
The Lustful Young Master is Sinister!

Warning: -Sexual content- Dual Cultivation ( pure fertilization ) -Not a Simp Mc -Op Mc, powerful system -I don't give a fuck you are dying, Type MC -Narcissist, Egoist Mc but not that mentally weak to react immediately #Book supports game element: - 500 Powerstone = 1 lottery for MC - 50 Golden ticket = 1 lottery for Mc - Holiday theme special plotlines. Cover: Thanks Miso_Hen ——— Ah! Here we go again, another edgy villain novel that haunts the protagonist, aka, the chosen son of heaven. Tsk! Such a cliche! Constantly used plotline with repeated storyline. Hunt the protagonist with a Jade like beautiful sister and steal his sister after 50 chapters milking his luck. Hunt the protagonist with this cheat, hunt the protagonist with that cheat. --- Beta: Ahhh! Damn it... When will the good day come? Author: Well, don't ask me, I just got here. Beta: Fuck it! I want a good story. Author: Junior, trust this senior, this is a good one Beta: Arggh! Shut up! I hate it. Author: courting death! Go and ask Yama how good this is. Beta: Y-You, how dare you? Author: I will give you 10 breaths of time, cripple your cultivation, and scram!! Beta: Good! Very Good! Author: *Raises his eyebrows and turns beta into useless dust particles* ----- Chad: senior, I have been enlightened, I wish to know more about what you have in this ancient script. Author: ah! An intelligent and wise junior, you have raised a very good question. Here are things this forbidden ancient script contains. •Sinful activity: this book contains the profound sinful activity of balancing the Yin and Yang, by, shoving the mighty Yang rod in the Yin Hole. •System - MC relationship: fuck... Ahem* Ahem* sorry for tongue slip. Forget the classic old system, here take this hot waifu tsundere system. ( not that edgy ) •Steal everything: junior! Are you tired of Mc only stealing the jade beauties that were created for the protagonist? Well, let's process further and add the Protagonist's mother, aunt, and sister, into Mc's harem. Chad: oh! The senior really blessed me with such a divine forbidden Scripture, here take my money and give me the chapters. Author: oh! Ho Ho! I haven't finished yet. Here are a few more. •Cold, ruthless, protagonist: sorry, but, he will even kill the child as long as he gets something in return. Throw; morality and humanity out the window. ( not a classical ‘Villan’ who only hunts the protagonist. The story doesn't just revolve around hunting the chosen one, ) •Just because you are a heroine doesn't mean, you can step on my head, know your place. Mc will even kill the heroine if they bother him. Chad: Say no less senior, from today onward, I will join your sect and follow you till I die. * Kneels and accept author as his master * Author: Very well, here is the key to join my sect. https://discord.com/invite/QaCzkvHsuN https://discord.com/invite/tknrUfPfrb https://dsc.gg/culturesect Chad: Thanks senior, I will join the sect immediately. Author: I see great potential in you junior, trust me, you will go way forward. Chad: You honor me with your words senior, please, let me read the forbidden Scripture that is banned by the heavens. Author: say no more! ——— Tags: OP MC, SYSTEM, HAREM, ACTION, ADVENTURE, THREESOME, Not so dumb Mc, Ancient treasure, Edgy writing, I don't give a Shit -Mc, not my problem- Mc, powerful battles, dual cultivation, diverse race harem, Evil Mc.

Cultured_Daoist69 · Ost
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327 Chs

Need to continue the legacy!

[ Ding! Not only are you gonna kill your grandfather but also your brother? Fufu! I kike it ]

' Grandfather? When did I kill my grandfather? Sheesh! you tripping system? Didn't Zholong kill Grandpa? How can an innocent soul like me kill my own blood? ' Bai Lung said in his mind.

[ Hmm? ]

' Keke! Just know, I didn't kill my grandpa, it's Zholong who killed him, '


Getting closer to them, Bai Lung sat in front of Zholong and grabbed his long hair.

" Hmm? What were you saying? " Bai Lung uttered in his cold soul freezing voice with his eyes gleaming with powerful purple light full of power and authority.

" Y-You... How dare you attack when I wasn't paying attention to you? Where is your martial virtual? You are nothing more than a coward, " Zholong muttered looking straight into Bai Lung's eyes.

" How slanderous! A coward? Who? Me? Pfft- " Bai Lung chuckled at his pathetic words while his grip tightened on Zholong's hair until the older man winced in pain.

