

Olivia, a young most dangerous Mafia Queen in the entire world and got tangled up with the most feared Mafia Boss in the whole world in a contract relationship. She is the daughter of a self made billionaire parents. No one knew who she was cause she was always wearing a mask and she was named Mask girl. "little girl, wake up" an old man said whispering into three years old Olivia's ear.  Olivia woke up blink slowly and rubbed her eyes countless time and saw the old man.                She was frightened but had a little courage and asked" Who are you ?" Olivia said as she stares at the old man blue eyes. He wore tattered cloth and was sitting next to her bed and his walking stick laying on the wall.                His white hair was as long as Olivia's brown hair and he looks like is young but people could tell his old due to his character.  " I am your  old friend and am here to teach you on how to become a Mafia queen and I see the potential" when the old man spoke, little Olivia gasp. she never knew there were mafia queens cause she has only heared of mafia bosses but not mafia  queens .                " How can I become one , Old friend ? " Olivia said with a bright smile.  she was already interested to be a mafia queen no matter what it takes. " We will be going to tour garden every night for practice and very soon you will be great " The old man replied ro her question and she was at all smiles and since that day on , as been trainied to be a mafia queen but was first an assassin.                   The old man thought her  marchial art and thought her how to aim and kill with no soft feeling but hard. At first she was scared and afraid of guns but after some month she became a natural.         " You need to aim harder and don't be afraid.  no soft feeling but hard "the old man said with coldness. Olivia was asked to shoot two robbers who were caught entring into Olivia house.      She killed them with a  bullet after the old man said she should think of what makes  her angry and she thought of her little kitten who was killed by a car and she hates that person and the car that the driver drove.         She always wear a black mask that as a snake tattoo  on het right neck side , a black or white crop top . Skinny jeans which curved her liitle hip well and a black boit to go with it. Her hair is always packed into a ponytail. Her signature clothes         She became a certified mafia queen who everyone feared and has her own group called "SNAKE EMPIRE" . Everyone in the group has a snake tattoo on their right  side of their neck . She was known as mask girl because she always had a mask on. When she was thirteen years she told her parents to change her room all to all  black. Even her toilet and and bathroom was black. she only wears colourful cloth on occasion but wears black and white cloth when she going for business or to kill.         She behaves like a snake, devices like a snake to those working for her except her group , she trust no body except from her fifteen company  which her parents doesn't know about.          She is a god when it comes to bussiness and her account her always filled with high money . From each company  fifty billion dollars is brought up to her account and she shares her workers salary who were being paid every three weeks or everyday.              The group had lasted for four years and anyone who lives the group would would either die or get their memory erased.  Axcel, a feared Mafia Boss who everyone had feared since after the death of his sister. He was Ruthless and his bad side never showed but his good side was only for Olivia and no one else. He always cared for his little sister until but after her death, he became more heartless, Ruthless and never have any friend except his best friend who is a  doctor. He fell inlove with Olivia during high school and never had any feelings for any girl except Oliva.

Wasiu_Bello · Action
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13 Chs


I walked out of the changing room and it was 1: 49 pm. I hoped Axcel was outside and as excepted, he wasn't.

I went back inside and I saw Mrs Angle walking towards me with a little girl who was skipping and jumping" honey you would hurt your self,calm down." Mrs Angle said as she carry the little girl up in her arms " Olivia, Thank goodness you're still here. " she said as she tried to control the little girl she was carrying " This is my daughter Nxy. Say hi Nxy."

The girl waved at me and I smiledat her and waved back . " Now go stay with uncle Carl. He's in that room." Mrs Angle said and Nxy face lit up " For real. " within seconds she dashed into the room Carl was.

Mrs Angle turned to me and said " Olivia, there was a man and a woman who came here and they were looking for you." she said in a worried tone " Did they leave any message?" I asked but she said no " They only gave me an envelope" She handed an envelope to me and I opened it

" Dear Mrs Olivia Flora Benson, This is the LTD film production company in City M at Chicago.

We would like to inform you that you have been selected for the lead role in the movie we are about to produce " Vengance is mine" .

