
Chapter 59: Feel me

Cael growled with pleasure as he moved her into a closer position and filled her even more completely. Delicious sensations rippled over them both like waves in a vast ocean. They started small then increased in strength and persistence. His strong hands were everywhere, as his mouth devoured hers. It wasn't enough.

Soon she felt herself tugging him with her as she rolled him onto his back. Instinct was her guide, her emotions leading her where she wanted to go. And that was to him. Only him.

"Are you sure?" His eyes glittered with pleasure as she sat astride him. Beautiful and brazen in her nudity. Cael had never known true possession, but he felt part of his soul belonged to her now. Nothing had ever felt so right.

"Oh, yes. I want to show you how I feel, Cael."

She watched as he closed his eyes and groaned as she slowly lifted herself up then brought herself down on him, hard.

"Like that?" She asked though the answer was obvious in his helpless response to her movements.