
The Loyalty of the Wolf

This Story is about a girl Alpha who tries her best to prove that women can lead. Even without the consent of her family, and pack. In doing so she accepts one plea for help against a pack of rabid wolves from the south. Alena and her pack set off on a journey to defend a place that they love. and will stop at nothing to protect. Will she be able to protect everyone she loves? Will they be Betrayed by a close friend? And will Alena be able to move on after the soon to come fight is over?

Feminiss9485 · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Chapter 8 Dallas's POV

We've been taking heavy heat from the other wolves for days.

Jaxon has been trying to communicate with Alena, but no such luck in getting through. Our only hope is that she found the cats, and they've agreed to help us.

Derek hasn't stopped fighting since we got here. One of Scott's pack members had managed to track them here, and called the rest of us to back him up. Unfortunately, his body is resting on a wooden table, because they've cut his throat just after the call was sent out.

I stood in the middle of the woods, as I watched more wolves come in from the south. They were good, but we were somehow better. A member of Scott's pack, Levy, was standing a few feet from me.

"Dallas, they need us down there, now. There are too many wolves. They're getting hammered. And they have the queen and her guard in a steel cage. My best guess-"

"Silver." I said. "I can smell it from here!"

"Wolf form?" Levy asked, as I turned away from the rest of Scott's men.

I simply nodded. I leapt into the air, landing on all four black paws. We sped off towards where the queen and her guards were. Drake looked violent, and bloodied. Levy and I stalked closer, making sure to keep our scent out of the air as much as possible.

And there, just a few feet away from him was Simon. A man I wanted to gut, and feed to the un-shifting wolves. I turned my head to see Jaxon and Derek come up beside us. Both glaring at Drake and Simon.

If they made one move to kill her, we'd have no choice. Out numbered or not. Scott's pack is already doing their best at keeping the other wolves off our tail. We can't fail them. Hell, I can't fail Alena.

I looked at Derek. His eyes filled with fury, and pain. Jaxon on the other hand looked calm, and ready. Ready for the end of the world. Ready to give his life. But something told me it wouldn't be for the queen. Sure, Alena would want us to protect the queen, but the queen was not our queen. We don't take orders from her, because Alena doesn't take orders from her.

"So, you think that you can defy my orders to take control of this poor pathetic country?" Drake asked the queen.

She didn't seem bothered by his tone. Instead she simply replied, "I do not bend to the wills of the dimwitted and idiotic. If you want this country so badly, take it. I can't stop you."

I looked at Jaxon and Derek who stood there, dumbfounded. Levy looked at the queen weirdly, almost as if something in him changed. He looked at me worriedly.

But just then, Drake ripped open the cage door, and grabbed the queen, throwing her down to the dirt.

"How dare you speak to me that way! I am the king now! You shall bow to me!" Drake yelled, fiercely.

He pulled a knife from his pocket, twirled it between his fingers, before moving to stab the queen. Before I could do anything, Derek and Jaxon leapt up to their feet, and barreled down the hillside where we sat. Levy didn't move, he just sat there watching me. I wasn't sure what I should do. Jaxon and Derek were better fighters than I was. If they couldn't take them down, then I sure as hell couldn't.

I watched as Jaxon leapt on top of Simon, knocking him down to the ground, not giving him any time to shift, while Derek barreled into Simon, knocking him, and his knife to the ground. The queens guards formed a circle around her, now that wolves were focused on Jaxon and Derek.

But it didn't take long for reinforcements to arrive, attempting to peel Jaxon and Derek away.

I nudged Levy in the shoulder, and we tore off down the hillside. I rammed my body into two wolves that were about to make contact with Derek. I used my body to take the rapid abuse Derek would have gotten. I jumped back up onto my feet, and tore at the wolves ankles, forcing them to fall down, before I grabbed their necks, and snapped them, like Alena had taught us to do. Of course we practiced on deer and rabbits, before we were allowed to use it on our enemies.

Alena truly was a wonderful person. She's managed to protect us all from a rabid pack of wolves, when we were all starting to get the hang of being a wolf. For some of us, just barely learning how to shift, without falling over.

I could see Levy doing the same for Jaxon, allowing his body to be the shield, while Jaxon tried to take out Simon.

All at once, I was tackled to the ground by a wolf twice my size. The queen and her guard were completely surrounded. I was pinned to the ground, by my head. I was forced to watch as Drake kicked Derek off of him.

Derek hit his head of the silver bars. He landed on the ground in human form, trying to scoot away from Drake, as he advanced towards him.

"Leave them alone!" Derek yelled. "Or so help me-"

"I'll kill you"?" Drake laughed. "Oh please, find something more original!"

Derek sat up, coughing out blood as he did so. His face was pale, and his chest rose and fell harshly. Jagged breaths left his mouth in pants, as Drake lifted him up my his chin, forcing Derek's hand to instinctively grab Drake's wrist.

I watched as Derek gave me an apologetic look, before he rose his leg up, nailing Drake, forcing him to throw him against a boulder sticking up out of the ground, a good two feet.

Derek's head hit it with a sickening crack, before he closed his eyes, and lay limp on the ground.

Jaxon froze in his attempts to kill Simon, and stared at Derek, fury evident in his eyes. But he took his eyes of his opponent for too long, and Simon was up and in wolf form, tearing at Jaxon's neck, and shoulders, trying to force him to submit.

I felt an unfamiliar rage course through my veins. A loud growl tore through my chest, rattling the wolf above me. In one swift movement I loosened my body from the wolf's hold, and grabbed his neck as tightly as I could, before snapping it.

Once back on all four paws, I freed Levy, who helped Jaxon, freeing him from Simon's grip. I looked back at the queen, tearing after the wolves trying to kill her.

One after the other, scaring myself with how fast I was. I had never felt this much rage coursing through me, in waves of pure fury.

I snapped neck after neck, freeing the guards, and the queen, before looking back at Drake. I snapped and snarled, as he advanced, warning him to back off.

It wasn't long after that, that the rest of his pack, and the rest of Scott's pack found their way here, fighting each other, violently. More wolves came in from the trees, attacking us. And somehow we managed to hold up. That is until Drake began to tackle me. I fought him with all the strength that I could muster, with my shaky legs, and burning lungs, aching for air.

Pinned. I was pinned once more to the ground. My strength leaving me, as the rest of the air in my lungs was knocked out. I felt numb, and scared of what would happen next.

The last thing I could remember was the piercing sound of a loud roar, and Alena's powerful howl, that seemed to put my wolf at ease, as I fell limb on the ground, closing my eyes, expecting my life would end here.