

Olivia, a young most dangerous Mafia Queen in the entire world and got tangled up with the most feared Mafia Boss in the whole world in a contract relationship. She is the daughter of a self made billionaire parents. No one knew who she was cause she was always wearing a mask and she was named Mask girl. "little girl, wake up" an old man said whispering into three years old Olivia's ear.  Olivia woke up blink slowly and rubbed her eyes countless time and saw the old man.                She was frightened but had a little courage and asked" Who are you ?" Olivia said as she stares at the old man blue eyes. He wore tattered cloth and was sitting next to her bed and his walking stick laying on the wall.                His white hair was as long as Olivia's brown hair and he looks like is young but people could tell his old due to his character.  " I am your  old friend and am here to teach you on how to become a Mafia queen and I see the potential" when the old man spoke, little Olivia gasp. she never knew there were mafia queens cause she has only heared of mafia bosses but not mafia  queens .                " How can I become one , Old friend ? " Olivia said with a bright smile.  she was already interested to be a mafia queen no matter what it takes. " We will be going to tour garden every night for practice and very soon you will be great " The old man replied ro her question and she was at all smiles and since that day on , as been trainied to be a mafia queen but was first an assassin.                   The old man thought her  marchial art and thought her how to aim and kill with no soft feeling but hard. At first she was scared and afraid of guns but after some month she became a natural.         " You need to aim harder and don't be afraid.  no soft feeling but hard "the old man said with coldness. Olivia was asked to shoot two robbers who were caught entring into Olivia house.      She killed them with a  bullet after the old man said she should think of what makes  her angry and she thought of her little kitten who was killed by a car and she hates that person and the car that the driver drove.         She always wear a black mask that as a snake tattoo  on het right neck side , a black or white crop top . Skinny jeans which curved her liitle hip well and a black boit to go with it. Her hair is always packed into a ponytail. Her signature clothes         She became a certified mafia queen who everyone feared and has her own group called "SNAKE EMPIRE" . Everyone in the group has a snake tattoo on their right  side of their neck . She was known as mask girl because she always had a mask on. When she was thirteen years she told her parents to change her room all to all  black. Even her toilet and and bathroom was black. she only wears colourful cloth on occasion but wears black and white cloth when she going for business or to kill.         She behaves like a snake, devices like a snake to those working for her except her group , she trust no body except from her fifteen company  which her parents doesn't know about.          She is a god when it comes to bussiness and her account her always filled with high money . From each company  fifty billion dollars is brought up to her account and she shares her workers salary who were being paid every three weeks or everyday.              The group had lasted for four years and anyone who lives the group would would either die or get their memory erased.  Axcel, a feared Mafia Boss who everyone had feared since after the death of his sister. He was Ruthless and his bad side never showed but his good side was only for Olivia and no one else. He always cared for his little sister until but after her death, he became more heartless, Ruthless and never have any friend except his best friend who is a  doctor. He fell inlove with Olivia during high school and never had any feelings for any girl except Oliva.

Wasiu_Bello · Aktion
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13 Chs


I am wearing a black zip neck cropped t-shirt and a white skinny jeans. I called my hairstylist and she styled a big chuck of my hair and braided it and packed it up to a pony tail.

I thanked her and gave five hundred dollars. I wore my white snikers, took my black glasses and a black hat so that people won't recognise me as Olivia the model and actress.

I took my phone and went out. I was going to meet my uncle, who is competing for the presidential title for US.

I am so excited to met him cause its been long since I set my eyes on him, maybe since I was eight or was it twelve. What ever.

He called me and told me he wanted to speak to me and I gladly accepted.

I went downstairs and saw Axcel. " Hey, I won't be going on that date, maybe next tommorw cause my uncle just called and asked me to come see him."

He looked at me and I could see he was hurt I felt a bit bad for some reason" alright, do you want me to give you a ride. " He asked and I refused " Don't worry, I'll drive" I walked away and quickly drove out, I couldn't wait to see my uncle.


Axcel looked at the beautiful tall figure disaper infront of him, he was sad. He really wanted them to go for that date but her uncle called so she had to go.

Axcel got bored and decided to go to his cave . He wore a black top with a black Jeans. A leather jacket and a black boot.

He went out and drove out with his sport car. He got to his cave and went in. The door shut immediately when he entered and he walked in the dark, knowing every step to go.

He got into a room and on the light, there he saw three men. Two hefty men and one slim man chained on the wall naked and blood was all over his skin.

Deep cut and dried blood was evident. some of his blood were looking new. He looked half dead and so weak and pale. Axcel smirked when he saw him. " Has he spoken ?" he said with a dangerous voice " No Boss." One of the hefty men said.

" Spike, get the chain saw, I think we need to cut some body part." The chained man looked up in horror. " Yo....u ccccc....aaaan't cut mmmmmmmy booo..dy yo..u Monster " He was too weak to respond " Well will see about that."

