
The Loyalty of the Wolf

This Story is about a girl Alpha who tries her best to prove that women can lead. Even without the consent of her family, and pack. In doing so she accepts one plea for help against a pack of rabid wolves from the south. Alena and her pack set off on a journey to defend a place that they love. and will stop at nothing to protect. Will she be able to protect everyone she loves? Will they be Betrayed by a close friend? And will Alena be able to move on after the soon to come fight is over?

Feminiss9485 · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Chapter 9

The Cat Queen, Tiamat, roared as loud as she could, shaking the earth around her. Forty mountain lions emerged from the forest, along with a few Foxes, Coyotes, and my family.

My eyes scanned the battle ground, smelling Derek's scent. But something was different. My eyes fixed on a boulder with blood pooled at the bottom. Derek's limp body laid on the ground, unmoving, and not breathing.

And with one more word from the Cat Queen, we ran at the wolves, killing them, leaving no survivors. The Lions were faster, and quicker. But I managed to tackle Drake to the ground, forcing him off Dallas.

I tackled down the wolf that had just tried to kill Dallas. The Coyotes and the Foxes worked together to take down the wolves, as I could see Ren and Drew and Brian taking on two of them on my right.

I was thrown off, by Drake's feet kicking my under belly. I yelped as I hit the ground hard, to be nudged back up to my feet, by another black wolf.

Thalia stood guarding me, as she snapped Drakes mouth as he lunged for her.

She side stepped away from him, pouncing on his back while he was still facing me. She tore at the scruff of his neck, pulling chunks of fur and flesh from his body. Drake coiled his body around and around, trying to get Thalia off of him. I stood to my feet, and with a thrust from my back legs, I grabbed a hold of his throat, pulling him down to the ground, and pinning him. I looked into his terrified eyes, as he looked back at me. He no longer looked like the bad ass he was a week ago.

'You will never win!' he said.

I tilted my head, and whipped it the other way, hearing the echo of a snapping neck. I dropped his body to the ground. Shifting back, I ran to Dallas's side, feeling for a pulse. It was slow, but it was strong.

I looked around me, seeing every wolf that wasn't apart of my pack, dead, and bleeding onto the ground.

Scott set a pair of shorts down in front of me, along with a tank top. I quickly slipped them on, and put Dallas's head in my lap.

"Alena!" Thalia yelled, startled. I turned my head. Jaxon was stumbling around in human form. A pair of shorts loosely around his hips.

"Dallas," he choked out, landing beside him. Blood covered Jaxon's body. Deep gashes oozing out blood. His body shaking, as he tried to keep breathing. Forcing air in and out of his mouth.

I looked up to see Vienna, back in mortal form, and holding up bandages, as she attempted to wipe up some of the blood around Jaxon's neck. Scott placed a towel over Dallas's body, so parts of him were no longer on show to the rest of the world.

"We need to move them, Tiamat. They're bleeding, or unable to wake up, due to other injuries." Vienna said.

"And then there are the dead," I said, looking back at Derek.

"I'm sorry," Jaxon said, looking at me, as tears began to stream down his face. "I-I-I-I I tried…I tried…"

Jaxon couldn't seem to get the words out, as he suddenly began to shake uncontrollably, whimpering out an apology.

I reached out, grabbing his bloodied face in my hands. "It's alright. It's fine. He'll be okay. I promise. Just breathe!" I said, wiping his hair out of his face.

Vienna pressed two fingers to his wrist.

"Yeah, we have to move him. Alena he's going into shock," she said, trying to pull him to his feet. "Come on, big guy, work with me."

Jaxon attempted to help her, by trying to put his feet under him, but he kept falling. I looked at Scott with pleading eyes, and he got up to help her.

I looked over to Thalia. Beside her was a worried Brian, and Ren snuggled into Drew's chest. I could faintly hear her hiccuped cries.

Two other men came to pick up Dallas from my lap, as Drew forced Brian and Ren to walk with him, back out the way we had come. It was only when they left that I allowed the crushing pain of losing a pack member, and the pain in the others eyes, consume me. Allowing the tears to come loose. To allow my body to feel the pain of my lost and broken family.

