
The Mafia Dangerous Love -Malonie

He felt his whole being swept away by the melody and gentleness of her soft voice. He can't help but crave to hear her every single, second, hour, minute, and hour all the days of his life. The more he listened the more he found himself getting drunk and attached to her. Slowly, his longings and cravings grew into an addiction to an obsession that he couldn't sleep or think straight without hearing her. As he tries to deny his growing feelings the possessive beast in him yearns to capture her soul, attention, and everything within she owned to himself. Unknown to him his addiction has slowly started to turn from obsession to possessiveness growing into love. __  A chance encounter that brings two souls together and develops a very twisted and beautiful story between them. Sour to bitter moreover love. Malone was born a jade beauty and jewel of her parents. She ventures into the crude world to survive by all means after losing her father in a homicide accident. She and her mother were left to battle the bills and disgrace from the loan shark, money used to settle the damages after the accident. Her life changed the day she unknowingly caught the interest of a well-known billionaire mafia Alexon while working as a singer in a combo club.  — It was a lovely scene to behold. Her soft and mellow voice which can be referred to as a golden one rings and captures the hearts of every man present in the club putting them in a trance, while their hungry eyes lock on her slender body swinging from side to side as she hypnotizes them with her angelic voice. Her smiles melted their hearts. The sharp contrast of her purple hair radiates with her creamy skin. It was unknown to her the cold gaze locked on her from the first floor of the club through the closed VIP doors. How will she be able to escape from the clutches of the well-known billionaire mafia? Will Alexon realize his deep feelings before it's too late? What will Malonei do when she realizes behind her father's death lies untold stories and secrets related to Alexon? — "I think you are mistaken, I…. Don't know. You?" She explains with her shuddering eyes filled with fear. He smirks lightly looking down at her slender features. "Please don't…" her unfinished words were cut short as he placed his smooth fingers on her plump lips. "Ssh…. Don't say a word." He commanded with his deep and sexy voice. His words alone were filled with a heavyweight She stared wide-eyed, with her heart pounding hard in her chest. He stands tall towering above her while sizing her up. The light in his eyes changed to the one that craves desires and lust. The weird feeling kept growing in her, making her fold her palms tightly on her knees while sitting on the cold floor, her eyes staring at him full of panic.  "Moan for me…" he suddenly said, breaking the cold silence. She looks confused opening and closing her mouth. "You heard me, MOAN!" He declared. Join The Mafia Dangerous Love –Maloney to find out the twists and crannies behind their untold love story. Warning, The content is rated matured, it's cordially advised to read at your own risk.

Ruovaf_star · Urban
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6 Chs

Your Worst Nightmare!!

Just then the report from the Journalists on the Tv got their interest. "Oh, my, who could be this wicked and such a devil." The people around the hospital lobby voiced in an irritated voice. 

Malone turns to face the Tv at the mention of her Fathers name. She stares at the Tv screen coldly as hot tears fall from her eyes. "Good evening, I'm Tasha live on air at Santos station.  The life of a man and his pregnant wife was lost in a fatal accident that took place in the dead of the night. According to the eye witness, the diver is driving under the influence of alcohol. The driver is identified as Mr. Black."  Malone bites her lips so hard leaving them blistered. She holds her fist so tightly by her side. 

"Such a shame!! While will he kill such an innocent family like this, his evil? He deserves to be punished." The people started criticizing in anger. Malone could not take in the rash statement thrown at her father; she lashes out at them. 

"ENOUGH!! Who Gave You The Right To Talk Badly Against My Father? Who?" She screamed at the top of her voice. "I Dare You To Say One More Word, I Will Skin You All!" She said in one breath.

Everyone looks shocked at first at her outbursts, and exchanges glance at each other. "Who the hell do you think you are??" Someone voiced in rage from the group of people inside the lobby. "Your worst Nightmare…" Malone said with a furious breath. 

The atmosphere changed at that moment as everyone gave all their attention to the young Lady in front of them causing a scene. "The family of the disease has gone…" Malone furiously defuses the switch of the Tv hearing the continuous voice of the reporter. 

