
The Loyalty of the Wolf

This Story is about a girl Alpha who tries her best to prove that women can lead. Even without the consent of her family, and pack. In doing so she accepts one plea for help against a pack of rabid wolves from the south. Alena and her pack set off on a journey to defend a place that they love. and will stop at nothing to protect. Will she be able to protect everyone she loves? Will they be Betrayed by a close friend? And will Alena be able to move on after the soon to come fight is over?

Feminiss9485 · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Chapter 7

I settled down for the night.

My mind went to Dallas, Derek, and Jaxon as I slept. Nightmare after nightmare. Draco killing them in horrible ways, because I came with help.

Their faces before he killed them haunted me well into the day. My wolf becoming stiff, agitated, and tense. Not even Scott dared to talk to me. He didn't even make a wise crack about it.

Thalia kept Brian, Ren, the Coyotes, and the Foxes back.

Daniel had decided he'd be safer with us. So he packed up everything that was left at the camp, and stayed right with us. Most in mortal form. But the pups were carried in a backpack.

It was only a couple more days before we hit the mountains, but the hard part was convincing them to help us.

If we could convince them to help us.

Cat's weren't known for being helpful. Or for helping wolves. Cat's kept to themselves. And never left their prides. Even if they hated each other, they still defend each other. And that was one thing I admired about them.

It didn't seem to matter what I did. My wolf was never calm. Waking me up in the middle of the night, because she heard a chipmunk wrestling around in the leaves.

"Alena?" Ren asked, touching my shoulder, while standing off to the side. I hated when people were afraid to talk to me. Hell I hated when people were afraid of me period.

"Huh?" I asked, snapping back to look at her. I hadn't realized I was staring daggers into the tree. "Sorry, what did you say?"

"How much farther to the mountain?" Ren asked. "Daniel wants to know if it's possible to make it there by nightfall?"

"A couple hours till we're at the base of the mountain," I said. "But that doesn't mean we don't have another days travel."

"Oh, okay." Ren said, about to turn around.

"Ren, just because my wolf is in a bad mood doesn't mean I would hurt you." I said.

"I know. You just always said to never turn your back on a wolf." Ren said. "I'm juts trying to-okay I was a little afraid. I'm sorry."

"It's fine," I smiled. It hurt some times when people flinched away from me. It was the thing my father had done when he found out I was an alpha. More alpha than my brother had been.

He had been so afraid of me, that he practically shoved me out the door. I was so hurt that he pushed me away, that I walked out the front door, and never went back. And I never would. I may have missed the people and places, but I made a promise to myself, and I intended to keep it.

I would keep that bloody promise until I died. And I didn't care if my mother hated me for the rest of eternity. She will never get the chance to meet the new me. Not now, not ever.

"So, you good?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, I'm just worried about Derek, Jaxon and Dallas. We've just been betrayed by a close friend, we're trying to save all of the weaker civilians of Canada, and we've never been this far apart, or gone this long with out contact. Scott, what if they're in trouble, and I don't know it? What if they're dying?" The truth exploded from my mouth, in a fit of anxiety.

"They're strong. They'll be okay." Scott said. "I'm sure they're fine."

"Are you sure? I mean, they haven't ever been this far from home, on a mission without me…"

"Alena, breathe!" Thalia demanded. "You trained us well. Dallas is an excellent fighter, Derek is a phenomenal fighter, and Jaxon-"

"I know, I know. But still. I worry. It wouldn't be any different for you guys. Or them, if we got separated. I am beginning to think this may have been a bad idea. Maybe we should have stuck together." I said, solemnly.

"Alena, you said it yourself. Drake has to die. He has to be stopped at all costs. With, or without the help and support of the queen, and the other wolves. We've got this. I promise. But we need you to be in this, wholeheartedly, or this is gonna fail." Thalia said. "Now, Scott, Brian, Ren, and I got your back. And we'll be with you till the end of the line. You made a promise to these people that you'd fight for them. As did the rest of us. I don't want to be like the others. I want to keep that promise."

"So do I." Scott said. "It would be the first time I ever did anything meaningful. Like ever."

"And we all believe in you," Daniel said. Justin, Miranda, Lena, Carrie, and the Foxes, were all standing behind him. Each nodding in approval.

"We'll fight with you." Drew said. "Until there is nothing left to fight for."

"There is always something to fight for, Drew." I said, turning to face him.

"Then I guess that means I'm not leaving until the day I die."

I could tell they were serious. But was it such a good idea to follow me into battle? Even I wasn't sure of that.

The base of the mountain was in view. A vine wall stood between us, and the cats, whose help we sought.

"Can I help you?" a woman's voice rang. We each backed up, seeing where the voice had come from.

A tall woman, with long, wavy, black hair, and sharp, cold eyes, stared at us from a large oak branch. Black leather pants, and jacket, with a pair of black running shoes. She looked deadly. She looked fearless.

"We've come to ask for the help of the Cats, to help extinguish a threat that has come into Canada. An enemy that wants to take over, and kill everyone inside the territory." I said, as strongly as I could. "I know I'm a wolf, and I know that cats and wolves don't always get along, but this is life and death for everyone. I'm willing to play by your rules if that's what's needed."

"Vienna, that is enough. I will talk to the She-Wolf Alpha. Alena Bloodwood."

We all turned to see a woman in a fancy, thin fabric, white dress, that dragged the ground behind her. Her tan skin, and similar blue eyes screamed dominance. She was their alpha. But instead of black hair, hers was a golden blonde. Longer, and wavier than Vienna's. she had no flowers or a crown in her hair, or any fancy jewelry like most people had thought. She did not wear shoes, or hair ties, or make-up. She was beautiful in her own way. A fierce way. A cat-like way. And it was intimidating