We start the movie on the first week of next month. We hope you make it in time. Congratulations. "

I started at the letter speechless and then I screamed in joy" Oh my God, I have been selected as the lead role in Vengance is my . Produced by Jane Elison. " I said still looking at the letter in schok " congratulations Mrs Oliva. I almost taught they were here for you life." I chuckled " and also you and Morgan would be going on a fahion showdown very soon so be prepared " I smirked as I herd the name Morgan . She was my arch nemisis back when we were in school and now she decided to follow me into modelling. She was the most spoilt brat any family would ever have. I looked at my wrist watch and it ws already 02:01pm " I have to go, a friend of mine is waiting for me." I waved her goodbye and went out side and a black sport car was righti in front if me .

I walked towards the car, opened the door and sat down" It took you long enough." I said sarcastically but he didn't say a word. he kept starting at me and I felt uncomfortable " Why the change of clothes ? " He asked and I didn't reply " Can you drive please, am starving . " He shook his head and drove off in high speed and I didn't complain cause when am Mask girl, I drive the same way.

" Were should we have lunch ?" He asked and I said " McDonald is ok, I really need to get something in my stomach before I faint" . He chuckled and drove to McDonald and he parked in the car's parking lot.

We got down from the car and when the security man saw Axcel, He frose and his eyes turned to me , He looked stunned. We walked pass him and into the restaurant and the once noisy restaurant become silent as Me and Axcel came in.

They were schoked to see Axcel, the most feard and dangerous Mafia Boss in tbe world was in McDonald with Oliva, the young actress and model. No one could move but stayed quite.

We walked towards an empty seat and because we were outside, Axcel pulled a chair for me and I sat down . He sat down and said " I guess were the golden couple " And I smirked " In your dreams, lover boy."

Everyone continued with what they were doing and the restaurant became noisy again . A waiter appeared infront us and said " Good day ma and sir, What can I get you?" He asked politely.

I took the Menu form his had and looked at it " I'll have One hamburger and a smoothie(Looks up at Axcel) What about you Axcel?" He looked up from his phone and collected the menu" you can get me two chicken pie and a bottle of water" he spoke codly and the waiter shivered " right away ma and sir."

Within few minutes, our food was brought and we began to eat. some guys were trying their best to catch a glimpse of me while the young girls were trying to catch a glimpse of Axcel and I would hear stupid comments like

" He's a demigod, I want to feel his rock hard abs."

" I wish she was mine, she so beautiful with her long brown hair."

" His eyes are pulling towards him. They are beautiful and my favourite eye color. Golden brown. "

" Are you jealous?" I her Axcel's voice as I ate my buger " No, why should I ?" I said and took a sip of my smoothie " hmmm" He smirked and all the female began to squeal " ok, that's it. Am out of here" I said and got up . He got up and we both left but I still took my smoothie. " I knew you were jealous." He send as he opened the the door and got in .

I opened the door and hit him on his head " For the last time, I wasn't jealous. " He rose up both his had to show he has surrendered and I rolled my eyes " But that doesn't mean I won't tease you. " I glared at him and hit his head again " You just try walnut" and he zoomed off. " Should I take you home ?" He asked and shook my head negatively " Naa, just take me to the Miraleon park. I have a meeting to meet a model agency ."

He speed up and I smiled ,my kind of ride. We fot there and I got down" If you need anything just give me a call, you have my number, right?" " No." I gave him my phone and he inputed his number in it. He gave me back and I shut the door. He rolled down the window and said " see you around beautiful " and he drove off.

I was going to kill him. I checked my wristwatch and it was 4:30 pm and I smirked. I entered the park and in the bush were the trees were and I kept my hand on one of the tree" Open up" and It divided into two and I jumped in and it closed.

I snapped my fingers my fingers and light floded the hallway .I walked forward to the touture room and found Alica. "Boss " she said and bowed down " your sanke mark" She turned her neck and I saw the snake cobra tatoo placed on her neck. " call Jessica to tell tiger to pick me up immediately, we don't have enough time " I said coldly and she bowed.

