


I was frozen and my spot but snapped out of my trance when he chuckled. I looked up at him questionably and opened my mouth but nothing came out. "I know you have lots of questions that needs answering so do you mind accompanying me to grab a coffee or two" he stated and smiled at me. My brain was all fussy but I just managed to nod.

He took my hands and led me outside and looked around. I looked around and spotted a cafe before leading him there oblivious to the curious stare from my mom and my best friend.

we decided to take a seat by the window and just stared at each other in a slightly awkward silence until the waiter came by "hi. welcome to cafe Curzon,how may I take your order?" A chubby old lady in a floral pattern shirt and blue jeans asked. "can I have ice coffee and..." my voice trailed off as I stared at him and he looked at the menu before deciding "make that two ice coffees" he stated and the lady smiled and walked away.

"I have a lot of questions running through my head but can I just start by asking how you managed to be here? I mean how you got here and what happened that night at Chicago".

I realised i was rambling when he chuckled and asked me to slow down which in turn made heat rush to my face. "okay to answer your first question i live here in new Orleans down at the mansion and that night at Chicago I was attacked and robbed, practically left for dead but I managed to pull my self together" he stated and I just started at him shocked "are you okay now" I asked and he smiled "yes, the robbers has been caught so it has all be resolved and please call me Marco and not Mr Valentino, I feel old when you use it" he said while pouting and i swear my heart just did a Summersault. The lady returned with our order and then left "okay Marco about the book. when will you be free to come take a look at the samples" I stated and I thought i saw his eyes darken before it quickly cleared "how about tomorrow at my place if your free. you can bring your samples and then I'll give you the address for the opening of the charity event", he stated and I just smiled and nodded while he took a sip of his coffee "I'm free tomorrow just text me your address and I'll make sure to deliver"

i tried to ignore the fact that his neck muscles bunched up when he drank the coffee or the way he mouth seemed to make sort of a bow as he drank his ice coffee.

His phone rang and he excused him self to check it. I saw his eyes flash with an unknown emotion before he masked it With a smile sent my way "I have to get back now but I'll be sure to text you the address ", he stated and then after dropping money for the two drinks, smiled at me and left.


I entered my car and picked my phone as it rang again "yes" I stated and waited for a reply "we've found him boss. he's currently in the basement. it definitely wasn't easy as he was a sneaky chump but we got him", Mark said and i just smirked "I'm on my way" I hung up the phone and started the ignition. I gripped the steering wheel tightly and drove as fast as i Could home. I ached to spill blood and i couldn't wait to get how to teach that bastard a lesson for attacking me. It took some time but I've finally found my attacker and i have no will of handing him to the police because as far as I'm concerned in the hierarchy we the mafia are the law before the police and as far as I'm concerned, he is sentence to death.

The next day


I woke up with a groan when I felt my alarm ring for the third time and just slammed it shut. I rolled out of bed feeling like the walking dead and just headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After i was done, i went back to the room and check my phone.

Hey! here's my address and I hope to see you soon ~M 11:30pm

I smiled at the text before pulling out a floral gown and sandals from my wardrobe. I quickly took a shower and then wore my underwear before putting on my clothes. I quickly rushed to the kitchen and fixed my self omelette and orange juice.

After I was done I grabbed my phone and put it in my purse along with my wallet, money and credit card and my car keys.

I closed the door softly and rushed to my car. I drove to my mom's bookstore so I could go and collect the book samples to show him before the kids event.

I was in a hurry to see him so I just kissed my mom goodbye and then i was on my way to see Marco.

"woah" was the first word I said stared at the house in front of me. The guards let me enter after I gave them my identity and now here i am ogling the outside view. The door opened and out walked a woman in a maids outfit "hi, I'm Ophelia and you must be miss Cruz. if you would please come with me. Mr Valentino will be with you shortly", the woman said and lead me inside. "would you like something to drink miss Cruz" she asked and I just shook my head "No thanks and please call me Mia" I stated and the woman just smiled at me and left.

I placed the book samples on the table and was about to sit down when something caught my eyes. it was a magazine and i just picked it is up and sure enough Marco was In the front cover.

I smiled as I saw him placed in all his glory and the cover read Valentino empire. "The man behind the-", my voice was caught off when I heard yelling. I jumped when I heard it again and without thinking, I followed the voice. The voice became louder as i followed it until I stopped at a red door. my hands reach shakily for the door and I was about to open it but someone beat me to it. I jumped back as Marco emerged from the door wiping his hands on a black napkin, sleeves rolled up with a killer look on his face.

I gasped and his entire composure changed as he stared at me shocked. I swore this guy was bipolar as he immediately smiled at me. "hi I'm sorry for intruding, um... I brought the samples so you can check it out I'm going to go now", I stated and without waiting for his reply dashed off. I ran outside and have already reached my car when i felt hands on my shoulder. I turned around shocked and came face to face with Marco. "why did you run?", he asked his face showing sadness and I immediately felt nervous "i-i was embarrassed. I mean it's not my house and I just pried. I'm sorry again", I said in a whisper and he just smiled. "it's okay. make your self at home. I hope to see you again and I'll be sure to check out the sample.", he stated and I nodded and smiled.


I watched her drive off and smiled. I entered my house and picked up the napkin I had discarded on the floor. I sighed in relief that it was black because I was wiping blood From my hands. I didn't want to blow my chance with Mia and I'm so happy that she didn't go down the door that lead to the basement.

I just opened the door and walked down the stairs towards my victim. "hey Raoul, miss me now where were we" I smiled sinisterly as I moved towards him with the sole aim of inflicting more pain on him and laughed as his screams echoed all over the place.
