
The Loyalty of the Wolf

This Story is about a girl Alpha who tries her best to prove that women can lead. Even without the consent of her family, and pack. In doing so she accepts one plea for help against a pack of rabid wolves from the south. Alena and her pack set off on a journey to defend a place that they love. and will stop at nothing to protect. Will she be able to protect everyone she loves? Will they be Betrayed by a close friend? And will Alena be able to move on after the soon to come fight is over?

Feminiss9485 · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Part 1 Call to the Wild - Chapter 1

"Alena, are you sure this is a good idea?" Ren asked, jogging along side me.

"Yes," I replied. Everything was perfectly safe and normal.

"Ren, we are looking at a place. Nothing more. The old lady died a year ago, and the bank foreclosed on it four months prier." Thalia said.

"I know, I know. But it's quite a ways from town, and covered by heavy bushes, and thick forests. Enemy's could hide it that." Ren said, her little voice barely loud enough to hear.

"If someone so desired us dead, they could just as easily do it in town. They wouldn't care." I said. "And besides, this is safer for the town, if the enemy's know we're here, instead of in that five bedroom house, that we outgrew three years ago."

"I know. But so far from town? I'm just worried, that's all." Ren stated, as we slowed down to a walk, as the house driveway came into view.

"Just calm down. We'll be safe here, I promise. And enemy's already attack us. And we always kill them first." I said, opening the big iron gate.

The mid thirties man sat against his car, ruffling through some papers in a folder. He turned his head to see us, walking quickly.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't realize what time it was." I said.

"No, no, it's all good. I was about fifteen minutes early, so you're good. It's my own fault I had to wait so long." The man said.

"I'm Arch Manson," he said. "And I guess I'm here to see if you are serious about the house."

"Yes, I a, serious. I have already given the down payment to the bank yesterday." I said.

"So, just a tour of the property?" Arch asked.

"Sure," I said, as the others walked behind me. The outside of the house was run down, and needed a fresh coat of paint. But other than that, it was decent. Especially with a screened in wrap around porch, with a screen door.

However, the inside was beautiful.

As you first walk in, you find yourself in a porch. To the left are the stairs to the basement, where there is a laundry room, a freezer room, and five bedrooms, with conjoining bathrooms. In front of us was a narrow hallway leading to the kitchen. A huge kitchen, with beautiful light blue walls, with white birds hanging on the free wall. An island with a marble top sat perfectly in the middle of the room, with chairs tucked neatly underneath.

From the kitchen, you could find your way to the dinning room. A doorway was all that stopped it from being it's own room. The long table was maple varnish, with matching chairs. A table that could fit ten people, in a room equally big enough. There was a serving window from the dinning room, to the kitchen. And the walls were the same shade of light blue.

On the other side of the room, was another door, that led to the living room. A huge living room. Built in shelves for movies, and a huge TV sitting on a heavy wooden stand. The walls were a medium shade of gray, with white trim. Four couches faced the TV, along with a chair on either end.

An open wall, connected to a hallway, led to the open spaced library, and what would be on the other side of the kitchen and dining rooms wall, was the conservatory.

Between the library and the conservatory was a flight of stairs, that led to the upstairs bedrooms. Of which there were five. Along with two bathrooms-plus conjoining bathrooms to every room-and two offices. Beside the stairs, on the wall to the library was a little bathroom that only had a sink and a toilet.

"Any questions about the history of the house?" Arch asked, showing us each room. We looked at each other.

"No, we're good." I said, looking at the fabulous wood work.

"Than I guess I'm gonna leave you with the ownership papers, and I'll see you around." Arch said. "Oh, and the main keys, and an extra set she had made up for her daughter."

"Thank you," Thalia said, taking the keys.

"We'll see you around, Arch Manson." I said, looking over the papers. Thalia and Ren walked the man outside, before I came out to meet them.

"I take it back. I think the boys will love it here. And I could get used to it." Ren said. Thalia and I laughed at the little wolf.

Thalia Redwing was an Indigenous woman, whose mother married a French man. Dark black hair, green eyes, and tall.

Ren's real name was Farren, but she always preferred Ren Bastian. She was a twin to Brian Bastian. She had strawberry blonde hair, light blue eyes, and was short like me.

"See, nothing to worry about. Now, come on. Lets get the boys, so we can move our stuff." I said, walking off the deck, and back the way we came.

We'd found the boys at the local diner. They were, of course, eating their second lunch of the day.

"Hey, Thalia, nice hair." Jaxon cracked. Jaxon was a wise ass, but he was a good fighter, and strong.

"Ha, ha, Jaxon." Thalia said, taking a seat next to him. Thalia and Jaxon were complete opposites. Thalia preferred to keep a close eye on anything, and took almost everything very seriously. Almost as if her life depended on it.

Jaxon preferred to joke around, and put everything off until the last minute. Jaxon had light brown hair, green eyes, and was around six-foot-three. The tallest male in the pack. Heck, I think he was the tallest man in town.

Very different people. The only thing they had in common was me as their alpha.