She called Tiger and said " Boss is hear, tell Tiger to come pick her up." She cut the call and said " Boss, He's on his way. Boss can I come with you ?" I looked at her " sure but I need you to be in your best behaviour cause I know if you go with them you would have killed the president ." She thanked me and I brought out my phone. " Get my mask. " she left and I began to listean to Liam's confession again cause I want to know how I killed his friend. Alica came in and gave me my mask and I wore it. " Boss, someone invites you for a meeting" she said and I paused the audio. " who?" I asked " The most feared Mafia Boss wants to have a meeting with the most feard Mafai Queen" Axcel wanted to have a meeting with Mask girl eh.

" Tiger's hear boss " Alica said . " ooen the led. She opened the celling and there was a stari case that led to the top" come on, ler move " and we climed up till we got to the top of the trees but ther was a mental placnk to stand on.

Tiger drove over us and stairs was brought down and we both climed up and entered. " Good day Boss " " Snake mark. He showed me and he drove off. It took as a while but we got there and he drove to Rick's house.

We got down from the Jet and went to the black car. They all came out and said in union" Boss" " were is he? " I asked and they brought him out. " Good, let's go." Tiger carried Liam and we went into Rick's house.

The gate was locked and Bellatrix broke the gate my boming it. In an instance, some body gurad came.. Jessica, Bellatrix, Ivy, Alica and Tiger quickly wore a mask and threw a sleeping gas at them and they all fell down to their knee and slept.

We walked out of there and they all removed their mask except from me . We walked inside and I saw Rick's wife and Liam's sister Elsa who was already set to go out she looked schoked. I quickly signalled Tiger and Ivy. They rushed the both of them and held a gun up there heads and they both had their hands up.

" Show us the way the living room mrs and miss." Tiger said and they took us there. There were four chairs and they were all single chairs except from one that was ten cm long.

I sat on the really looking expensive single chair and crossed my leg. Tiger and Ivy pushed Rick's wife Jia Lin and Elsa to the floor. How do I know there names, remimder I was dating her step son and her big bro.

" Where is your father little girl?" I asked but she said nothing. " I gusse I'll have to start the show without him or I'll wait ( I turned to Alica) Search all the whole house till you find that idiotic bastard and destruction you must cause " and she left with a smirk. " Bring him" Jessica was standing outside with Liam and brought him in " Liam!"

I turned to see Elsa shocked face with tears in her eyes. she tried to reach him, but Tiger stoped her. I gusse the knockout gas was really indeed handy. A tear flowed down from her blue eyes down to her cheeck and finally the jaw " no need to cry Ella, Jia Lin is here to take care of you" I said wickedly. " How to you know our name" Jia Lin asked and I ignored her question " just know I make my enquires"

Just then, Ivy came in with Rick, The president and pushed him on the ground . He looked up and there was a drawing of shock on his face. I gussse he never thought I'll come pay him a visit.

" Suprise !" Rick saw Liam and screamed " What did you do to him ?" He said and ran towards us but Alica held a gun and pointed it at him " one step, bye bye son "

" You know Rick, you owe me a life and am about to take that life, don't you think it's fair ." I said coldly amd smiled wickedly as I looked at Elsa " Leave Elsa and my wife out of this." He shouted .

" Why, you killed one of my best member and it hurts me so bad. I got feelings you know."

Jia Lin quickly pulled Elsa by her side. " Let him go Mask girl. " He shouted.

I laughed and a frown appeared on my face " Why should I leave him when he killed a worker of mine. Elsa don't you think he deserves to die " I looked at Elsa who shivered as she saw her brothers body was nearly damaged ." I won't have done any damage to him but your father attack me and your brother killed one of my girls

Elsa freed herself from Tiger and quickly rushed to Liam.

He wanted to grab her but I raused my hand up " bbbig bbbrrro" she said as tears fell down her eyes" don't worry he's not dead. I just erased some memory so he wouldn't leak out things . I just want to give him back to you since I have gotten my information, so take care I guess and Rick if think you would win that this election than your so wrong" I said coldly and stood up. I came out of the living room and everyone came with me and my eyes went wide " Axcel!"