I hit my fist on the ground, grabbing the grass and dirt in my fist, screaming at the top of my lungs. "NO!" I sobbed as a pair of arms wrapped around me.

I looked up to see Thalia, holding me to her. She was crying as well, but I didn't know if it was for me, or Derek.


I sat on the chair beside Dallas's bed, holding his hand, hoping he'd wake up.

It has been about a week since the battle between us and the southerners. We'd gotten many sorry cards from the State wolves, but none had gotten across the boarders successfully. Tiamat had sent an alert to all bears, and cats, informing them of what had happened.

The moose are even pitching in by killing any rogue wolf they see, attempting to cross the boarder. The bears, the black, the grizzly, and the polar, are each guarding the boarders in and out of Canada.

Vienna is the head of search and rescue. Trying to find all the different Coyotes, Foxes, and even Lynx's, and bring them here, to try and reunite with what family they have left.

Justin and Miranda said that even though they have an aunt, they wanted to be apart of my pack. After all they've been through, they want to stay with those who fought for them. And I accepted. Lena and Carrie are also staying with us, along with Daniel and his fellow Foxes. They're headed back home today, with Brian, Drew and Ren. To get settled in, that is.

I rubbed the pad of my thumb over Dallas's hand, hoping he'd just wake up.

Vienna had said it was internal bleeding, and a head injury that his body was trying to heal from. Jaxon informed me that it was Dallas who had saved him, and Levy after trying to save Derek. And that Dallas was forced to watch as Drake killed Derek.

Both him and Vienna agreed that in his mind he hadn't wanted to heal, because of the loss of his friend, and family member. And even though I was glad we helped the others, I couldn't help but think: if we hadn't helped, Derek would still be alive.

But than again, I wouldn't know that Simon was secretly the enemy. I was informed that Jaxon and Levy had managed to kill Simon, but not before Jaxon had sustained many injuries.

I fought away the tears that threatened to roll down my cheeks. I sniffled, before rubbing my eyes, and laying my head on the bed that Dallas was sleeping on.

"Alena…baby…" Scott said, walking into the room. I turned my head to look at him. I wasn't going to leave him. Not now, not ever.

"He has to wake up," I said, a sob escaping my lips. "He has to!"

"Sh, sh, sh. He will, he will. He's strong, and Vienna said that the medicine was taking effect. And her sister Mathilda said he was almost completely healed. He'll wake up." Scott said, wrapping me in his arms, as I cried, yet again, into his chest.

I swear, you never realize how strong you are, until you have no choice but to be. Or how much almost loosing someone could hurt. And some times the 'almost' is worse then the 'actually dead'.

I have had to be stronger than I have ever been in these last three weeks, than I have in my entire life. I never did cope with the fact that my father and brother were dead. And in my denial I said some horrid things to my mother and pack. I let my feelings get in the way of doing what was right.

"Excuse me-oh I'm sorry, I'll come back later-"

"No, it's okay, what is it?" I asked, wiping the tears from my face, as I forced myself to stop crying.

"Hi, I'm Muhjah. Tiamat would like to see you." Muhjah said.

"Yes, I'm coming." I said. "I just need a minute to straighten up."

"Please, get cleaned up. She understands." Muhjah said, leaving the room. I turned to Scott.

"Please, stay with him," I said.

"I will,"

I looked up to see Jaxon. He was leaning against the doorway.

"If you wouldn't mind. I'd like to sit with him." Jaxon said. "I kinda miss him."

I could see the redness under his eyes, as if he'd been crying all night as well. I simply nodded before allowing Scott to help me to my feet, and walk me to my room.

I grabbed the dress Vienna had put in my closet for when I met with Tiamat. It was long. It hugged my figure perfectly. It was an off the shoulder type dress, and dragged the floor behind me. The white fabric threw me though. These people were always outside, and they wore white all the time? Okay. Well, except fro Vienna.

I pulled the dress on, brushed through my hair, putting it up in a neat and tidy ponytail, before leaving my room.

I walked down the corridor, before finding the huge oak doors, that led to the throne room. Tiamat didn't call herself a queen, but she had a throne room. Technically, she was a queen, but hated being called one. To her it didn't feel right. But then again, cats saw each other as equals, and a woman could rule, and fight, just like a man. And sometimes better.

