
The Madhouse of All Worlds

I don't know when there has been such a mental hospital in the world. It has appeared in the busiest streets of Gotham City, and once hidden in the darkest corners of Raccoon City, it may have had a small depiction in the Sherlock Holmes Mysteries, and may have had a second in the film of Hannibal ...... Some say that the girl in the nurse's uniform inside looks a bit like Harley Quinn, others say that the old man in the ward on the second floor calls himself Professor Moriarty, some find old chainsaws in the corners of the corridor, others turn up cardboard cards with clowns painted on them under the bed, the attending physician is forever slouching, and inexplicable blood is always seeping out of the floor cracks. If one day you stumble upon a strange hospital on your way from work, then whether you are sick or not ...... welcome to it.

zhen_su · Horror
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15 Chs

Arkham Asylum

In the outskirts of Gotham City, there is a huge manor filled with gothic style, although both the scale and design shape are extremely gorgeous, but now as long as it is mentioned, everyone associated with it, are dark courtyards, deep corridors, dark nights with lightning and thunder, and those windows out of the dim light and tricky screams.

This ... is the "Arkham Asylum".

This is an inauspicious place, all Gotham people are convinced of this.

In fact, a long time ago, this place was used as a large general hospital construction, but did not wait to finish building, the chief architect inexplicably went crazy and killed himself, and before he died, he also cut down all the workers here.

After some time, this place was bought by a psychiatrist and transformed into a large psychiatric hospital, but soon after, a patient named Martin suddenly went crazy again and killed all the wives and children of this expert ...

Six months later, Martin's body was found, he was electrocuted alive in his own hospital bed, at the same time, everyone also found that in fact, that psychiatrist has also long gone crazy.

Well, in fact, by this time, the psychiatric hospital had been converted by that expert into a prison full of gloomy flavor.

Then after a short time, the expert also died, and the government simply took this place as an official facility, and with the name of the psychiatrist, named this place "Arkham Asylum", and its role, is to hold those vicious criminals.

Yes, this is not a hospital, but a real prison.



On this day, Arkham Asylum, welcomed a new patient of its own.

Outside the holding area, two uniformed guards pushed a rusty flat bed forward down a black corridor.

On the bedpan lay a man with disheveled hair, under thirty years old, with obvious dark circles under his eyes, his arms and legs all handcuffed to the bed by strong steel bands, his body and even his head were tightly bound by restraining straps, and a special mask was fastened below his nose and stuck to his chin, causing the man to be unable to even open his mouth now.

In fact, for a newly admitted prisoner, even the mouth is not allowed to open is indeed a bit too unjustified, because this is not even questioning can not be carried out it, but Arkham Asylum is really considered the most concentrated place of talent in Gotham City, it is rumored that some years ago, there is a newly admitted prisoner, he somehow got his back teeth to get down, and then "poof" a mouthful of incomparably accurate spit on the eyes of a guard, resulting in the guard directly retired to retirement, so since then, the mask has become the standard for Arkham prisoners restraint clothing.


At the end of the black corridor is a door made of steel, a foot of thigh-thick steel bars covering it, giving the impression that you want to get it open, are not as easy as directly looking for the wall next to it to start.

But the flat car did not go directly to the door, but a turn, into a room that looks like an office.

The flatbed was then stood up, and Ziliang saw that he was directly in front of an office desk, behind which sat a middle-aged man. He was not wearing a prison guard's uniform, but a suit, with a smile between playfulness and cruelty at the corners of his mouth, and at the moment, he was holding a report, flipping through it carelessly.

Seeing this prisoner being pushed in, he casually threw the report on the table and looked at the other party.

"Hello Zi Liang, first time to meet you, I am the warden here, Quincy Sharpe." He said with a smile, "I'm sorry I didn't read carefully about you, but I can be sure that the fact that you are here means that you are a vicious, violent and wanton guy who doesn't deserve sympathy and has problems with his brain, I used to call you ... scum uniformly. "

He said, stood up and walked towards Ziliang, could tell that this Quincy Sharp is a very careful, and even a little compulsive guy, although there is not much hair, but was combed meticulously, the edges of the clothes are also tucked very neatly.

"You should have realized that the door in front of you is the last door to the prison area, and according to the usual practice, I need to meet with each new prisoner, by the way, to spread some tips ... or ways to live here with them."

His eyes swept over Zilian's face, revealing a clear disgust when he saw his chicken-nest-like hair.

"First of all, the first thing I'm going to tell you is that you are a life-sentenced criminal, as are most of the people who make it here ... so as soon as you walk through that door you will no longer be yourself, whatever you once had will be far away from you, there will be no parole rights, there will be no have notice of a court trial, and there are only two ways to get out of that door, first, you die, and second, you break out."

After Quincy Sharp said the word jailbreak, he suddenly stopped and stared straight at Ziliang ... for a while before continuing.

"Maybe you're excited after hearing about the jailbreak, or even that you've already figured out how to break out on the way to be sent here, but unfortunately, no matter how much of a 'come and go if you want' place Arkham Asylum you once heard about, ever since I took over as warden there hasn't been a single successful escape from here."

"Secondly, after entering that door, you will lose all the most basic rights of a citizen, freedom, human rights, all stripped away, you must respect everyone who is not wearing a prison uniform, because they are all your masters, if you don't follow the rules, we will punish you, if you glare at a warden, we will also punish you... In fact, if you spit, spit, spit, spit too much, or look too ugly to make anyone feel bad, we will punish you, the only thing you can do is try to be good. But I guess you don't want to get to know him."

"Third, there is a tradition passed down in Arkham Asylum that every new arrival, will experience a welcome ceremony, of course, this welcome ceremony is not prepared by us for you, but the inmates inside ... As to how far they will welcome you, I do not know, but the prison guards generally is not going to care, so I will give you a suggestion, that is, I hope that after dinner, you spend more energy on crying your nose ... rather than asking for help. That statement is the last care I have for you."

Quincy Sharp said with a smile.

"So finally, welcome to Arkham Asylum."