
Chapter 43: LYON

The boy looked from him to me, and gave his head a little nod after he seemed to come to a decision. He dropped back into the chair looking pissed all to hell and refused to look in Mancini's direction.

"Might I ask why you're so mad at me? It's not as if I put her in the book." When did this fucker become a high born Englishman?

"I know you didn't put her in the book but all this time I've been asking you if she was in danger. You had me going out there protecting other people while my girl is in trouble? That's fucked up even for you."

"And had I told you back then what you wanted to know, what would you have done?"

"I..." He opened and closed his mouth a few times before slumping back in his chair.

"Precisely, now sit back and listen..."