There she was. Sitting on the throne, with her huge white and silver dress fanned out around her.

"Miss Bloodwood. As we talked about before I helped you, I need your signature, in blood, to hold you to your promise." Tiamat said. "I don't take kindly to betrayal."

"Of course. I understand." I said, as a man walked up to me carrying a platter? Of some sorts, anyway. On the flat surface, was a contract stating that unless I upheld my end of the deal, when the time came, or else I would die by the hand of the queen. Or someone she so chose to do it.

I pricked my finger on the needle, and began to sign my name.

"Thank you," Tiamat said. "I am so glad that you value your life. I assure you I'm not a bitch, but I can get very-aggressive."

"I understand. I also thank you for your hospitality until the young wolf wakes up." I added. "It means a lot."

"I know what it's like. To fear for the lives of your people. You were very brave to venture here, and ask for my help. I know wolves aren't fond of asking for it."

"Maybe the men, Tiamat. But I am no man. I don't bow to my queen. I am my own." I said. "I do as I please. I follow no ones laws but my own."

"I can tell. Which is why I think you and I are going to get along just fine." Tiamat said. "For it was your king and queen that spread the lies about how viscous we were. We are not all what your camp fire tails tell you we are. But you weren't afraid of me. And if you were, you didn't show it. That I have missed. When someone wasn't afraid to ask what they wanted, without fear of me killing them."

"Which brings me to my next offer. No signature required. No deal required. No debt to pay off. If you ever need a place to stay, or even if some of your cats want a different view, you, and they are welcome in my town, anytime. I swear." I said. She was right. People have been afraid of women since the dawn of time. Scared we'll take over the world. Well, they're right. But I think that's what the world needs. A woman's touch. "After all, we women leaders need to stick together."

"Hm. I think I'll take you up on that. And if they get in trouble?" Tiamat asked.

"Than I will protect them with my life. As you have mine." I said. "It's only an offer. You can refuse if you wish. It won't hurt my feelings. I understand."

"No, I accept your offer. As a matter of fact, there is a girl here who has heard of you, and she is not of my Pride. She would like to know if she could join your Pack?" Tiamat asked. "I know you've taken in many others. But it would be a great honour to give you a pack member. I know how precious they are. Especially to a wolf."

"If that is what she wants, I will take her in. I have the room." I said. And that was when it hit me. All of Derek's stuff. What was I gonna do with it?

"Are you alright?" Tiamat asked, worriedly, as she began to rise in her seat.

"Yeah," I croaked out. "It just hit me that I have to go through Derek's things. But I'm fine. I can take her."

"A real queen turns pain into power," Tiamat said, standing up. "That which does not kill you, should run, and no one realizes how strong they are, until that's all they can be. That is three of our says, that we teach each young cub. And now I am teaching them to you. So, don't give up. The hardest battles are given to the strongest soldiers. And that is all you really need to know."

"Thank you, Tiamat. They are beautiful words of wisdom, and grace." I said. "So, you really think I'm that strong?"

"Alena, you are the strongest wolf I've ever heard of. And believe me, from what I've seen, I don't want to go to war with you. You don't fight like any man I've seen. And your pack would give their lives for you, because you are honest, and brave, and don't seem like the type of girl that just gives up because something bad has happened. I know a few bears that are afraid of you, like the wolves are of me. But in a good way." Tiamat said. "So, yes. I do think you are that strong. Make your pain, you power and rise up and be stronger than ever."

Before I could say anything, Tiamat turned on her heels, and returned to her throne.

"Ladonna, you may come out now," Tiamat said.

I stood as tall as I could, as Tiamat glanced my way. A small smile on her face.

A girl around fifteen walked into the room, in a light yellow gown, with soft pink flowers along the belt line.

Soft, wavy, golden hair framed her face. Her fair skin, and bright blue eyes suited her perfectly. Rosie red cheeks, and her lips a soft pink.

She turned to Tiamat, bowed, looked at me, bowed, then looked behind her, nodding to her…mother?

"Hello, I'm Ladonna Fairfield." The girl said. "And I would like to join your pack, and learn to live like you."

