
The Machiavellian Monarch

Ethan Cole was just an average college student with a taste for dark fantasy novels until he’s inexplicably thrust into the heart of “The Eternal Sovereign,” a brutal, high-stakes world he once read about with fascination. Now, trapped in the body of Kael Ardent, a scion of one of the most powerful cultivation families, Ethan is no longer just a reader; he’s a player in a deadly game of power and manipulation. In this new reality, Ethan has no intention of mending the broken legacy of his family. Instead, he embraces his ruthless, pragmatic side, driven by a singular goal: personal domination. Armed with intimate knowledge of the novel’s plot, Kael leverages every opportunity to advance his own interests. From stealing pivotal opportunities to orchestrating the fall of influential characters, Kael’s methods are ruthless and unrelenting. He’ll betray allies, eliminate rivals, and manipulate events with a cold, strategic mind, all to carve out his own path to power. With each move, he transforms the intricate world of cultivation and politics into a battlefield where he reigns supreme. In a realm where every decision could mean life or death, Kael’s ascent is marked by calculated cruelty and self-serving ambition. As he navigates treacherous alliances and uncovers dark secrets, his quest for power becomes a high-stakes gamble with no room for mercy. Will Ethan’s ruthless pragmatism and deep knowledge of the novel’s plot make him the ultimate sovereign, or will his relentless pursuit of personal gain lead to his own downfall?

westernsaint · Fantasie
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38 Chs

Clash of Bloodlines

The oppressive heat of the Dragon Empire's outskirts pressed against Kael Ardent as he and Kieran Voidstrider arrived. They stood before a colossal mountain range, draped in shadow, where an ancient and powerful presence slumbered. Kael's heart thudded in his chest—not out of fear, but anticipation.

The Dragon Empire had long been a place of legend and danger. The dragons, ancient beings whose power and majesty surpassed that of most divine beasts, were the true rulers of these lands. Their bloodlines were revered across Odyssia, and their strength was legendary. For Kael, this was the perfect test to push the limits of his devouring physique.

He gazed upon the towering peaks, his sharp senses scanning for the presence of his target. Beside him, Kieran remained silent, his dark cloak billowing slightly in the faint breeze. The ever-watchful protector knew that Kael would not retreat, no matter how great the danger.

As the two stood still, Kael felt it—a deep, rumbling energy. The ground trembled slightly beneath his feet as the presence of a dragon drew near. He could feel the immense blood qi in the air, thick with ancient power. His devouring physique reacted to it, humming with anticipation.

"There it is," Kael murmured, his eyes narrowing.

Emerging from the depths of the mountain range, a massive silhouette appeared. The dragon's form was colossal, its scales shimmering like molten gold in the fading sunlight. Its wings stretched out, casting an enormous shadow over the land. The air grew heavier with the dragon's presence, the pressure alone enough to crush the weak-willed.

Kael's breath caught for a brief moment as he observed the dragon's majesty. It was at least fifty meters long, its body rippling with muscle and scales that gleamed with an otherworldly glow. Its golden eyes, burning like twin suns, locked onto Kael, regarding him with a mixture of curiosity and disdain. The creature's very presence seemed to bend the laws of nature around it.

The dragon opened its maw, revealing rows of sharp, gleaming teeth as it let out a deep, guttural growl. The sound reverberated through the air, shaking the ground beneath Kael's feet. But even as the power of the beast crashed against him like a tidal wave, Kael did not falter.

"This is it," he whispered to himself, the hunger in his devouring physique intensifying. The challenge he sought was finally before him.

Drawing his sword, the Devouring Blade, Kael's grip tightened. The weapon shimmered with dark energy, attuned to his devouring physique. Without hesitation, Kael dashed forward, his eyes gleaming with determination as he swung the sword toward the dragon.

The dragon's body moved with shocking speed for its size. Its tail lashed out, meeting Kael's blade with a deafening clang. The force of the impact sent shockwaves through the air, but Kael held firm, his sword cutting through the thick scales just enough to draw blood.

