
The Loyalty of the Wolf

This Story is about a girl Alpha who tries her best to prove that women can lead. Even without the consent of her family, and pack. In doing so she accepts one plea for help against a pack of rabid wolves from the south. Alena and her pack set off on a journey to defend a place that they love. and will stop at nothing to protect. Will she be able to protect everyone she loves? Will they be Betrayed by a close friend? And will Alena be able to move on after the soon to come fight is over?

Feminiss9485 · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Chapter 10

Jaxon helped Thalia and I pack up one of the huge SUV's that Tiamat said we could use. Both fit five people. But we had stuff that had to fit in each vehicle.

Scott, Dallas, and Jaxon would be in one, and Thalia, Donna and I would be in the other. It felt good to be going home. It felt good to know that the pack would be whole again. What I wasn't looking forward to, was the thousand initiations that would have to take place, after we got there.

Scott said that we could wait a few days, but it's already been a week, and two days, since the fight, and since we learned we were mates. Well, since I learned we were mates.

Thalia looked more relieved, and stress free, knowing we were going home. She was so happy she started singing in the shower, before we left.

I couldn't tell what Jaxon was more happy about. That his best friend was alive, and well, or that we were going home, finally.

Donna seemed nervous about moving, but I could tell it was something she was passionate about. She wanted to join my pack, and she wanted to live in my word, and away from the safety of the mountains. I don't think that it's a good idea. But I agreed, and it's what she wants. I've never turned down anyone, and I wasn't about to start now.

"Alena," Thalia said. "It's Ren. She want's to know how long it will take us to get home?"

"Uh, well, since we're using a road, no more than a day, maybe." I said. "Maybe eight hours if we push it, and the traffic isn't too bad."

"Hmm," Scott said. "A week, to eight hours…why didn't we drive again?"

"You know why." I said, playfully. "But yeah, better safe than sorry to say a day."

"Okay, thanks," Thalia said happily, getting into the SUV, chatting away to Ren. Already making plans to go shopping, and stop by at the diner, where Wendy worked. I only laughed at her childish behavior.

"Does she generally act like that when she's happy?" Scott asked.

"I wouldn't know. I've never seen her this happy to be going home before." I said, giving a small chuckle.

"Oh?" Scott said, looking at me. "I thought you guys left lots of times to fight off intruders?"

"We have," Jaxon said. "But it never took more than three days. Not two weeks."

"Oh, okay. That makes sense," Scott said. "But we should get going."

"Yeah, wait where is Dallas?" I asked, looking all over the place.

"I'm right here, mom." Dallas said, walking out of the motel. "I didn't go anywhere, I promise."

That word again!

"Okay. But don't expect this worrying to stop anytime soon. For any of you. Not while all this is still fresh in my mind." I said, getting into the drivers seat of my SUV, and started it up.

The boys hopped into theirs, with Scott at the wheel.

I started out of the driveway, listening to Thalia's road instructions, as she held the map on her phone. Donna was perfectly situated in the back seat.

Ren had sent me a text last night, saying that Brian, Drew, Levy and a few of the other male wolves from Scott's pack were helping them draw up plans to build smaller houses on the property.

Each had a spot in the woods, with a little clearing around them, to provide space for whatever they wanted to do outside. Barbecue, play horse shoes, whatever. Some of the foxes said they wanted to start gardens, because that was what they were used to having.

I had given the all clear, and said they could use the garden that was already there, as well. But that one would have to be shared.

But apparently that was their whole idea. Grow enough food int he spring and summer, and freeze it so we wouldn't need anything until next growing season. I thought it was a good idea.

For now, there were multiple tents set up in the yard. Each able to fit about five grown men inside. More than enough room to house everyone for a while. At least until we get most of the houses set up.

According to Ren, those who aren't building, are doing other things, like gardening, or building a green house, behind the main house.

Miranda, and Justin are actually looking for jobs in town, to help pay the bills, as are some of the younger foxes.

