
Chapter 31: A Midnight Stroll

Clara’s POV

I had just taken off my robe and slid beneath the covers of my bed when a quiet knock sounded on the door to my room. I froze, an uneasy feeling creeping through my fingers as I gripped the covers and waited for whoever stood behind the door to announce themselves.

It had been a long day, and I had slept little the night before. Randall had come home in the late hours of the morning in tatters, his hair disheveled and his eyes glossy and rimmed with dark circles. He hadn’t said a word when he passed me on the staircase, but I knew he had been with the High Elders all night.

Messages had been arriving at Cavendash Manor all day, everyone from court up in arms about the death of Jasper Huntington. I did my best to answer the messages and wait upon the numerous callers who came to the Manor seeking answers, sitting down with at least one person from all twelve of the prominent families of court by the day’s end.