
The love worth billions

Chapter 1

"Emma! Emma! Emma Mertens! don't you dare pretend you cannot hear me", Emma chuckles as she lazily slows down and faces the direction from which Linda's stubborn voice come from. Emma has been working for the past fourteen hours non-stop. She was the nurse covering Stacy's shift since she called in sick that morning, the work had taken a toll on her and you could tell from her red shot eyes caused by fatigue. Emma was the darling of the hospital due to her commitment to her job and her ability to interact with everyone with her cheerful spirit which seemed to be contagious.

  "Emma, I hope you remember my birthday is on Sunday. I don't want any excuses on that day, make sure to be ready by 8 p.m. I'll pick you up. Also bring the hot doctor with you" Linda says playfully while grabbing her ass and heads to her station where she was late. Emma was always thankful for her friend Linda, she was the one who helped her settle in comfortably after relocating from her country Belgium to Kenya, a country in Africa. This came as a surprise to everyone who was close to her especially her mother. She tried to convince her to stay but she always knew when Emma made her mind up nothing or no one would convince her otherwise.

  This move was triggered by the sudden break up with Tom her Highschool sweetheart. Tom had been her boyfriend for the longest time and she even could not remember a time when they were not together. Everyone including herself and their parents knew they would eventually marry and start a family together. But this would not be as Tom invited her to the very same café he had asked her to be his girlfriend and told her he was breaking up with her. She was really shaken up by this news as it came from nowhere as they were happy so she thought.

She moved back to her parents' house and locked herself up in her room for a whole month. Everyone was worried sick about her as she never talked to anyone including her close friends. Her career was the most affected as she was fired for not showing up for the month, this troubled her parents as they knew how hard she had worked to become a nurse and they tried to get her professional help but she refused.

  One early Monday morning her parents were shocked to find her singing while preparing their breakfast with a smile on her face. They could not believe their eyes as their bubbly cheerful daughter was back to herself. As they were enjoying their breakfast Emma informed them of her decision to leave the country and start her new life in a far away country in Africa. They were opposed to the idea but reluctantly agreed as they could see this would be the best thing in her situation and her mother's sister Judy would help her settle without any trouble as she also lived there.

She walked in ward three where she was helping Doctor Marcus with his patient, upon her arrival the doctor smiles as he had openly expressed his feelings for her. Doc Marcus was a tall, dark, handsome young man who was built like a Greek god, he was charming and most, if not all his female colleagues fantasized and openly expressed their adoration for him. Although to Marcus' disappointment his charms worked on everyone except the only girl she liked and this made him more intrigued with her.

  "Mary you will be discharged tomorrow morning, congratulations on your surgery" Emma says smiling as they excused themselves while heading outside.

"You know they all like you, right?" Marcus states flirtingly "Thanks Doc, before I forget Linda asked me to invite you over to her birthday party on Sunday if you will be available" Emma says, "you know I will be there especially after receiving the invite from you, should I pick you up? Am sure your aunt wants to see me again "Marcus smirking.

"Thanks doc but Linda offered me a ride." "Okay see you then" Marcus mumbles, he could not understand why Emma seemed to never take an interest in him like all the other girls who would worship the ground he walked on, and this fueled his adoration for her even more.