
Chapter 11: The First Ball

Clara’s POV

The first ball of the Season was always a spectacular event.

The ballroom had been decorated with thousands of hot-house roses, their sweet aroma filling the room as I made my way through the crowded room, stopping to make pleasantries with the various high-ranking members of the pack.

The women making their debut into the pack were easy to spot amongst the swell of people, their soft white gowns glowing against the crush of brightly colored ball gowns worn by the ladies of court.

I spotted Anabel huddled among a group of young women dressed in white, her face flushed from excitement and champagne as she was approached by one of the younger Tapperton men.

He bowed, brushing an airy kiss on her gloved hand, and whisked her away for a dance.

I smiled at the gesture, pleased by my sister’s obvious enthusiasm.

I hadn’t had a traditional Season and felt a pang of sadness as I watched the women in white spin around the dancefloor with their partners.