Spike came in with the chain saw. He man started to scream in fear " No !stop!please! "

Axcel oned the chain saw and brought it close to his dick " Say.....Bye...Bye."



I got to my uncle's company. He sent me the address while I was on the road.

I entered and no one noticed me because of my thick sun glasses and my cap. I went to the reception " Good afternoon miss, how may I help you ?" She said politely with a smile. She was a young woman in a cream pink floral dress reaching her knee and a white blazer.

" Am here for my uncle, he's the owner of this company. " She nodded and picked up a telephone on her desk and dailed a number. " Your name miss " She asked " Flora " I said.

She was done talking and directed me to my uncle's office. I knocked " come in "

I entered and saw my uncle on a black chair sipping a glass of wiskid. " Uncle Winston !"

He stood up and I want to hug him " Oh my baby girl, how are you? " He said. I pulled away from the hug and smiled " Fine uncle Winston. Am so happy to see you "

He led me to were he was sitting and I sat down. He sat next to me and he oreded his assistant to get me a red wine.

" So how are you doing ?" He asked me " Well, you know how the life of a model and an actress could be, so stressful." I said and he chuckled " I see, it's written all over your face. "

" I called you here for a reason Flora." I took a sip of my wine and droped it on the brown table infront of us " Why reason uncle Winston " I said " Your cousin is getting engaged."

I looked at my uncle like I have seen a ghost " What do you mean engaged ?" I said " Well, Stephanie isn't getting any younger and she needs grow up, she's isn t a baby anymore."

My uncle was right. Stephanie is already twenty five years old and she hasn't gotten any boy friend. I sighned and asked " Who's the lucky guy?" I said and a smile was kept on my face.

" Axcel White, we've sent a proposal and we are waiting for their reply "

I looked at him in shock " NO WAY !!!"


I was driving my car in anger, I couldn't belive my ears. Axcel is getting engaged to Stephine and the contract was still going on. Not on my watch.

I got home and parked outside slamming the door angrily. How could he do this ?, knowing well it's against the rules. I signed the contract fair and square and he decided to get engaged with Stephanie.

Each time I hear that word it makes my head want to explode. I entered inside and shoved my bag to one of the maids.

I went upstairs and baged into Axcel's room. I saw him coming out of the bathroom looking schock and I froze. My cheecks were getting hot and red.

He was shirtless and his a towel was around his waist . He was using a towel to clean his hair and his abbs were divine. Holy yummy Macaroni.

I got out of my trance and had a serious face " How dare you !" I shouted. He looked confused and I got angry even more " How dare you try to get engaged will the contract is still going on ?!" I shouted again but this time it was louder " What do you mean I don't know what you're talking about ?"

I looked at him confused and thought he was lying. What a play boy. " You are getting engaged to a friend and your looking and standing like a lost puppy. Your just a player, just like every boy "

He still had a confused face until he realized want I was talking about " Oh, about that. I didn't know she was your friend and also you cousin and also I wasn't planning on getting engaged to her. I just declined the offer and they are going to ask the Crillo's. "

I looked at him, embarrassed. " What were you thinking Olivia, he's a Mafia Boss and he knows what he's doing. " I scolded myself and he chuckled. " So you're jealous?" He asked and crossed his arm up his chest. "N-No, I wasn't j-jealous at all. I thought you were going to...." Before I could finish he pinned me to the wall and I gasped.

He's face was so close to me and I swear I almost passed out " You really are cute Flora. I gusse that's why they named you Flora" He said and was playing with a strand of my hair.

" OH MY GOD !"

We turned our head to our right and saw " Tori " I said. I quickly pushed Axcel and hugged her. Thank God.

" Tori, am so glad your hear." I said. She looked schoked at first and hugged me " Y-Yeah, am so glad to see you too." She said and smiled.

" It's nice to see you again Tori. I haven't seen you since high school " Axcel spoke and she nodded. I quickly took Tori out and to my room " What is going on ?" She asked me. " Why do you mean ?"

She had a brown up and said " Are you seriously asking that question. Why were you two in that position. It looked like you guys were about to kiss."

I rolled my eyes and sat on my bed. " Nothing is going on, were just arguing about something." I said and she chuckled

" something, so that argument brought you guys together ? " She said and I just got fed up

" Can we jsut forget about it, besides you just came and you have started talking about Axcel. Let's stop ok. " She sighed and sat down next to me " I wanted to give you a suprise visit but instead you and Axcel suprised me." " Why didn't you call me, I would have come to pick you up " I said " Like I said, I wanted to suprise but you suprised me. Anyway am so happy am here, have missed you so much"

I have missed Tori alot. She was my soulmate and my everything. I took her to her room and she was excited to stay.

We talked alot and order Pizza cause we were having alot of fun and missed dinner. I told her everything that has happened in just one week and she was in awe.

We talked for so long and we fell asleep without even knowing.