I glanced up at Tiamat, who only motioned for me to speak to her with her hand. Waving it over the air.

"Um, if you don't mind me asking," I began, looking from Tiamat to Ladonna. "Why?"

"I'm sorry?" Ladonna asked.

"Why my pack? There are thousands of other packs out there, that are stronger, and better protected."

"Maybe, Miss Bloodwood, but none of those packs stood up and fought the evil that had come to this beautiful country. You stood up for it's people, and even had the bravery to ask Tiamat for help, in making this place safe again. That and you're nice." Ladonna said. "That and I've grown up hearing stories about you. It'd be an honour to be in your pack. I know I'm a cat, and not the ideal pack mate, but I promise to learn as much as you want to teach me."

"Okay. That's good enough for me." I said. "I would have settled for, because you thought I was nice."

Ladonna smiled innocently, before looking back at Tiamat, and then to her mother? I've got to ask if that is her mother.

"Um, another thing, though. People-I mean most people don't wear gowns as modern day wear. Most people wear pants and a shirt, or you know, shorter dresses." I said, before realizing this was her way of life, and I suddenly felt like an asshole. "No, that wasn't what I meant. I didn't mean for that to come out that way!"

Ladonna laughed. "It's okay. I know. You were only trying to be helpful. I understand. I didn't take it as disrespectful. I promise. I did my research."

"Phew, okay. I feel better now." I said. "So, will you be leaving with us then?"

"Yes, at least those were my hopes." Ladonna said.

"Is that okay with your mother?" I asked looking to the woman by the door.

"My aunt if quite alright with it, I already asked."

"And I assume she doesn't want to come?"

"No, she is very happy in the way of the Cat. I however have been shunned from them for many different reasons. None of which are true, I promise!" Ladonna said.

"I have no use of your past. I only care about who you are, and who you choose to be. And that is all I can expect from anyone." I said, gently.

"Thank you," Ladonna said. "And since I am headed into your world, where nicknames are a thing, you can just call me Donna."

I nodded, softly. "Will do, and so you know, the pack will most likely be in a bitter mood. At least until things get settled. So please, don't take it personally."

"I figured as much," Donna said. "I would be shaken if I lost two members of my pack in the same year."

"Uh," I said. "I wouldn't mention Simon's name. Jaxon and Thalia are still a little…"

"No, no. Hey don't worry about it. My lips are sealed. I didn't know them, but from what I've heard, I'm very sorry, for your loss." Donna said, playing with her finger nails.

"Thank you," I said, before turning back to Tiamat. "And again, thank you for your hospitality. And thank you for allowing such a sweet girl to come live with us," I added to Donna's aunt. I turned back to Tiamat. "I promise I will honour our deal. You have my word, as well as my signature."

Tiamat nodded her head, as Donna's aunt had tears welling up in her eyes.

"So, where is your stuff?" I asked, leaving the giant throne room, holding the door open for Donna.

"Oh, just right here," she said, grabbing a suitcase, from beside the door. "Cat's don't own a lot. Just clothes."

"Ah," replied. "I guess we'll have to take you shopping."

"Really? But I don't have any money." Donna said. "Well, except for the three hundred they gave me to buy some food."

"Oh, pfft." I said. "I can get you a job. That's not hard. And please, I will pay. My treat. Besides, you'll repay me eventually. Everyone pays for groceries when others are low on money. We all pitch in and get something for the house."

"Sounds perfect. But I also hear that you found your mate? Does that mean you're moving, or?"

"No, no. Scott lived out in the wild. His pack is moving to my town. And the ceremony will be held in a few days later. Just to give people a chance to settle in." I said. "I know what its like to never feel comfortable."

"I see," Donna said. "I don't want to step on toes, but do you have a school in your town? Or would I have to take a bus to get on another bus that would take me to school?"

"No," I chuckled. "No, there's an elementary and a high school in my town. It's all good. I promise."


Thalia and Donna got along with each other well enough.

But at least Ren was more Donna's age, and maybe they'd hit it off better. Thalia was more of a loner. She liked to stay in her room and listen to music, watch a movie, or read a book by herself.