"You! What do you think you are doing?" Another man probed while stepping towards her. She sneered coldly and hit the vendor machine close to her with her elbow. Making the vendor crack in pieces enabling the glass particles to prick and stick to her skin. Blood spurting everywhere. But she didn't care, as she was not thinking in her right mind. She picked up the glass piece and shoved it in front of the approaching man. "I Dare You To?" She yelled like a crazy woman. 

The man went stiff, he didn't move an inch and exchanged gazes with the other people. Right then the nurses and doctors rush down the lobby hearing the ruckus.

The scene happening before them looks so terrifying. One of the nurses took out her phone and made a call silently. The security as well rushed in, in their group to stop her. As she's ready to stab anyone who crossed her part that minute.

"Young lady calm down, can we settle this gently?" The doctor who came out with the nurses pleaded gently with her.  Malone is no longer in her right sense of mind. Her face looks badly furious, distorted with anger filled with pain. She shoves the glass forward to the doctor. "I Dare You To Move And Inch Close!!" She lashed out. The doctor raises their hands, calming her slowly in surrender. Right then, her mother and police officers hearing the commotion coming from the lobby came as well.

Her mother was shocked to see her daughter in such a state of mind. "Malone!!" She called out to her as she placed her palm on her chest breathing heavily. The two officers held her back as she tried to step forward. The security exchanges looks at each other and gave each other signals using their eyes. 

Malone was fast to catch up with the chemistry going on between the securities. She directly plunges the glass into her throat. Her eyes filled with venom. "Try Me…" she fumes.

Everyone in the entire lobby started shouting filled with shock and panic. 

Her mother fell to her knees and called her gently. "Malone, my child." Malone slowly glances toward her mother's direction, seeming to come to her senses a little. Blood kept dripping down to the floor through her various wounds. The color on her face was slowly drying up and turning white, with her lips dry.

"Your father wouldn't want this. Think about your Father. How will he feel?" her mother said sadly with tears. The word seems to hit her hard, striking a cord in her. Malone's eyes flicker continuously, as her mother's words kept ringing in her ears.

["Think About Your Father…. How will he feel?"]

The words kept repeating and echoing in her ears. "No…." She shouted in pain and slowly lowered her guard and brought down the glass piece from her throat and accidentally cut her skin erupting a loud cry from her Mum.

"Malon…." Her mother shouted at the top of her voice causing her lungs to crack. Malone on her part could not understand a thing as everything began to get blurry, her mind felt like it was occupied by a heavy drum. The security quickly rushes to her to seize her up. They grab her both hands. But before any other thing. Malone slowly closes her eyes and drops to the floor.

"Emergency!!! Get a stretcher!!" The doctors thundered. Malone's Mum stares in shock, her mouth wide open. The whole lobby went into chaos and uproar. Not long after the nurse arrived with the stretcher and put her on it and carried her away. Her mother watches as the doctor and nurses rush her body to the emergency. The strength in her slowly slips away and SHE faints on the officer's body.

"Somebody help her... A lady's voice from the people in the Lobby, voice out of concern. She was also taken into the ward and tended to.

The whole night went on with an unexpected event.


Somewhere else, in secluded areas, alongside the road. Two black cars pack behind each other. A man in a black suit with dark shades got down from the SUV pack in front and went to the Maybach at the back.

He opened the back seat and jumped inside the car, a man had his legs crossed elegantly with his smooth hand holding a smoke pipe close to his lips. Only the locks of his raven hair and forehead can be seen because of the street light. His body erupts with a cold aura. 

"Greetings Boss, It's Done." The Man in Dark shade informs as he passes him a folded brown envelope. He glances at the envelope through the cold corners of his eyes and nods at the man sitting in the driver's seat through the rearview mirror. The man stretches his hand to the back seat without turning his head. The man in the dark shade places the brown envelope in his hands and glances back at the man sitting beside him. 

"They Should Not Have Ever Thought Of Messing With Me. This Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg." The Man said with a dark tone. Releasing circles of smoke from his lips.  He turns to face the man in a dark shade. "Handle the rest. No Mistakes…" he warned.

"Yes, Boss," The Man with Dark shades counters and gets down from the Maybach. The minute he steps down from the car he strengthens his suit jacket and walks back to his SUV and drives off. The Maybach slowly drives off as well.