
The Mage's Cheat System

Psyx a 13 year old boy from a bustling merchant town, Eridu located in the Sedax empire, in the world Edarn. He claimed to have a cheat system, and a shadow mage on the hunt for it met up with Psyx and tried helping psyx with the cheat system as an undercover in his attempt to steal it from Psyx. The mage was shocked to find out that it was a farce created by psyx to gain attention and ended up killig him. Psyx died and he met with the god of reincarnation, Refid-sama. He was given a chance to reincarnate into the world of Elkia, which was also a magical world as his previous one, with a real cheat system, the best of them all. He was reincarnated into the body of a 17 year old boy, Gerd who was the fifth and last son of a powerful noble. Gerd was hated by his brothers for his inability to use magic and was stamped a disgrace to the family. Psyx now Gerd uses the cheat system to get stronger and fight evil and those who opposes him as he claims territories all over the world .

VictoriousMage · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter Four

Psyx walked up the grand staircase of the Mage's Academy, gazing in awe at the vast library housed within its walls. He had a mission to accomplish, one that required extensive research. Psyx walked up to the librarians' desk, where a stern-looking man sat, his long nose buried in an ancient tome.

"Excuse me, sir. I'm looking for information on an advanced shielding spell," Psyx said, trying to keep the excitement out of his voice.

Without looking up, the librarian spoke, "And what exactly are you searching for?".

"I need to create a shield that will be strong enough to protect me from a dragon's fiery breath," Psyx replied. The librarian looked up, surprise evident on his face. "That is a very advanced spell indeed, young man. You may need to consult some of the more restricted volumes of our collection."

Psyx nodded eagerly, "I'll do whatever it takes to find the information I need."

The librarian arched an eyebrow, "Very well then, I suppose I'll give you access to the restricted section. But be warned, only the most advanced mages are allowed to enter. You must not take any of the books outside this room, and you may not divulge any of the knowledge contained within them to anyone else, understand?"

Psyx nodded, mindful of the librarian's warning. He was just happy for the opportunity to delve into the forbidden section of the library. He made his way through the shelves of the restricted section, carefully scanning the spines for any relevant information. Hours passed as Psyx poured over ancient tomes, reading about the different forms of magical shielding. His eyes were starting to sting from the dim lighting, and his mind was beginning to blur.

Just as he was about to give up, he stumbled upon a volume that caught his eye. The book was old, its pages yellowed with age. As Psyx opened it, he felt his heart race with excitement. It was a book of lost spells, containing knowledge that had nearly been forgotten by the modern mages. Within its pages, Psyx discovered the very spell he was searching for, the elusive Dragon Shield spell. He read through the incantation, studying it over and over until he had it committed to memory. Psyx felt a sense of triumph wash over him. He had found what he was looking for, and now he could take on the dragon and save his people.