Ren had informed that it was their idea, and that there was no way of talking them out of it. They had said that it was the least they could do for saving their lives, and fighting back when no one else would.

I was brought out of my thoughts, by Thalia answering a phone call.

"Ali," Thalia said, letting out a breath. "We got a problem at home."

I snapped my head over to meet her eyes. My brows knitted together in confusion. I had thought everything was going okay?

"It's your mother, and your grandma. It seems they've come back. But they're not alone. The queen is with them, and they want to be housed in the house. Not the motel." Thalia said.

I swung over onto the shoulder of the road, slamming on the brakes, forcing Scott to do the same thing. I grabbed the phone from Thalia and stepping out of the vehicle.

"Who am I talking to?" I asked, hoping it was Ren.

"Me," Ren's tiny voice came through. "Did you want to talk to someone else?"

"I don't want to put you in this position, give the phone to the queen please. Not my mother, or grandmother, the queen, please." I said, trying not to sound like a bitch. I looked over at Scott, Jaxon, and Dallas. Each looking at me with a confused expression.

"Hello?" came a powerful voice.

"Hello, your majesty. You may stay in my house, but my mother and grandmother is not to go inside, at all. I don't know what they've told you, but they are not to be on my property. They can sleep in the motel, or where ever they've been staying for the last two weeks. I repeat you can sleep in my house, but they are to leave, now." I said, confidently.

"Oh, she said you were good? That you were okay with them?" the queen said.

"No, we're not. But if you want to stay, you may. But my mother should have known better than to think I've forgiven her." I said. "We should be there in either eight hours, or tomorrow morning around nine a.m."

"Okay, I will see you then. And I will get my guards to escort them to where they've been staying. Thank you for clarifying that." The queen said, before hanging up. I turned Thalia's phone off, before giving it back to her.

"Everything alright?" Scott asked, with a worried Jaxon behind him.

"No." I said. "My mother thinks she gets to waltz back into my life! And we'll have company. The queen is at our house. So I fully intend on getting to the house today!"

"Uh, okay…" Scott said, looking at me weirdly.

"I don't know why, but I don't like the fact that my mother was at my house, again, without my permission." I said. "So, I want to get there before she tries to take over my space."

"Alright. Jaxon and I will take turns driving, than." Scott said. "But, please be careful. Don't drive too crazy."

"I won't," I said. "Well, I'll try not to."

Scott chuckled, before kissing the top of my head, before we got back into the SUV's, and started our way home again.

"What is the quickest way home?" I asked, as I pulled back out onto the highway.

"Uh, this way. Until you hit the bridge, than take a left on the nearest side road." Thalia said. "After than it's confusing."

"Um," Donna asked, almost raising her hand. "Can I ask why you don't like your mom? Just so I know how bad it is."

"Uh, that's a very good question." I said. "My mother let my father kick me out of my pack. She hadn't put up a fight. And yes she found me, and gave me my stuff, but all she wanted was for me to come back home, and be the alpha there. But I had already promised myself that I would never go back. And that and I already resented my family for trying to force me to hide who I was. My mother included."

"Oh, okay. So basically, your family didn't approve of what the great Moon Goddess gave you?" Donna asked, stunned. A hint of anger in her voice.

"Yea-yeah. Actually, when you put it like that, I guess they kinda were, weren't they?" I said. I hadn't thought of it like that before.

"So you did what you thought was best, and went out in search of place of your own, with your own pack members?" Donna asked.

"Yes," Thalia said. "She did. And she's done an amazing job."

I had to control myself, as my body wanted to cough up the bad feeling Thalia gave me as she said that. "Amazing job"? Derek is dead. How is that doing an amazing job?

Instead, I gave her a small smile. But how long could I keep that smile up? I mean, there were a few people that could tell when I was lying just by looking at how I rested my elbows on the kitchen counter. Let alone my body language and facial expressions.

This was going to be a long ride home.