The dragon let out a furious roar, its golden blood spraying into the air. Kael's devouring physique reacted instantly, absorbing the energy from the dragon's blood. He felt the rush of power surge through him, but it wasn't enough—not yet. He needed more.

With another roar, the dragon retaliated, its massive claws swiping toward Kael with terrifying force. Kael leaped backward, narrowly avoiding the blow, his sword crackling with dark energy as he prepared for another strike.

But despite his best efforts, it quickly became clear that the dragon was not an opponent to be taken lightly. Every strike Kael landed was met with overwhelming resistance. The dragon's scales, its bloodline, its sheer raw power—they were too much for Kael to fully absorb. His devouring physique, powerful as it was, could not keep pace with the creature's relentless strength.

Beads of sweat formed on Kael's brow as he dodged another massive claw. He was pushing his body and abilities to the limit, but the dragon's dominance remained unshaken.

At that moment, Kael realized the truth: even with his devouring physique and the Devouring Blade, he could not overpower this dragon. Its bloodline was too pure, too ancient. It wasn't just a battle of strength—it was a clash of bloodlines, and Kael's human body could not yet handle the full might of a dragon's essence.

Kael gritted his teeth, frustration boiling inside him. Was this truly the limit of his power?

As if sensing Kael's predicament, Kieran Voidstrider, who had been watching silently from the shadows, stepped forward. His black cloak billowed as he raised a hand, his eyes narrowing at the dragon.

"Enough," Kieran said in his cold, measured tone.

With a simple wave of his hand, the space around them seemed to twist and warp. Kieran's mastery of spatial laws was unparalleled. The very fabric of reality bent to his will as he locked the space, preventing any sound, energy, or presence from escaping. No one would know what was about to happen.

The dragon, sensing the shift in the environment, let out a furious roar and lunged toward Kieran. But before it could reach him, Kieran's eyes flashed with a cold light. A wave of invisible force rippled through the air, and the dragon's massive body froze mid-attack.

Kieran, whose cultivation far surpassed both Kael and the dragon, stood calmly as he exerted his overwhelming power. He was at the Mahayana Realm, a level of strength that allowed him to dominate the battlefield with minimal effort. The dragon, despite being at the peak of the Soul Transformation Realm like Kael, was no match for Kieran's might.

With a flick of his wrist, Kieran summoned a thin blade of spatial energy, sharp and precise. In a single, fluid motion, the blade sliced through the air, severing the dragon's connection to the physical world. The beast let out one final, agonized roar before collapsing to the ground, its life force rapidly fading.

Kael watched in silence as the massive creature lay still, its golden blood pooling beneath it. He could feel the power of the dragon's blood and soul essence lingering in the air, beckoning to him.

Kieran, ever the pragmatist, turned to Kael. "The dragon is yours now master. Absorb what you can, but be cautious. Even in death, its essence is volatile."

Kael nodded, his frustration fading as he stepped forward. He knelt beside the fallen dragon, placing a hand on its cooling scales. His devouring physique stirred once more, eagerly drawing in the dragon's remaining blood qi and soul essence.

As the energy surged through him, Kael felt his body tremble with newfound power. The dragon's essence was far greater than anything he had absorbed before. It was wild, untamed, but Kael forced it under his control, binding it to his devouring physique.

He closed his eyes, focusing intently as he absorbed the dragon's essence, every fiber of his being straining to contain the overwhelming power. His body burned with intensity, but he welcomed the pain—it was the price of growth, of ascension.

When Kael finally stood, his body hummed with power, his devouring physique strengthened by the dragon's essence. Yet even as he reveled in his newfound strength, he knew there were still greater challenges ahead. This was only the beginning.

Kieran, observing his master's transformation, nodded approvingly. "You've absorbed its essence, but please remember, my lord—power without control is dangerous."

Kael smirked, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of determination and pride. "I'll master it. Just like I'll master everything else."

Kieran gave a slight bow. "Then we should leave before our presence is noticed. The space I've sealed won't hold forever."

With a final glance at the fallen dragon, Kael and Kieran stepped into the shadows, their forms vanishing from the scene.