
Chapter 54: Stubborn Wolf

Rayne shook her head as she looked through the small refrigerator. There wasn't much inside. In fact, the contents were pretty damn dismal. She recalled that he'd gone shopping earlier and she looked around and found a couple of grocery bags. They were sitting on the Formica counter-top.

She emptied both bags and shook her head at the number of sodium-nitrate filled cans of preserved chicken, tuna, and meat-like food that he'd bought. No way. Then she remembered her own overnight bag.

She unzipped it and found her own grocery bag with the fresh steak she'd bought earlier and some organic vegetables. That's more like it!

She was going to make him a meal that would go a long way to healing both the Wolf and the man. She moved about the small kitchen with quick and efficient movements. Rayne hadn't cooked for anyone else for a long time.