"What? He doesn't rile you up anymore?" Derek asked. Derek had black hair, the usual Ireland skin colour, but had an Canadian accent, like the rest of us. He was mostly called Soldier Boy. Only because he was in the army, and still had the walk, and the routine down pat.

"Nah, I've gotten used to his annoying charm." Thalia said, a giant grin appearing on her face as she looked over at a shocked Jaxon.

"Annoying charm"?" he repeated. "Annoying? I'll have you know that I have gotten many girlfriends with my annoying charm!"

"Exactly, and how many of them have stayed?" Thalia shot back.

Jaxon went to say something before he stopped mid word, and just stared at a grinning Thalia. "Why you little!"

"Okay, you two, before you get into a grudge match, shall we move things from point A to point B?" Dallas asked.

Dallas was the one that didn't like to see anyone upset, or in pain. He was also the first one I turned, and the first pack member.

Dallas had dirty blonde hair-almost brown, hazel eyes, and had Greek ancestry, though you wouldn't think that he did.

"Yes, exactly, that sounds like a brilliant plan." Simon said, putting the money on the counter.

"Yes, I think that would be wise-wait where is Brian?" I asked.

"Oh, he went across the street to buy a new comic." Jaxon said. "He should be on his way back by now."

I looked across the street. And sure enough, there came the sixteen-year-old boy. A comic book bag in his hand.

We all walked out of the diner, and made our way to the trucks on the other side of the parking lot.

"I see I made it out just in time?" Brian asked, looking to his sister.

"Yep, you did, little bro." Ren said.

"Hey, whoa, I'm only three minutes younger than you!" Brian defended. Thalia and Derek chuckled, before getting into Derek's truck.

"Dude, it don't matter how much younger you are, you're still younger," Jaxon said, getting into the passenger seat of my truck.

Brian rolled his eyes, as his sister put her hands on her hips.

"So, you two riding in mine, or Derek's?" I asked.

"Yous," Brian said, hopping into the back, Ren right behind him.

"I guess that means you two ride with Derek and Thalia?" I said, though it sounded more like a question.

"I guess we are," Dallas said.

"Yep," replied Simon in unison with Dallas.

"Well, okay than. Lets go move into a bigger house." I said, looking to everyone. Everyone nodded, and we went on our merry way, to move our stuff from end of town, to the next.

It took us about three hours, and six loads with two trucks.

Thalia, Ren, Brian, and I stayed at the house, unloading, and putting away, while Jaxon and Derek went in one truck, and Simon and Dallas loaded, and brought the stuff over.

"So," Thalia said, plopping down on the couch beside me. "How long are we gonna stay here?"

"Forever," I said. Thalia looked at me weirdly. Raising a brow. "There is enough acres on this place to house everyone. When we get a little wiser, and stronger, and can be a little more independent, I'll start to make plans for other houses."

"That sounds reasonable. I mean, me, personally could live with you forever, and never get bored, or want personal space. But the boys, even though they do things together, they have different cleaning methods, and everyone's gonna collide. I think it would be better for the future if the men did build their own houses." Thalia said, truthfully. "And you know I'm right."

"Yes, I unfortunately do." I laughed. "But yes, this is most likely going to be forever. Unless we're told to move districts because of too many enemy's in one spot. But it's a quiet town. And for now it's safe."

"Good, I can sleep better, now." Thalia said. "I like this house. It has just the right amount of creepy."

"Of course it does," I said. "It's me. I love creepy houses."

"We know. You always try to find the creepiest one." Thalia said, a small chuckle escaping her lips.

"So, was it you that wanted to know? Or Ren?" I asked. Thalia looked over at me sheepishly.

"Ren," she said. I should have known, Thalia tries not to get too attached to something, or someone she could lose. Of course we were the exception.

"I figured as much." I said, chuckling softly.

Ren was always a worry ward. About too many things it seemed. Lately anyway. She never used to worry about everything. Just one thing. Her father finding them, and beating them. But he never came. And I assured her, that if anyone tried to harm them, I would personally rip out their throats, and feed their bodies to the wild wolves of the Canadian forests.

"So, what do you plan to do for your first night in this house?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Read a book, I think. Our listen to some music. Start a journal. I don't know." Thalia said. "Or maybe watch a movie. Or all at the same time. I don't know."

"That sounds good. I think I'll start a journal." I said, giving her a warm smile.

"I think so too." Thalia said.

I sat upon my desk, pulling a new journal from my bin. It had an old willow tree on the front. And intricate design of leaves and branches.

I began to write down all the things I had been through as a female alpha werewolf. A very unpopular opinion. And how I came to live in this small town of Grave River. It got it's name for being the smallest town with the biggest cemetery. Not that it was an overly small town. We had two malls, four diners, and two libraries. It wasn't a poor town by any means.

The old houses are torn down, and newer ones are built. Only one of the original structures still exists. And that would be the old clock tower. Still made with the original stone walls. And the old red wooden doors, that weight a ton.

But it didn't take me long before my eyes were starting to close, and my mind was starting to scream at me to fall asleep.