
Chapter 28: A Murder in Adelaide

Clara’s POV

I had barely entered the Manor before Randall descended upon me, pulling me into the drawing room off the foyer and slamming the door behind him.

“What the devil is going on, Randall? You frightened me!” My hand fumbled to release the clasp on my cloak as my fingers shook with alarm. Randall stepped in front of me, his fingers releasing the clasp and catching the cloak before it fell to the floor around my feet. “Thank you.” I murmured, laying the cloak over an armchair. I noticed William in the corner of the room, his gray eyes nearly yellow in the amber light coming off the hearth. I nodded to him, worried by his solemn expression.

“What’s the matter? You sent word to the Blake Estate that there had been an accident?” By the time I had reached the carriage, in fact, several other carriages were coming hastily up the drive to pick up the other women who had congregated to see the newest additions to the Blake’s household.