
The Mafia's Pillow Bride

Adwoanovels · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Rey Mysterio Bunny

" Sir you aren't reacting to her touch " Grey's assistant Enzo said looking at Grey's skin with strict watch .

" You will be mine very soon " Grey devilishly smirked looking at his skin.

Valentina landed a big catch just in a day .


^^^N̶I̶G̶H̶T̶ T̶I̶M̶E̶ ^^^^

" I think Valentina will love this " Ariel smiled at the photo on her phone.

The photo was that of the biggest entertainment companies making audition for talented actors and actress.

Seoul Entertainment is known worldwide for it amazing movies in x-dramas . Top notch in the entire nation .

Ariel held her phone moving to the other room. The tiny voice of Natalie made her stop.

Strange ? , Natalie wasn't the type which would decrease her voice to that of a mosquito.

" Am pregnant Luis . Two months pregnant" Natalie whispered over the phone she hanged up after getting no reply from him.

Taking hold of the opportunity Ariel copied the last number of the contact and rushed to her room.

" Isn't this the same Luis who is dating Valentina . The same person l have his number. How could she " Ariel threw her phone to the wall.

" Tomorrow is Valentina birthday how do l tell her " Ariel hit her head on the bed.

To her, confronting Natalie wouldn't solve anything. It was high time Valentina woke up to see that Natalie isn't who she thinks she is.

The four of them had been friends for ages but Ariel and Della didn't associate much with Natalie since she slept with both boyfriend's who are now their ex. Even telling Valentina she never tried to believe it.

Ariel hit the road.


♥︎ S̶M̶I̶T̶H̶ M̶A̶N̶S̶I̶O̶N̶ ♥︎

" Good evening dad " Della greeted her dad who was busy typing.

Hardly does she see him at home same goes to in her life.

Matthew Smith is the CEO of the Smith Groups which makes him less often present at home . Della had gotten used to his lack of presence at home but still wished it could change.

" Hey baby how was school today " Matthew directed his attention to Della .

" It fine dad . Tomorrow is Valentina's birthday we plan on going to have fun in a bar " Della folded her arms.

" That fun you can use my new credit card " Matthew searched into his purse giving his new card to Della.

She happily accepted it going to her bedroom.

" Della , l hired a body guard for you and "

" And what dad " she looked at his back.

" Your marriage with the son of the Sanchez is on. Calvin Sanchez has agreed to marry you"

" But l don't agree to it dad " Della looked away .

" Young lady anything l say is final . Get ready to become Mrs. Sanchez " Matthew left to his room .

" I never have a say in my life " Della stormed into her room sobbing.


♥︎N̶E̶X̶T̶ M̶O̶R̶N̶I̶N̶G̶ ☆G̶R̶E̶E̶N̶'S̶ M̶A̶N̶S̶I̶O̶N̶♥︎

Valentina stretched her tired body making the books on her body fall on the ground. Yesterday night was so hectic. Remi and her friends plied books of about 100 on Valentina last night to complete three assignment in each book.

She had no choice but to do it skipping her part time job in the process.

" Good morning mommy . Time has really flew by so fast . It been 12 years since you died and am now 17 . Mom l miss you . " Valentina held her locket in her hand squeezing her eyes refusing to cry on such a day.

She took her shower, the books from yesterday was carried by her as she walked into Remi's room.

" Knock, knock "

" What is it "

" The books "

" Come in " Remi said.

" Put it down and leave here . You make the room smell " Remi disgustingly added.

" The money " Valentina asked.

Remi stood up removing a note from her bag .

" Take this 1 note " Remi handed the money to Valentina.

" Remi you didn't promise me this amount" Valentina rejected the money.

" You don't deserve 1000 HOF " Remi fired back.

HOR is the money used in Country X.

Remi pushed the money in Valentina hands going back to her phone . She was applying for the audition been held by Seoul Entertainment.