" That's quite the bold words coming from someone like you who resorts to cheap tricks and deceit," His voice dripped with disdain as he leaned in close until the point where their faces were merely an inch apart.

They had strong eye contact.

" Cheap tricks? Deceit? " Zholong spat back, struggling against Bai Lung's hold yet finding himself unable to break free.

His Qi flow was blocked otherwise, he would have already killed this young man.

" As for virus and morals... I ate them when I was hungry," Bai Lung uttered with his generous cold voice that decreased the temperature of the surroundings.

"Also I didn't attack you from back... It's called strategy, and tactics. As for coward, hehe! I can smell fear coming out of your body," Bai Lung said while he pulled his hair and made her neck arch.

" Strategy and tactics? " Zholong scoffed with his voice strained from the pain. " Haha! More like hiding behind your family's shadow,"

His eyes narrowed as he struggled against Bai Lung's grip once again, as it was futile.

Bai Lung smirked at the comment, enjoying the sight of Zholong squirming helplessly in his grasp, " My family? Now that's funny, " he drawled sarcastically.

Zholong's words struck a nerve within Bai Lung.

But instead of letting the remark affect him, Bai Lung channeled his anger into physical force.

With a swift motion, he yanked Zholong's head to the ground.

" a fucking dog dared talk to me? Keke! Interesting " Bai Lung said with a sinister smile.

The next moment his hands began to flow with a purple aura, " Hehe! Do you have anything else to say before you die? " Bai Lung uttered in a cold voice.


Hearing this Zholong's face sank while he swallowed his saliva, he was about to ask for mercy but, Bai Lung didn't bother listening to someone like him.


Bai Lung created a huge hole in Zholong's chest while he looked at Bai Huan with a smile.

The white light from Zholong's body was instantly absorbed by Bai Lung.

Bai Lung's cultivation realm didn't increase but, but he obtained something interesting.

[ Ding! You have obtained his initiate talent: Celestial purple lightning ]

With a satisfied grin, Bai Lung walked towards his brother.

Bai Lumg wants to kill him right now but he knows he can't, that's why at the moment he just wants to crippe him.

Also, Bai Lung wants to show how he will Creampie Bai Huan's mother.

How can Bai Lung let his precious brother die, when he hasn't seen the world at all?

Also, Bai Lung could sense other presence coming at the scene,

Without any care, he pulled out his needles and striked at the vital points of Bai Huan. First thing first, Bai Huan was crippled.

Second thing, Bai Huan was paralyzed.


Soon, at the courtyard, 3 women came.

All three of them were Bai Lung's stepmother, each of them had a sexy and curvy body.

Among them, one of them noticed the Bai Feng who was lying lifeless.

" S-Son! Wake up what happened to you... Sob* sob* " She went and hugged his body while shedding tears.

Seeing this Bai Lung felt a little unhappy, he couldn't see a woman unhappy, wasn't it just a dead son? He can always help her have another.

At the same time, 2 more women came forward, one of them was Bai Huan's mother, who instantly knelt to the ground and began to check her son.


She breathed a sigh of relief knowing her son was alive while the another women went ahead and looked at her dead husband.

Looking at this... She took a few steps back.

" N-No... Husband is dead, patriarch is dead... Our Bai family is ruined, " She said while her body fell to the ground due to shock.

Bai Lung looked around him, indeed, all men were dead and the remaining Bai Huan was now a cripple.

" The legacy of the Bai Family needs to be continued... And it's in my balls, " Bai Lung lightly muttered while he clenched his fist.

As the women mourned their losses, Bai Lung couldn't help but feel a mix of satisfaction and pity.

Satisfaction for having proven his dominance over the Bai family, and pity for these women who had lost so much in such a short span of time.

But! Hey! He can always console them.


Bai Lung approached them silently, sensing an opportunity to seize control of the situation.

He knew that convincing them of his plan would require finesse and subtlety.

Instead of making bold claims about carrying on the Bai family's legacy through his seed, he decided to take a different approach.

After all, he can't just go and say, from now on, all of you will be bearing my child since I am the only man in the house.

" Ahem* Ahem* mothers...," he began gently, hoping to gain their trust and attention first," I understand your grief and anger right now. But please hear me out, "

He paused briefly before continuing, searching for the right words to convey his intentions without sounding too arrogant or insensitive.