
Chapter One hundred and thirty-eight

Diego had been away for sometime trying to find Bella. It seemed futile as it somehow felt like she had disappeared from the surface of the earth. He blamed his bodyguards for doing a sloppy job and in his rage, he had killed all of those who lost her. His plan was beginning to unfold gradually and right now, he could not risk anymore jeopardizing events. He had completely set up his spying establishment even those he did indirectly. He was actually cool and gradually scheming, hoping that one day, Bella would show up. That was when Mikey had come up to him one certain day and informed him that a man was looking for Bella and had come to their home. He was at first worried that as always, Jay was pulling a fast one on them, when he recalled that Mikey had seen Jay. He asked that he described this man and the description he gave suited Charlie. That asshole was beginning to get on his nerves really. He had to have Charlie watched wherever he went and made time to go see Jay. All he needed was confirmation visually that he was still at loss of memories. Hence that day he went to the office after such a long time. 

He was ushered into Jay's office and Jay welvomed him. He had even forgotten his name again and it dawned on Charlie that his value in Jay's life was seriously depreciating. He however took his seat opposite him as he looked around. The office was just as he had seen it the last time, nothing changed. He hoped that they did nothing more to the place as very soon, he would have to take over. It was his right and desire after all. Jay looked composed as he continued working on file on his desk. He finished up suddenly and looked up at Diego. He wanted to know what it was he wanted. Diego began saying that he only missed him and wanted to check on him. He hoped he had not been a best with his sudden appearance. Jay laughed out loudly, he demanded to know why he would be like that, he was not selfish he presumed. Then his phone rang, he looked at the screen and saw it was Stella. He was for once in his life glad that she had called him and excused himself, telling Diego that his wife was calling like one love smitten. Diego said he could very well go ahead. 

He picked up the phone but how he wished it was Bella calling him then he might have been excited. Stella needed to inform him of a very important message. He listened to her. 

It was evident that his plan was going as planned. Jay from what he had noticed was still not having his memories and the best part yet was that he had fallen for Stella. This made him unde then that Charlie was acting of his own accord. He wondered as he drove home if Charlie was trying to go get him finished in front of Jay. He needed to come up with a real plan as soon as possible. The man observing Charlie had better step up in his duty and get him concrete information.  He was not going to sit by and see his strategies from many years go down the drain like that. He was about reaching his destination when his lover called. They had to meet soon as something seemed off. 

Diego quickly reversed and turned back the way he had just passed through. He went straight to their hotel room where the guy was already waiting for him. He looked worried and Diego looked at him anxiously seeking for an answer. 

"I don't think Jay is honest to us ", he said. 





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Wanita's diary 

Broken and pierced 

All by shalom amarachukwu. 

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