

Allison Taylor enters into an elite King Allen High school on a scholarship and messes with Niall Perez Walker, the hottest and the bad guy in school after which she is drawn to a world of passion, thrill, suspense, danger and pain. A good guy enters the school to Allison’s rescue when a girl is murdered in the town and Niall is accused. What will happen when the good guy and bad guy crosses Allison’s path? Who will Allison be drawn to? Read on to find out!

NUMRAH_WOLF · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
11 Chs



As the class got over and the students began to disperse, Mr. Harris called out to me, "Miss Allison Taylor"

I got alert and walked briskly towards him and said, "Yes, Mr. Harris"

"Allison, I want you in my office for the formalities, for some paperwork" He said to me.

"Right now?" I asked him.

"Not now, after an hour approximately" He said.

I nodded and started, "Um..." He turned and waited for me to add as I did, "I want to tell you something, Mr. Harris"

"Yes?" He asked and waited. I wanted to tell him about the thing happened with me earlier but then decided to discuss it first with Hannah so I started while rubbing my forehead, "Ah... Nothing serious. I'll - I'll manage it on my own"

"Okay but if you need any help, you can come to me" Mr. Harris said and walked away while I nodded.

"What happened?" Hannah asked from behind.

I turned around and started, "He wants to meet me for the admission formalities"

"Oh I see. Now?" She asked.

"No... After an hour" I told her.

"Okay then let's go now" She said excitedly.

"Where?" I asked curiously.

"For the school tour and also I want you to meet someone" She said while smiling.

"Who?" I asked impatiently.

"Have some patience, girl" She said and winked after which she held my hand and dragged me out of the class.

As we climbed down the stairs and stood near the sitting area, I turned to Hannah and asked, "Why are we waiting and for who?"

"Just wait..." She said and kept looking at the stairs on the left and right while I followed her eyes.

"Here she is..." Hannah said while looking at a girl who was climbing down the stairs wearing a beautiful knee length yellow floral dress. She has a pale white skin color with sapphire blue eyes and ash blonde hair. She looked just like a doll as she walked towards us smiling brightly.

"Hannah..." The girl called out and hugged Hannah tightly.

"Who is she?" The girl asked while looking at me as they moved apart.

"She is Allison Taylor. New in school" Hannah introduced me.

"A fresher?" The girl asked.

"No, a fresh senior. Transferred student from St. Teresa, Hattiesburg" Hannah told her while I smiled.

"Oh, hi..." She said and smiled at me. "I am Maeve Campbell" She added while smiling.

"Oh hi Maeve" I said while nodding and smiling.

"So you wanted me to meet her?" I asked Hannah.

"Yes. She is my friend since middle school but we got different sections in high school. I got S1 and she got S2" Hannah told me.

"Oh that's awful..." I sympathized.

"Yes it is... But then after class we meet each other like this" Maeve said.

"Yes and if you are wondering why she got excited and hugged me like this..." Hannah started and I nodded, "It's actually because she went on vacations to Spain with her parents and came last night only and we didn't get the chance to meet in the morning, so..." She explained and I thought about how these rich kids get to go on extravagant vacations with their families and here I am who never went on any vacation except for my granny's house in Brandon where we used to sleep all day or play with the street kids.

"Oh..." I said and thought about how good friends they were and so there wouldn't be any place for me. So I decided to take a leave from there and let the two best friends catch up. I took a deep breath and added, "Thanks a lot for helping me out Hannah. I should go now. You guys have fun"

"Wait..." Hannah held my hand and added, "Where are you going?"

"Um... Just like that. Outside maybe" I said to her.

"Why? You are coming with us" She told me.

I looked at her and then looked at Maeve who was nodding a yes and I started, "But um... How can I...?"

"Allison... I really like you. You're a nice girl and if you won't stay around me then these people will eat you up" Hannah said and Maeve chuckled while I my eye balls pop out.

"Don't worry, she is just kidding. It's not like that" Maeve explained and I took a sigh of relief while Hannah chuckled.

"It's just that I want you to hang out with us, only if you want..." Hannah said and smiled.

"Are you guys sure?" I asked and looked at both of them.

"Of course... We would love some more company" Maeve said while smiling. I admit she has the best smile one could have.

"So let's go to cafeteria then and eat something until it's time for you to go to Mr. Harris" Hannah said.

"Yeah... Okay" I agreed and we walked away.

As we reached the mini cafeteria, I turned to them and said, "Do you guys come here often? I mean you have that big café right?"

"The Caff, yeah…" Hannah started and rolled her eyes after which she added, "We go there sometimes but the thing is… I like this place much better and that one is mostly crowded and you'll find people kissing in the corners, girls sitting on the laps of random guys…"

"Oh my God…" I said and made a nauseous face.

"Yeah it's sick sometimes and you can't eat there properly, you know, so for eating peacefully we come here and if we are in need of some gossip then we go there" Maeve added and winked while I chuckled.

"I see…" I said and giggled.

"Yeah…" Hannah said and shook her head while we walked in the mini cafeteria.

As we settled down, Maeve asked me, "Do you want to eat something?"

"Ah, no thanks. My roommate made me really good pancakes today and I had enough of them" I told them happily.

"How lucky…" Hannah said eagerly.

"I know…" I said and chuckled. While Maeve walked to the counter to bring some food, I began, "So you guys are best friends huh?"

"Yes we are…" Hannah started ardently and continued, "We are friends since we were like 12 and she is really the best, you know. And the best part is that we are completely different from each other…"

"Yeah it seems like that…" I said while nodding and listened to her eagerly.

"Yeah… She has totally girly dressing style, very sweet, polite and a proper girl whereas… I am not at all like a girl. My brother always thinks that I was supposed to be born as a boy not a girl" She said while laughing and I laughed back.

"So you don't like guys and you like girls or something?" I asked her.

"No! I am totally straight…" She said and raised up her hands in the air while I chuckled. "In fact, I dated many guys but my choices are a bit different. I am a bit weird, out of the box so I always liked those guys who are weirder than me" She said and chuckled making me laugh at her.

"Fair enough…" I said and nodded.

"Here's the food" Maeve brought the tray and sat down.

"Allison, have some…" Hannah said.

"No, thanks I am literally full right now" I said and looked at the tray Maeve just brought. It had bacon and eggs and mixed fruits in separate bowls with two glasses of fresh juice on the side. I had never seen such luxurious breakfast ever before. I wanted to eat that but Riley's pancakes were so enough that I couldn't think of taking a bite even.

Hannah took a first bite and started, "Hey… Allison. You were telling me something in the class"

"About what?" I was clueless after seeing that luxurious platter of bacon and eggs and didn't remember anything about the fake Mr. Harris.

"I don't know… You were saying something when Mr. Harris came into the class" She said.

"I ah…" I couldn't recall and then finally I remembered. "Oh yes…" I jumped and continued, "I wanted you to tell you about that fake Mr. Harris"

As I said those words, both Hannah and Maeve stopped eating and turned their faces to me…

TLKA!!! So Allison is all set to tell everything to Hannah and Maeve, her new friends. Are these friends genuine? Will Allison find out that fake Mr. Harris? Keep reading to find out!

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