" Happy Birthday dirty girl today will be the worst day of your life that my prayers for you . Now start going don't step an inch into my room again" Remi cursed .

Valentina didn't look back closing the door behind her .

The note was left at Remi door step.

Valentina got to her room slamming her body on her bed. A text popped up on her phone from WhatsApp.

" Hey babe "

" Hey Della "

" Can we meet at Sunny Bar "

" Isn't that the most dangerous bar in the entire Country X"

" So what babe . Today am going to spoil you and l have something to tell you "

" Are you pregnant La"

" You wish babe . You will be the first to get pregnant by the end of the year"

" Let wait and watch " Valentina texted back.

She changed into her pink savory spicy culotte dress. It used to be that of Remi but became herself since all her clothes where that of what Remi used and didn't like it.

Mason refused to buy her clothes again after Remi told him Valentina burnt all the expensive clothes he bought for her .

Which was definitely a big lie just to get her father's attention Remi did that.


♥︎♥︎♥︎ S̶U̶N̶N̶Y̶ B̶A̶R̶S̶ ♥︎♥︎♥︎

Valentina kept her hand on her dress pulling it down . Men took a glance at her beautify silky legs . Even the women where supper jealous of her legs and how it attracted the men's attention .

The dress was so short but lucky it reach her mid thighs . Remi was 5'8 feet taller whiles she was 5'4 feet .

The dress revealed her curves tighten at that spot. Remi would always mock her about her body.

" Guys would like a lady like me slim not a pig dirty girl "

Hearing this broke Valentina's heart. She went on a hunger strike for two weeks. But it never changed anything she was the same as she is.

" Hey babe. Della too called you here " Ariel tapped on Valentina's shoulder's.

" Aaah you gave me a fright Riel !" Valentina had her hand on her chest.

" Sorry . Gosh you are looking hot tonight attracting guys attention" Ariel giggled.

" Don't say that . You know it already it Remi's dress " Valentina chuckled.

" Tomorrow we go for shopping. Let get inside my waist is already jamming to the beat of the music" Ariel hand was on her waist.

Ariel held Valentina hand pulling her inside the bar . Valentina wanted to remove her hand but seeing she couldn't since Ariel grip was tighter on her hand.

" They say they don't fuck wit' me (Cheese)

But I say they can't fuck wit' me

Just like the air, I'm everywhere

How you say it's up with' me?

Pop-poppin' shit, you would think I went to school for chiropractin' (poppin')

Lookin' good as hell today, just sent my nigga five attachments (look at this)

Why did you confront me 'bout a nigga? Man, you bitches backwards (stupid ass)

They come at me 'bout niggas who I don't even find attractive (ugh)

I don't know the nigga, I just seened him on the town before" Ariel sung along winning her ass .

Valentina who was sitting on the chair watched her bestie wining vigorously even the men had fallen for her at first shake .

" Sir this is the documents your father sent to be signed immediately for approval" Enzo repeated.

This was the 4th time he had repeated himself but Grey seems lost watching something .

He followed Grey's gaze landing on the lady on the chair.

Miss Valentina Green.

" Not the wininer but the watcher . "Grey lustfully stared at Valentina .

She had no idea an eye was fixed on her.

His dick rose up from the dead standing thick , hard , and tall.

" Shit " Grey rapidly left the bar to his room .

Been a V.I.P member of the bar gave him access to have his own room as long as he wishes .

Valentina turned her eye sight to where Grey used to be sitting but wasn't there again. Her heart started beating rapidly like it was yearning for something .

" See who we have here if it not for the dirty girl in my house who else would it be " Remi clapped her hands amazed that Valentina was there.

" Please could you stop this we are in public" Valentina begged .

" See who is teaching me what to do , low class cleaner. Everyone the person here is no one else but a cleaner in my house . Did you know that she is wearing mine cloth " Remi screamed gaining people's attention .

