
The Lycan Twins Abused Mate

Ava is a beautiful young girl who has faced more than a fair share of hardships, she was terrorized and ill-treated by her father who accused her of the demise of her mother, she works day and night to pay off her father's debt, but she was jinxed as she was being sold by her own father to a sex-slave master to pay off his gambling debt. She was ruled by her harsh master. “Slave, you should know your place and who you belong to. Slaves are meant to satisfy their masters. You are my property, my chattel, your life is owned by me. You are my slave, you have to be submitted towards your master. Mine to Beatrice. Mine to take advantage of. Mine to possess. Mine to command. Mine to fuck or mistreat anytime I desire. Mine to rule and control. I am your master, your supremacy, I will mount and dominate you. Do you understand?" You are impelled for me, your torso is only meant for me, your cunt is meant for my plaything, your torso is meant for my shaft. My rod Is meant to fucked you, day and night any time and whenever I want to, and you have no say in it, just make your master happy?

Authormoon · Fantasie
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3 Chs

The existence I never wish for


The next morning, I woke up feeling intense pains all over my body, my anus hurt like hell, everything hurt, my soul and body hurt, I was no longer tied up with chains. I couldn't believe that this was how my dearest father treat his once loved girl. I have been tolerating his abuse since he made me feel I am the cause of my mother's demise, he has been abusing me since I was a teen

I was still in my thoughts thinking about my father when I heard a shut smash at the door, everything near me halted, he's coming again, for me. I was shuddering as I face my horror

"Good morning Love, Mr. Drake whispered and sneering

What__ do ___ you want? I shattered, covering my body with my hand

"Guess what I want love" he muttered 

I was frightened and I wailed, trying to move away from him, his eyes were coated with lust and caving before I could move away from the demon in front of me, he clasps me tightly on my hand

"No! Please ___ stop" I begged him

"Enough bitch, don't you enjoy me fucking you, oops, sorry my bad! I forgot you blacked out yesterday, but today I promise to let you enjoy it. I will fuck you nice and slowly, you lost consciousness yesterday because it's your first time of getting fucked in your anus" he says.

"No__ don't touch me, leave me alone, you bastard I screamed 

"What! He was in shock, what did you call me! How dare you slave, he got aggravated, and he slapped me before yanking my hair, I thought you will be a good girl that why I let them take off those chains you were tied up with, but now I can see you were up to no good a mere slave calling her master a bastard, slave are nothing, you are nothing he yells as he shoved me to the cold floor

Since you refuse to recognize my kind gesture and favor towards you, I will show you no mercy" he says as he began to whip me with a rod

"It's hurt___ please_ I beg you, stop, please! I begged him

"Do you think you were the only slave I have and fucked with, No, you were not the only one, I have thousands of slaves that I have tamed that why I am known as the sex slave master" he screamed

I scream and begged, but he never showed interest or have any mercy on me

"Please Mr. Drake, it's hurt! I am sorry, please forgive me

"No mercy for a disobedient slave like you, you deserve everything I am doing for you, by the time he was satisfied and done with me, I was in the pool of my blood, bruises, and cuts all over my fragile body.

"Now, go straight to the bathroom, I want you to clean up yourself, before we resume to our unfinished business" he commanded, get up now SLAVE

I was extremely tired to stand on my own, I can only crawl to the damn bathroom, I was exhausted, but I must hold on I must leave and escape this hell. The more I crawl, the more I feel intense pains

I finally crawl to the bathroom, I cried bitterly seeing all my body full of cuts, I need my mother, I need someone to tell me it's going to be fine

I despise my father, I loathe Mr. Drake, but I hated myself more, everyone did horrible things to me, my father hates and bully me, he shows me no fatherly love ever since my mother's death, he sold me off to a cruel sex master. Here I am been treating more worst than a mutt 

"Hey bitch, come out here and stop wasting my time" he yells

The warm water splash all over my body washing away the blood that comes out from the cuts

Hiss____ it's hurt

I walked into the room when I am done bathing 

"Come here fast" he murmurs

He's sitting on the bed bare with his shaft already standing

I shivered as I walked towards him, he tugged me to his chest

"You're so beautiful," he said huskily I like you a lot, so let's get down to our unfinished business earlier

"No---- I yelled pushing him away, he stared at me in rage, he is burning with wrath

"You--- I think you neglect how I punished you just now, he said, his voice jiggling with outrage

I was terrified, he is going to kill me

"Guards, he screamed tied that absurd slave up, and as from today she's not allowed to eat or take a drop of water without my permission

I was trembling uncontrollably 

They walked towards and shoved me onto the bed and chain me up 

"It's more better now and I have a satisfactorily view to your ass," he says as he began to finger me mercilessly in my anus, I screamed! It's fucking hurt. It's hurt like hell

"You like that, moan for your master slave," he says as he fucked my anus with his sharp fingers

I can see blood tints on the sheet, he is a monster, a demon from hell

"Please I whispered lowly, I beg you__ please stop. I am weak, but he never listens, he enjoyed tormenting me, my pains were his pleasure. I despise my father, my mother should never have left me in care of my demon father, he was once a caring and respectable father, my happy memories about him began to wither away creating a very awful and terrible memories of him. He's no longer my father, he is my ENEMY, I was too tired to scream or yell, after hours of fingering me he finally stops

"Oh, God!! I whined out loudly as he slammed his cock into my anus

"Oh yes__ he moans while I scream, tears follow down my cheeks 

"Oh yes! You love this. It feels so good, you are so sweet" he groans

WTF!! I feel so much pain Mr. Drake, please stop" I begged him

"Shut up bitch" don't make me stop, I enjoy fucking your anus," he says while moaning loud

He slams deep inside me..... Oh… My… Please… Stop torturing me Mr. Drake

"It's master, call me master bitch, relax you are going to enjoy my cock in your anus

His moans and my scream can be heard in the room, I feel so disgusting 

"Hey stop screaming, you are disturbing me and deviating me away from my pleasure, be good, or I will summon all my men's to join in the fun, fucking your ass as well" he threatens me

I instantly stop screaming or yelling, I never protest again

"That's good baby girl, he whispered as he started fucking my anus at a fast pace

He moans out loudly, fuck he mumbles as he clenches on my body, so tightly

His moans feel so disgusting in my ears

"Oh yes…. I am coming slave he moans as he grabbed me on my hair

"Fuck! He groans as he finally comes inside my anus, feeling so satisfied

"Oh yes. This feels alright, be obedient if you are obedient and pleased me any time and any day I want I will make you happy, and I promise to remove these chains away from you" he whispers as he slaps me on my ass

I was too weak to rebel against him, he walked into the bathroom leaving me all alone by myself

This is not the existence I wish for.