Ren, when she comes out of her shell, is a complete chatter box, and social butterfly. She'd be more than happy to show Donna around town.

I watched as Dallas's chest rose and fell slowly, as his breaths were even, and calm.

By now his body had healed, but it was just his brain that had to wake up, or whatever.

I sat there holding onto his hand, trying to get him to feel something. To pull him back to reality. To bring him home. I could tell that Thalia didn't want to be here any longer, and Jaxon was already trying to start fights with the cat doctors.

It had almost taken me three hours to calm him down last time. But they understood. His wolf had gone through something traumatic, and was scared that his best friend would never wake up, after his other best friend was killed in front of him.

I could hear the doctors outside arguing with someone, but I didn't care. All I wanted in this moment was for my first pack member to wake up.

It felt like my child was in a coma, and I couldn't wake him. Dallas was a good boy, and he didn't deserve this. And I was prepared for him to leave the pack life, and try to find his mate, and have a few kids, before he nearly died again.

I could live with that. I could live with that because he would be alive. Because he'd have his life back. A life that I stole from him. A life he should have had, and would've had. But I intervened, and now he's like me.

I prayed with everything I had that he would wake up. And that he would wake up whole. But not even God could do that. Dallas would never be whole again. He watched his best friend die. No one could just walk away from that. Not even Darth Vader could kill his own son.

I'd rather be in his spot. I'd rather it had be me. It should have been me. So why wasn't it me? He had more cause to do this to me, than he did Dallas. It just doesn't make sense.

I promised to protect them, and now, one is practically in a coma, and the other is dead. I did not live up to that promise. I thought I could be superwoman. I thought I could be what the world needed. An alpha that actually kept her promises.

If I couldn't keep my own pack safe, how was I ever gonna be able to live up to the promise I made Tiamat? Or the rest of the Pride that thought they'd be safe with me?

I felt something wet trail down my face. Instinctively I wiped it away, before the others could follow suit. Tears. That was the one thing I couldn't stand. The one thing I could never stand doing, after my father practically closed the door in my face.

I never cared if someone else cried. I never looked at them any different. Some would say that crying was a sign of your strength, others said it was a sign of weakness. To me it was a sign that I was breaking. Falling apart, with nothing to hold onto. I would never be able to live with myself if Dallas died too. Healed or not, his heart could give out, his brain could shut off, or his body could fail. It all depended on him. It depended on whether or not he wanted to live.

"Ali?" a faint voice asked.

My head instinctively shot up to see Dallas's eyes barely open. His breath was heavy, and jagged.

"Hey," I croaked out, wiping away another tear. "How do you feel?"

"Where am I?" Dallas asked, fear stricken in his eyes.

"Sh, sh. It's okay. You're safe, I promise." I said. There was that word again. Promise. A word I couldn't seem to live up to. "You're in the hospital of the Cat Pride. You're okay."

"Oh my god," Dallas said, letting his head fall back against the pillow. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. I was only trying to stop him."

"Hey, hey, it's okay. Sh, sh, sh." I said, smoothing back his hair. "It's alright. You're okay now. Go back to sleep."

"I'm sorry-" Dallas said, before fading back out to sleep.

I let out a sudden gasp for air, as if I'd been holding my breath. My heart began to beat again, and my heart and soul felt like they could dance. The fact that Derek was dead didn't seem as painful, or as stuck in my chest as it had been.

I took a few deep breaths before standing from the chair, and walking out into the waiting room.

Thalia, Scott, Jaxon, Levy, and Donna all sat together.

I cleared my throat to get their attention. Each one rising their head, with an alarmed look on their faces. Jaxon and Thalia immediately shooting up out of their seats, with worried expressions on their faces.

I put my hand up, and gave a small smile. "He's okay. He was awake, but he's back asleep." I said.

Jaxon practically fell to the floor wit relief. Thalia's face expression changed as easily as it had came. Both were relieved to know that their friend was okay.

Scott and Donna looked at each other with soft expressions of joy, as they too stood to their feet. Donna not really knowing them all that well to give them a hug, she settled on just giving me one.

"I'm so happy that he woke up. One step at a time, right?" Donna said, a genuine smile on her face.

"Exactly," I said. "Thank you."