The bartender eyed Remi for the direction. Remi had paid him to switch Valentina's drink to a drugged one .

" Did you know that she is an orphan. Her mom is dead . Her mom who stole my dad isn't there to support her. A witch daughter" Remi grinned.

ᴘᴀᴋ ᴘᴀᴋ

Valentina slapped Remi again . Two at a go but with different palms. It was the height she could take .

" Who ever you think you are . Get a grip of your scattered self . I have tolerated you for 12 solid years . Heard you and your mom talk ill about my dead mom but enough is enough. Watch your tongue before l burn it into ashes " Valentina pointed .

The bartender finished switching the drinks .

" Get out of here now bitch " Ariel glared at Remi shocked face .

Remi had her hand on her two cheeks completely shocked .

" Take this . That my girl this how you are supposed to treat them " Ariel handed the glass of juice to Valentina.

She gulped it within a second her blood boiling.

" Was it right. " Valentina questioned.

" Della will be here in a minute she needs to know of this " Ariel left outside on phone with Della.

Valentina body was shaking refusing to stop.

A rush of heat rose up to her neck . Her pussy was burning.

" What happening to me " Valentina dropped the glass on the table.

Her vision became blurry as she stood up from the couch to look for Ariel but first to the washroom mistakenly taking the wrong path .

" Where am l " Valentina searched .

" Miss Green " Enzo asked . He just came out from Grey's bedroom to see Valentina at the corridors.

" Ahem who are you . How do you know my surname" Valentina raised her eyebrows.

" Ahem no one . Where are you going to " Enzo asked .

Something was fishy the way she was behaving to him.

" The.... washroom "

" It straight " Enzo directed .

Valentina opened the door to Grey's room locking it behind as Enzo tried to stop her but it was too late.

" Miss Green .... that Don's.... bedroom " Enzo hit his forehead.


♥︎G̶R̶E̶Y̶'S̶ R̶O̶O̶M̶ ♥︎

Grey soaked himself in the cold water.

The temperature of his eagerness grew less.It became hard to control it.

Valentina barged in sitting on the toilet sit pissing .

Grey eyes where close but the noise of the urine made his eyes shoot open .

" What the hell " he muttered .

He got up of the tab putting the bath rope around his body .

" Aaa am still feeling hot gosh " Valentina got up from the sit.

She started to undress right infront of Grey not noticing he was infront of her watching her weirdly.

" Shit . She just increased the temperature " his big manhood grew larger as it erected .

Grey got hold of Valentina hand slamming her on the wall.

" You little devil am going to feast on you . You are the cause of my erection " Grey moved closer to her putting her lips into his .

He sucked on those pink lips of hers biting on it hardly .

" Aaa ! Stop it " Valentina cried .

" Nope dear. Welcome to the Devils Room " Grey smirked .

He lifted Valentina in his arms dropping her on the bed . He continued feasting on her lips . He was completely loving every single part of her lips .

Valentina's dress was ripped into pieces in a second .

Grey hand gently landed on Valentina's boobs squeezing it hardly. Valentina couldn't help but cry at how big his hand was , cupping her small breast .

He didn't pity her at all . His lips moved from her lips down to her neck . He bit on her neck leaving love bites there .

" Arrrgh , girl you are tasty " he sucked on Valentina's breast .

His other hand played with her left nipples whiles his lips worked on the right. He lost it in his actions.

A tiny moan escaped Valentina mouth. She was liking it so far .

Grey moved downward to Valentina belly button. He planted a gentle kiss on it .

" Tonight we will make a cute heir " Grey declared rubbing on Valentina's flat belly lovely .

Grey untied his rope allowing it to fall off his mascular body as his 𝓭𝓲𝓬•𝓴 stood straight at the figure of Valentina's pu𝓼𝓼y.

The entire light were off just how Grey liked it . He liked the dark.

" It might hurt " Grey warned.

He didn't get any reply from Valentina and took it as a yes. Whether yes or no he wasn't going to let Valentina escaped from his claws.

