
Chapter 89: Wolfish magic

Lilly froze when she'd recognized the hum of magic preceding his Change. She'd followed him to the woods after he'd left her alone with Rafe to read through the folder her son had given her. He wanted her to work with the Pack. To settle and stay there with them.

Lilly could have cried with happiness. Happiness mixed in with a little bit of wariness. She was certainly thrilled to be offered the chance at a reunion with her beloved children. That went without saying.

Still, living in the house where Zev had systematically destroyed her life and her feelings of self-worth was not appealing in the least. Sure, Rafe had made amazing changes. He'd all but knocked down the old structure, creating something new and good.

But Lilly still saw the past. The hatred. The hurt. It was a little too much to bear. Especially since she wanted to be good and happy for her family.

"Claire, will you Change? Talk with me?" Matt's voice was deep, still raspy with his Wolf.