
Chapter One Hundred and five

Waking up the next morning, Bella was beginning to feel better about herself, she was ready to face life squarely. Yes, it felt like starting life afresh but then, if there was anything she was used to already, it was adapting to a new place. She did her normal morning thing and headed downstairs. Man, she was hungry and could feast on a whole cow if granted the opportunity. Her father and brother were already setting out breakfast, they wanted to make her feel special on her first day. 

"Trust you had a wonderful night rest love ", her father said to her affectionately. She nodded and said good morning. He hugged her and Andrew showed how excited he was having his family together. "Sit her Bella ", he said pulling out her seat like a perfect gentleman he was grooming himself to be. She thanked him and took her seat. He excused himself and returned with a platter of cookies. 

"I made this just for you sis", he said keeping it beside her. She was amazed that he could cook when she barely knew a thing in the kitchen. She took a bite off one and it tasted amazing. "So Andrew, true to your words, you did not give me any ", Clarkson said and Andrew stuck out his tongue jovially and his father threw a piece of bread at him. 

"Bad etiquette dad, you should not waste food that way", he said sticking out his tongue again. The family was complete and happy, that was what seemed to matter to her at the moment. It had been a really long time since she last had such a happy family meal, it had been a while and at the moment, maintaining that family was all she wanted. 

Her father had asked her to stay back for now until the coast was clear. He had not forgotten that encounter with those guys that were hot in pursuit of them the previous day. Bella seemed to understand and besides, she needed to get acquainted with her surroundings, so she agreed. Andrew had school and that had saddened her a little that she was stuck with a pregnancy. She could not risk her being found at the moment, so as she bid them bye, she made a mental note of things she would be doing. 

First of all, she had to unpack and organise her room. It was really beautiful although not as big and rich as the one she had been using at Jay's place, she would deal better with a home not so artificial. This place reminded her of what a home should be like, a family home at that, not a show case of wealth and power. She would do better off here. The exotic clothes he had gotten her, she kept at the rear end of her cupboard, she probably would not be needing them anymore as it was a big no to parties for her at the moment. Putting up her simple clothes and arranging other things she used, she was pretty much done with the arrangement. As time goes by, she would reorganize the room to her taste as there were something's she really needed in her room. 

She gave herself a tour of the place, this was what a home should look like. She peeked into her father's room and the first thing that caught her eyes was an enlarged photo painting of her mother on the wall. Her feet drew her close to it, and she could tell that it was actually her mother not her twin sister, Rea. That smile and gait, she recognized it so well. He obviously did love her and must have missed her a lot when they had gone. Resting her right hand on the cheek, she whispered, "I miss you mother ", and a tear slide down her cheeks. She wished they had been granted enough time to rebond with each other but alas, it was too late. She saw a photo album by the bed rest, her father must have been going through it of recent, she picked it up, sitting on the bed as she went through the contents. She saw memories stored up in form of pictures from a really long time. Her mother, her twin sister and Clarkson graced the first few pages of the album. The circle of life, how intriguing it is.