He pushed the tip of his dick in Valentina's entrance .It was too small and tight .

That his tip couldn't fit in it . But he pushed it in still .

" Why are you so tight " he asked

Valentina kept mute refusing to speak due to the pain going on under there. Grey pushed his full length into Valentina making her hold the sheet in great pain.

Tears streamed from her eyes.

" It hurts . It hurts " she couldn't help but stare at the figure in the dark .

" Why does it . You aren't a virgin so it shouldn't" Grey positioned himself well to be comfortable as he swiftly moved in and out of her.

" Am a virgin . It hurt please remove it " Valentina closed her legs.

Grey frowned still inside of Valentina.

" Spread your legs for me . I promise it wouldn't hurt " Grey ordered.

Valentina spread her legs giving Grey full access . She refused to allow Luis inside of her anytime he asked her for this . But she didn't know why but she trusted him and felt she was his.

" Luis " she moaned out.

" Who is that asshole " Grey became angry hearing another man's name been mentioned in their love making.

He pondered in Valentina angrily . He did it forcefully so angry .

" Who the hell is he "

" My bf "

"What meaning of bf " Grey angrily demanded.

He didn't stop pounding inside of Valentina. He increased his pace and force.

" Boyfriend" Valentina answered.

" From now going you are my woman . You are an Eagle " Grey slowed down ponding in her.

Valentina looked away. Grey turned her head making her face him though it was dark he had good eye sight and saw her face .

" Say Rey " Grey continued his old pace pounding in her faster .

" Re ....y " Valentina said shaking.

" Moan it out "

" Rey love " Valentina moaned out .

" That it bunny . Let me release myself " Grey kissed Valentina.

" Valentina"

" Got that Val "

Grey cummed inside of her . Soon enough Valentina juice rushed out of her slipping on Grey's tip.

" I want to suck it " Valentina urgently said.

" What , say it fully " Grey amusing said .

He lazily laid on the bed as Valentina stood there . She felt sore all over making it hard for her to stand straight.

" Your dick ".

" Good girl it all yours. Suck, bit , eat " Grey smiled .

Strangely Valentina was the first ever girl to land on the bed or touch him . He has gynophobia which means he hate women .

Anytime he was touched by a woman he would end up with a rashes sometimes shaking profusely.

Usually landing in the hospital bed.

But it was a different case with Valentina who made him fall for her. A beautiful feeling.

Valentina knelt in between Grey's legs sheepishly feeling shy.

Grey noticed her hesitation. He sat up on the bed .

" Come sit on my laps " Grey tapped on his laps.

Valentina slowly came to him sitting on his laps .

Grey bent down her head to his dick pushing his dick into her mouth . .

" Suck the tip first " Grey instructed.

Valentina took his dick in her mouth licking on his tip then sucking it .

" How does it taste bunny "

" Sour "

" You will get used to it "

Valentina continued sucking on it . His hot liquid rush out spilling all over her mouth.

" Lick it "

She did it too.

" I would get a morning pill when l get back home " Valentina said siting on Grey's dick raising herself up and down .

" No contraceptive pills babe . With or without it l can assure you that you will conceive" Grey squeezed her bo𝓸𝓫s .

" But ..."

" No, but enjoy the night " Grey kept her silent with a kiss.

The two continued their love making session


♥︎N̶E̶X̶T̶ M̶O̶R̶N̶I̶N̶G̶ ♥︎

" Arrrr am tired . " Valentina muttered getting up from the bed .

Her body fell on the floor . She stood up again supporting her body by holding the counter .

Her legs felt numb and weak . She slowly turned to her back and saw a male legs on the bed.

She covered her hand with her mouth . She couldn't look at his face.

" Shit am dead . Why " she cursed searching for her clothes.

After much searching she found it only to see it into two. One layer and the other .

It was completely destroyed.

