
Chapter 41: Not again

Charley stood there looking at her husband, her resolve weakening with every second that passed. No. I can't do this again. Just tell him and get it over with.

"Look, Rafe, I, I know you're repulsed by me, I don't know if it's because I'm so big or you hate the idea of touching a pregnant woman, but-" tears pricked her eyes and she turned from him in anger, "Oh God! Just forget it, I think we made a mistake and, I just can't stay here anymore-"

"No!" the word seemed torn from his lips, "That's not true, you know that's not true," he looked as horrified as she felt, but she refused to consider his feelings. How could he do this to her?

"Carlotta, please listen to me-"

"Listen to you? Who the heck are you? I don't know you! You, you, you seduce me, marry me, promise to give me the world! I believed you, and I fell in love with you! I thought it was all perfect, then we find out we're gonna have a baby, and you show your true colors!"

"What do you mean?"