been struggling to keep up with the rest of our students, but we believe that you have the potential to be a great mage." Psyx felt a jolt run through him at the councilman's words. He almost couldn't believe what he was hearing. "However," the council member continued, "we cannot make any promises. Admission to the Mage's Tower is based solely on merit and natural ability."

Psyx felt a sinking feeling in his chest. All of his hard work had been for nothing. "But," the councilman said, a glint in his eye, "we are willing to make an exception for you. We have heard rumors that you possess a unique ability – a cheat system, if you will." Psyx's heart leapt at the mention of the cheat system. He had not expected the council to know about it. "Is it true?" the councilman asked, his gaze piercing. Psyx hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to proceed. Part of him wanted to keep the cheat system secret, but he knew this was his chance to prove himself. "Yes, it's true," he said, and the council members leaned in closer, their eyes gleaming with curiosity. "Very well," the councilman said, a smile spreading across his face. "We will allow you to demonstrate your cheat system in front of the council. If it proves to be as powerful as you claim, we will grant you admission to the Mage's Tower." Psyx nodded, feeling a sense of elation wash over him. This was it – his chance to achieve his dreams and prove himself as a mage.

He took a deep breath, centering himself, and began to draw upon the cheat system's power. A warm energy flowed through him, and he could feel the power of magic at his fingertips. He began to chant an incantation, and the room filled with a bright, pulsing light. The council members watched in awe as Psyx demonstrated his incredible powers. He soared around the room, creating dazzling displays of magic that left the council members speechless. When he finished, the room was silent for a moment, before the council members erupted in cheers and applause. Psyx felt a sense of pride well up inside him, like he had never felt before. "You have done it, Psyx," the councilman said, beaming at him. "You have proven yourself worthy of admission to the Mage's Tower. Congratulations!" Psyx grinned ear-to-ear, feeling a sense of triumph and accomplishment. He had finally achieved his goals, thanks to the power of the cheat system. From that moment on, he knew that anything was possible, and that he could use the cheat system to become the most powerful mage in the kingdom.

The main story is different from this. I ended up choosing a different plot and did not stick with this plot again. Please, bear with me

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