" What a beast " she took the bathrobe from the ground wearing it .

She made her way out of the room.

Grey hit hot glares on the door just closed

" We will meet sooner or later " he said returning back to his sleep.


♥︎A̶T̶ T̶H̶E̶ C̶O̶R̶R̶I̶D̶O̶R̶ ♥︎

Remi got out of the restroom and caught Valentina sneaking out of Grey's room just in a bathrobe .

" Wait why is she dressed like that . Let me think she slept with someone. Isn't that Don Eagle's room" Remi hid in the restroom watching Valentina walking out of the room.

" Wait and watch how l will make you pay " Remi smiled.

She took a picture of Valentina putting a call to someone.

Remi removed her heels sneaking into Grey's room undressing getting into the bed .


♥︎ R̶O̶O̶O̶M̶ 183♥︎

" Luis aaaah , fuck me . I love you ." Natalie moaned not getting enough.

The two had been having sex since dawn non stop . The moans could be heard in the corridors.

Valentina opened the door starring at the scene infront of her .

" Natalie" she yelled . She walked to the couple pulling the sheet away.

Walking through corridor she heard the familiar voice of her friend Natalie moaning out what seems to be the name of her boyfriend.

" I can't believe it , you could do this to me " Valentina starred at them .

" I can explain Tina " Luis came close to her.

" Don't you dare come close to me ...."

" What can you do bitch . Let me tell you Luis and l where together since the whole time you two where dating" Natalie kissed Luis.

" Luis " Valentina felt like crying.

" Don't call my fiancee's name and also the father of my unborn child " Natalie looked down at her belly.

" Nooo ! You are lieing. Lu she is lieing right all is just a dream " Valentina swatted her hand covering her face.

" Am sorry Tina . But "

Valentina slapped Luis and left the room fulling disappointed and heartbroken.


♥︎ A̶T̶ T̶H̶E̶ C̶O̶R̶R̶I̶D̶O̶R̶ ♥︎

" Miss do you know the room of Mr Rain " a lady asked with her crew behind her

Valentina was too emotional to answer as she just ran away.


♥︎ G̶R̶E̶Y̶'S̶ R̶O̶O̶M̶ ♥︎

The reporters broke into the room. The clicking sound of the camera could be heard .

Grey was woken up by their sound .

" He is awake start the camera's" the reporter said .

" Miss how do you feel to be in Mr Rain bed . We all know he hate ladies and almost thought he is gay but you proved us wrong " the reporters gave the microphone to Remi.

She shyly accepted it.

" We just did it . I can't give details but be expecting a little heir very soon . Right baby " Remi turned to look at Grey.

" Baby"

" Pussy get off my bed within this minute" Grey disgusted said.

" Baby l know you don't want to reveal it but it time " Remi got to Grey's lips trying to kiss him.

He pushed her to the floor . The reporter fled leaving Remi to ran away in fear for her life.


♥︎ G̶R̶E̶E̶N̶'S̶ R̶E̶S̶I̶D̶E̶N̶T̶ ♥︎

" I cursed the day l saw you . So shameless as your mom " Valentina got home to the striking voice of her dad .

" Dad " Valentina said.

" Don't let me hear such word from your mouth again" Mason eyes felled on the bathrobe on Valentina.

This confirmed his fears . Julia showed him a picture of Valentina in a hotel with a bathrobe but he didn't believe it but now he does.

" You are cheap Valentina! cheap " Julia said.

" Dad l can explain" Valentina came closer to her father.

Mason threw a slap on her cheeks pushing Valentina straight in the cold floor.

" Dad " she cried.

" Leave my house right this minute. From today going you have no father ." Mason left for his room.

Julia laughed hysterically

" Now you know your place in this house . Go to where you belong the street" Julia pulled out her tongue eyeing Valentina.

She too left Valentina all alone .

Valentina sobbed taking her bags leaving the house .

" Dad why " she sobbed again