
Chapter One Hundred and nine

Diego was actually really angry at the turn out of events thus far. First of all, his incompetent bodyguards had lost sight of Bella and her father. Now he could really remember how it had been that day when they had come to him and told him the bad news, he could not believe his ears. How could that simpleton of a man had outsmarted them, or better still, how obvious had they made themselves for him to have noticed that he was being followed and had to maneuver through. He fumed and threw things over them where they stood, their heads bowed low. He did not need that reaction from them, what he needed was answers. Could they fathom just how much he had put to planning this feet. How many years it took him and what amount of energy he had expended in the course of preparation. Then he became suddenly hopeful, at least, they had copied out his plate number, perhaps. He looked at them expecting answers, from one person to the other. They could not answer as their answer would be negative. Instead, they continued mumbling that they were sorry, he did not want their apologies, dammit. He rushed to his table and picked up his pistol, before they could understand what was happening, he shot at one of them. The other stared horrified at the dead body of his comrade. He became very scared and went down on his knees pleading for his life. Diego had approached him, gun in hand while the guy began sweating profusely, he did not want to die, just yet. Diego lifted his face up from his chin, using the butt of the gun. Staring him straight up into the eyes, he asked if he knew where they were headed, that too was negative as the shaking man remained mute and shaky. He leant over and kissed him briefly on the full lips, "Find me Bella or I'll send your ghost hunting ", he said and let him be. He ordered that they cleaned up the mess and left the room angrily. 

His lover was waiting for him and he sure did need some special comfort. He had also heard of Jay's accident and wanted to get up a close cut detail of what was the situation on ground. He drove off and as soon as he stepped in the hotel room, those piercing green eyes read him, "You killed someone again? ", he asked him and he answered. His lover had always reprimanded him about acting up rashly and he wanted them to make the bloodshed as minimal as possible. Diego rushed over and hugged him, they stood there for sometime and then went into kissing frenzy. He needed to feel his touch and he needed to touch him too. He unbuttoned his shirt and the latter did same, soon enough, Diego had them both naked. He layed down on his back on the bed, demanding a blow job. They had little time right now and he wanted to make the use of it. 

He felt his lips close around his cock as his tongue worked it's way through the length of his shaft. He took him so deep until he nearly choked the he began sliding down and up again, licking his way through. Diego could take it no more, he sat up, stopping him and signaled for him to climb the bed, his hands and knees supporting him. He had his ass up in the air while Diego positioned himself between him. He found his Anal crack and spat on it, using the saliva as lubricant, he slipped his cock inside and the rest was history. 

Jay Martins was still in coma, he was told that day and that fact made Diego happy. It was a good time for them to move Stella in and it was okay. He hoped that Jay come to as soon as possible, so they very much could begin to find another way to bond them together. But then, that morning when he was called and informed that Jay had awaken and had lost his memories, he did not know whether or not to be happy about it. He decided to pay them a visit so as to establish his friendship.