
Dinner date

Lucas dressed up in a vintage shirt and piece of trouser and then checked his wristwatch,it was 6:05pm already. His house was a far cry from that of Morgan. So he got into his car and drove off.

When he got to his mate's neighborhood, serenity washed over his soul.

He parked outside waiting for her in his car, regretting not getting her digits earlier.

After sulking for about 30 minutes,he saw her come out of the house,looking so gorgeous in the sky blue mermaid gown. The cloth was just a simple dinner gown with silver glitters here and there, it hugged onto her body and compliment her hourglass figure. She had let down her full curly blond hair making her shine under the moonlight. Lucas watched as she came closer and felt himself getting hard again. 'later' he muttered more to his junior than himself.

"Hi" Morgan's voice came out more like a whisper. She was still shy around Lucas despite knowing they are mates. She wasn't used to having guys around her as she had put up the barrier for all guys ever since she broke up with John,her ex boyfriend. Speaking of John, an asshole,womanizer and a chronic gambler,he had pretended to be a good guy only to get Morgan due to a certain bet with his friend.

"Hi Blondie" Lucas with a smile on his face,pulling Morgan out of her memories.

"Blondie?" Morgan asked.

instead of replying her questions he had pulled her closer and slammed his lips on hers, reliving the tingling sensation that came with it. Morgan whimpered at the sudden move giving Lucas more access to deliver in to her mouth. Lucas broke the kiss with a smirk on his face,then opened the passenger door for his mate.

Morgan on the other hand was a complete mess, she was as red as a tomato. she sluggishly got into the car,waited for Lucas and he drove off for their date.

Lucas and Morgan arrived at A restaurant which was a five star restaurant in Z city. Lucas ordered for his usual for both him and his mate,his eyes solely on the angel in his presence. Morgan on the other hand was flabbergasted as all the ladies in the restaurant pulled their attention on her mate. Some were ogling,some were trying to make eye contact with him,while others were throwing scornful look at Morgan.

Not long after,the food arrived and they ate,while getting to know each other more, they both told everything about their lives and Lucas got to know that his mate is just new in the environment.

Thinking deeply,Lucas asked Morgan to pack and come over to his place. She had said she would talk to her grandmother about it of only Lucas would allow her to work from his house.