
Chapter Eleven

She could hear the chirping of the birds and the now familiar sound of the staff members going about their duties but it was all foreign to her. She was still in the act of trying to register her surroundings when she heard the door open. She still wanted to pretend that she was asleep when the familiar feel of the morning sun made her look at the window side where the maid stood fastening the window to their braces. "Good morning "' Bella muttered admist stretching and yawning. The maid, a middle aged woman smiled, "Good morning ma'am. Mr Jay said to wake you up for school ", with this reply,, she left the room but not without a slight bow. The morning view from the window was so beautiful and at a strategic point; one could get lost drowning in it's beauty. Bella sure was going to enjoy this but the the events of the previous night flashed to her including the contract she had signed with him. He had asked her to rest for three days before she commenced but now she had to get ready for school. She was silently glad that he remembered. 

"You ready? ", he asked as she came down while struggling to button up his shirt, she nodded and came to help him with it and he rewarded her with a kiss on her forehead. He then led her to the dining area where they had a delicious breakfast after which as the maid was clearing the table, he called after her, "Have Charles pack up lunch for Bella ", he instructed. Was she a four year old or something "No I'm fine. I'll do better with an apple or two ", she said. "Then pack up two apples and a juice can for her", he concluded. She did not say another word and as soon as they were ready and downstairs in the parking lot, he asked her to pick a ride for her school. Bella was filled with awe, did he really say that, cause she would definitely want to make some noise. She sighted the Ferrari and recalled that she had not enjoyed riding with it and some voice within her reminded her to be discreet, that's when she saw the Range Rover sport, looking all but forgotten. "That one ", she pointed and he called her chauffeur to start the car. He told her that as soon as school was over, he would personally come pick her up. She was getting ready to tell him not to when she remembered the bullies and how much they made fun of her. They even said she had a dick and taunt her. Now was a good time to prove to them that she was no geek. She simply nodded while the chauffeur closed the door after she entered and set the car in to the driveway. Life might just not be so unfortunate she thought. 

As she alighted from the car on getting to school, she could feel all eyes on her and that made her feel uneasy. Was her showoff too much, she missed a step and tried to hurriedly walk inside. "Seems like the chicken hit a fortune. That your daddy friend Bella? ", she heard Anita snicker which made everyone burst into laughter. She rushed inside, full of shame and sat on her chair. Immediately she jumped and the whole class burst into a fit of laughter, water!!!. So she ran to the rest room although she did not miss Anita say, "Yes run Bella. Run cause you can't fit into our world ass", everyone laughed. Someone even scared, "Bella has taken a wee ", more laughter behind her. 

Bella found herself crying and looking at herself or rather her sorry self in the mirror. Teary eyed she was weak. A weakling to her peers and that was what she would ever be to them except she did something to change that. Something that would shut them up and then she decided that she would utilize Jay just as he did to her. She washed her teary face and with one last look at the mirror, she was definitely anticipating when he would come pick her up. It's time Anita and her co-plotters knew their place.